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Updated by Proven Energy on Nov 22, 2020
Headline for 17 Things You Should Know About Solar
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17 Things You Should Know About Solar

Are you looking for answers before you start your solar journey? Whether you're searching for the best company, the best solar brands, or how to get the most out of your solar self consumption, we've put together answers to many of your top questions.

Is North the Best Direction for Solar Panels?

Trying to choose between recommendations of north, east or west? We answer your questions on solar orientation and which one will suit your needs.

7 Reasons Your Solar System Isn’t Covering Your Bills | Proven Energy | Solar Toowoomba

Disappointed that your solar isn't paying for your electricity bills? There may be some very good reasons.

Australian Solar Recycling: How it Works

What happens to a solar system once its life cycle ends? We've compiled a list of eight recycling, and upcycling options for old solar panels and inverters once you're ready to remove them.

7 Reasons Local Solar Installers Are the Best Choice

In the long run you’re likely to save more money if you buy solar with a local business, and your risks of a bad investment are much lower. 

Is Solar Worthwhile if You Work All Day? | Proven Energy

Sure, solar may work for your neighbour who is a stay at home parent with two young kids, air conditioning and TVs running all day, but what about the full time worker? 

💡 17 Ways to Increase Solar Self Consumption & Loadshift 💡

Your own solar power is cheaper than electricity purchased from power companies, so consuming your own solar is the best way to save on your power bills. We give you some of the top ways to do just that.