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Updated by n12destiny on Nov 11, 2023
Headline for 35+ Awesome FREE Tools To Create Your Best Life Ever
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35+ Awesome FREE Tools To Create Your Best Life Ever

You are the creator of your life. You know it!
But sometimes you cannot feel it at all let alone put your thoughts into action or your dreams and desires into reality.
Luckily there are plenty of great tools to help you overcome blockages, reprogram your subconscious, find out your soul's purpose and rise up to your life's true meaning.
The Law of Attraction is more than just wishful thinking. It's based on energy and in some ways more of a science than you would think.
The Tarot is an ancient art and science that has been used over centuries and still provides deep insights in your personal chances and challenges.
Astrology has been fascinating human kind since the beginning of time. Many people believe it to be non-science but still pretty much everyone knows their star sign. ;-)
Numerology is another interesting tool often combined with astrology and/or the tarot.
If in doubt check it out ;-)
Here you find FREE giveaways of some of the BEST digital programs on the market. ENJOY!

_Disclaimer: The links in this list are affiliate links. _

(Free Gift) The Abundance Blueprint

FREE GIFT- The Abundance Blueprint

The 7 Minute Abundance Blue print will help Raise Your Vibration today so you can manifest more of what you want tomorrow including:

  • More Money
  • More Happiness
  • More Freedom
  • Dream Job
  • Better Health
  • Your Soul Mate
  • Dream House

It's FREE. Get it now.

Gift | AstroTarotReading |

Get the answers you've been seeking in this FREE AstroTarotReading from Fortune Alexander.

By Divine Guidance you will receive a deeper understanding of your soul's purpose and your meaning in life.

Check out the FREE version. No strings attached.

Soul Reading | Soul Manifestation |

Get this FREE Soul Reading to find out what may be blocking you on your journey and get help in overcoming your challenges.

The Soul Reading is FREE so go get it now.

(1) 7 Day Prayer Miracle

Archangel Michael is known as the protector, often displayed with a sword to cut the cords to negative energies.

In the book "Miracles of Archangel Michael" you can read the stories of ordinary people rising to their full potential.

Go grab it now. It's FREE.

Cutting-edge 60 second quiz to receive your free report revealing your personalized path to ultimate life success

Attention abundance seekers. Are you on the path you should be on towards a life of great prosperity, love, health and more? Or is something getting in your way?

In this quick quiz you will find out what is energetically holding you back from attracting all of the prosperity, love, happiness and abundance that you desire.
In addition you get:
A FREE personalized quiz assessment
A FREE video that teaches you the secret to unlocking your powers of abundance

Go, find out NOW what's blocking you and free yourself.

7 Day Prayer Miracle

Grabbing The Attention Of Heaven
The Archangel Michael Prayer of Boundless Blessings
Get this *FREE prayer *to get elevated to the wondrous realm of miracles and divine favor.

These words are carefully chosen to address Archangel Michael.
Manifest all the blessings you desire in life – from the financial, to health and relationships...

You have nothing to lose but everything to win. Go for it.

Get your FREE Moon Reading!

Get a FREE personalized moon reading

Find out where to direct your attention to end any struggles you may have faced.
Understand your personality to build lasting and empowering relationships.
Reveal your true wishes and find out how to make your dreams come true
Discover your power and how to put it into action to build the life you want.
Discover your true passions, and much, much more

You are still here? Go, find out what the moon reveals to you.

Create The Life Of Your Dream With Tarot Reading

If you're going through a tough phase in life...
If you're looking to manifest some money...
If you're looking for guidance in your relationships...

I strongly recommend veteran Tarot reader, Sophia Loren.
Sophia is an intuitive Tarot reader with over 40+ years of experience helping people make miracle transformations...

Over the years, through Tarot cards, she has shown hundreds of her clients how to turn negative into positive, lack into abundance, challenges into opportunities.

So, hestitate no more. Go, get your FREE reading.

Discover What The Mayan Priests Would Have Said About You And Your Future... 

