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Updated by Suzanne Bowman on May 21, 2013
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Media Specialist Resources

Sample websites and other resources that can be applied to Media Center curriculum.

Library Media Center / Class Projects

Sample Project Gallery

e-Learning for Kids

e-Learning for Kids is a global nonprofit foundation dedicated to free and fun online learning for kids of all ages. (math, science, reading, health and life skills and computers, )

Visual & Media Literacy

Media Literacy Clearinghouse: Lessons on a wide variety of visual interpretations of media topics from advertising, current events, pop culture and more. See Is Seeing Believing? Resources for teaching about the manipulation of photographic images

elementarylibraryroutines - Library Curriculum

Note: general curriculum is in the first section. Subtopics are alphabetized after that.

Karen Ogen

Karen Ogen: Educational Technology Portfolio

EdTech | Getting Smart

The most important next step in the shift to personal digital learning is the need for comparable growth measures for individual students. With the explosion of adaptive assessment and instruction and the widespread use of digital curriculum with embedded assessments, there is a growing need to be able to compare measu...

K-12 Arts Integration Lessons - Education Closet

Preview and Download (click on the image) Shape Shifter: This lesson teaches concrete poetry through the visual art of Betsy Hawley Kelso. English/Language Arts: Students can demonstrate understanding of allegory. Math: Students can demonstrate understanding of geometric principles. Visual Art: Students can observe and critique famous artists and styles.