I'm betting you already know what astrological sign you are. Most everyone does.
And you probably know some of your family and best friends' signs too.

Pretty cool to have a little insight into the natural tendencies of yourself and people around you right? I know it's been fun and helpful to me.

So are you ready to go way beyond "normal" astrology?

Did you know that there's a very different "cosmic calendar" that can use your birthdate to reveal even more secrets about you?
It's called the Cosmic Energy Profile and while there are 12 astrological signs, this system has 260 different signs!
Go, check out what the Mayan Calendar has to reveal about you.

Call of Destiny - Know Your Future, Control your Destiny

People nowadays face a world of conflicting information when it comes to solving personal problems and finding guidance in life. What’s worse, most of this information comes from questionable or unreliable sources. Elena’s unique approach to the horoscope comes in the form of a personalized weekly forecast which is designed to unmoor you from your problems and show you the best possible ways for taking control of your destiny – one week at a time.
The astrologers who diligently create these forecasts in accordance with your sign’s unique astrological profile have divided them into 3 main categories (love, health, money) and related 5 sub-categories, in order to provide an all-encompassing practical prediction.
Check it out here
Featuring deep, calculated insights from certified astrologers, the forecasts are an invaluable source of practical, hands-on advice on how to tackle the present, and jam-packed with easy-to-implement tips, tricks and suggestions to make your life (and your future) spectacular.
One of the things I like most about these forecasts is that they’re carefully and beautifully handwritten (yes, you read that right!) for each person. On top of that, they contain an outstanding level of personal detail on how to adjust your life according to your astrological sign’s strengths and weaknesses.
Right from week one, the Call of Destiny forecasts will provide you with the best possible tools to navigate and make the most out of your life.

What's stopping you? Enjoy the very nicely displayed reading.

Secret To Manifesting Quiz

There comes a point in life where you want to get something for yourself..

Be it a new house, a car, or even a dream vacation.

But why has it always been stuck as a dream and not becoming a reality?

Are you afraid that all this "dreams" would then turn into financial problems?

You are not the only one that is facing this issues...

But guess what?! We are here to help!

Take this short quiz to find out what is the key that is missing from turning your dreams into reality.

Take the quiz and turn all your worries into actual achievable reality!

"Discover The Fastest Way To Help You Manifest Whatever You Want Into Your Reality..."

I'm convinced that people who shake their fists at the sky, insisting that "MIRACLES ARE A MYTH"... are simply jealous.

They too want a miracle - they just haven't experienced one yet.
I just discovered something for anyone who hasn't experienced their own miracle…
Or, who simply wants to manifest more of them.
See, the brain can't tell the difference between an imagined event and a real one.

That means IF you can "imagine" a specific miracle in your life…
(like doubling your income)... then your brain BELIEVES IT - like it’s real.

But only if you can trigger the right "energy" in a very specific part of your "______"
This used to be impossible until a breakthrough guided meditation busted the "Miracles are a Myth" myth.

It's available right now as a 100% free download. But only for a limited time.
What are you waiting for? Get yoour free meditation now.

Manifest Your Destiny

Have you ever heard the expression, that "a butterfly flapping its wings in China, caused a hurricane in Des Moines?
If you haven't don't worry...
The idea is simple.
The actions you set in motion today can have impacts in the future, or even bigger consequences.
It's almost like pushing a snowball down a steep hill.
At first it's a bit small, and its rolling fairly slowly as you push it down the hill.
Suddenly, it starts to become larger, and larger... and go faster, and faster.
The small decisions you make on a daily basis can have a massive impact on your future.
The Universe can do many things, but two things it cannot do, is control how you feel, or the decisions you make.
You have free will, which is why it's important to practice the Abundance Butterfly Effect, which will maximize your daily actions to create the future you desire.
If you want to learn more about the Abundance Butterfly Effect, and dozens of other life altering ways that will allow you to take advantage of the Universe,
download this free 113 page illustrated book, called Manifest Your Destiny.

Normally, this would go for $97, but I'm giving away a limited supply of these just to put some positive energy back out into the universe.
Learn how to create unlimited wealth, love and health, with these relatively unknown, yet scientifically proven principles.
Hurry, you don't wanna miss out on this offer.

New Life Frequencies

Whatever pain or suffering you’re going through right now is not a coincidence.
Do you wonder why it seems so hard to find true happiness?
Why achieving your dreams and goals seems so impossible?
No matter how hard you try, you always seem to get the short end of the stick.
I wondered why it was like this for YEARS!
Why do some people seem to get everything they want effortlessly?
Living in their dream home, diving their dream car and money just seems to come out of nowhere for them.
Do they know something I don’t?
Check it out here
Well the answer is a deep resounding Yes.
For thousands and thousands of years,
Ancient healers, shamans and monks knew one thing for certain-
The secret to living a life of joy, and abundance is to be attuned to the unlimited wealth of the universe.
They created powerful tools that would help make this cosmic connection come into being.
Tools such as the Tibetan Singing Bowl, Native American flutes, and the chanting choruses of ancient Europe...

Check it out here

These tools bring people into a deep meditative state that raises their consciousness and allows them to be one with the infinite if used the right way, in the right setting, and at the right timing, these powerful tools have been used throughout history to heighten the power of the mind and receive an abundance of health, wealth, and knowledge…

Unfortunately, these powerful truths were hidden from the people who needed it the most.
People like me - AND you.
But that’s all coming to an end.
After years of research, and with the help modern technology a very special man I know developed a way for you to have access to anxiety-relieving and consciousness-raising tools.

That in the past were only available to the special few.
The best part?
You don’t need to spend days at expensive meditation retreats or months at time-wasting therapy sessions you can now release your troubled mind at the push of a button.

It’s time to free yourself from the shackles of stress and anxiety and experience unlimited joy, wealth and abundance.

Manifestation Wizardry (Main)

Rapidly figure out how to make Magic in your life:

the FIRST step you should take to be a maker predetermination.. where achievement can be ANYTHING you can imagine this ONE THING you should cancel from your life on the off chance that you wish to accomplish bounty the "P - Effect" and how YOU can saddle this to shape your fate you're left with the cerebrum you were brought into the world with? Wrong! Begin transforming it in 17 seconds, today!

Law of Attraction doesn't work for you? You are in good company! Rather than the Law of Attraction, many are utilizing this less pitched general law, which is FAR more impressive and dependable!

Time to take action now. Get the key to the real magic.

12 Success Secrets of the World’s Most Powerful & Wealthy Family

Most successes are overnight.
Those are a dime a dozen.
While other success would last decades -- just enough to cover their family and kids in their lifetime.
Those are far and few in between.
But those who experience non-stop success that spans across countless generations?
They’re almost impossible to come by.
Like this family in Florence, Italy, who’s fame, influence, and reputation that spanned over 3 centuries, came from downright humble beginnings.

A dynasty so powerful, they literally have Galileo as a family tutor and at one time had world-renowned artist Michelangelo living with them simply because they can.

The kind of success that’s as rare as hen's teeth.

And the only ones who are able to duplicate what they did in these modern times, are the same ones who are aware of these secrets.

The good news?

You’ll get a peek of those secrets today at absolutely no charge.

Download: The Millionaire’s Edge

In the event that bringing in cash and making abundance for you and your family is your most extreme need…

At that point there's no compelling reason to waste time with some extravagant schmancy business degree…

Or then again build up a type of budgetary keen ness… Or on the other hand gain ability in the financial exchange…

Besides the wide range of various things individuals state you ought to do, that in all actuality, never truly made anybody rich.

Since while bringing in cash is a point that is overflowing with deception and misinformed counsel — there are nevertheless a modest bunch attempted and demonstrated standards for producing gigantic wealth…

FREE Guide: The Tried and Proven Craft of Creating Wealth

The standards you'll discover inside this free guide are similar ideas that empowered Apple to overcome the packed portable market in record time…

Similar attempted and tried rules that Coca Cola took in the most difficult way possible which rankled their unwavering fans and nearly put them into insolvency.

It's exactly the same rules that CEO Larry Page and Sergey Brin utilized to make Google worth in excess of a hundred billion dollars in only a couple years.

It resembles having a tycoon's edge.
Likewise, you'll discover contextual analyses of how these cash producing ideas have been utilized by three of the best characters today

Get a book that may well change your life now.

Creating Your Miracle Mind

Inside this free guide and introduction, you'll find how to make little marvels in your day to day existence as you...

Uncover, mend and converse the most exceedingly awful private matters that influence so huge numbers of us face the issues that make common individuals surrender trust.

Issues, for example, being tied in the red for quite a long time having constant medical problems controlling their destiny...

Having harmful relationship wounds that frequently last a daily existence time...

And that's just the beginning!

Get the guide now and be amazed.

Pure Natural Manifestation

Whether it’s more money…Promotion at work…Better relationships…

Or getting exactly what you want in life — minus the stress, worry, and anxiety…

There’s always that someone you know that seems to know the secret and seem to attract things effortlessly as if it were second nature…

A bit shocking to say the least — almost like bending reality.

Who would have thought this “5 Missing Keys” can determine if you’ll be successful, healthy or happy in life?

Find out if you can use this free guide to your advantage.

Prosperity Catalyst

Imagine a scenario where I disclosed to you that you could rest your way to 1,000,000 bucks.

Presently before you misunderstand the thought...

This has nothing to do with you doing the "even lambada" with some extremely rich person mogul.

I'm discussing an experimentally demonstrated strategy that kicks off the torpid "Abundance areas" of your mind.

[(Here's your FREE admittance to it on the off chance that you'd preferably skirt the remainder of this email...)]

That is the least difficult method of clarifying what this can accomplish for you.

I would prefer not to exhaust you with the sciencey subtleties...

Be that as it may, it has a great deal to do with an earth shattering investigation as of late distributed in the diary Nature Neuroscience.

Researchers had the option to recognize the particular brainwave recurrence that triggers a psychological condition of deadening trepidation.

They're considering it the cerebrum's "dread recurrence".

Here's the clever thing...

That equivalent "dread recurrence" influences locales of the cerebrum liable for riches and plenitude.

It's a barely recognizable difference among dread and abundance...

Indeed, even the smallest error can prevent you from carrying on with an existence of independence from the rat race.

Notwithstanding, there is something that can assist you with steering the results.

It's something that will flip "on switch" in your cerebrum with regards to riches.

Download your free sound and what researchers are calling the "Flourishing Catalyst".

The Wealth Factor

I recall a story of two friends of mine that changed the way that I think about money. I would like to share this story with you today and hope that it’ll make a difference in your financial life as well.

To skip ahead and learn for FREE about the missing key to amassing great wealth, [click here].

From a certain town in Florida, two men, Jack and Rick decided that they would try a specific method each to get rich. The rules were simple – accumulate a fortune in the shortest amount of time, without doing anything illegal or unethical.

They both have the same education level, same job earning the same small income, had similar type of friends, and they were both of the same age.

Fast forward a few months later, Rick had multiplied his income many times, and is now close to earning a six figure pay check. While Jack is deep in debt, having to borrow from friends and relatives to tide over.

Neither of them gambled, nor did any risky investments.

When I spoke to their friends, Rick seems to have a knack of “attracting” wealth to himself, while Jack seems to always be having “hard luck” when it comes to money.

What made the difference?

It turns out that Jack had never did anything different since they embarked on their journey. He made the same decisions, went about using the same mindset he had all the time to deal with money.

Rick, on the other hand, made a decision that activated the “wealth factor” in him. That allowed him to change his fortunes and turn his life around.

This is the same factor that allowed millionaires to get to where they are without having to work extra hours or take an extra job to increase their income.

To find out what this missing wealth factor is get this book at no cost on your part.

Shocking Eastern Astrology Prediction | Get Your Personal Reading Here

Have you ever looked up in the sky and wondered... Is there a "secret code" to life?

Is there a magic combination some people find which helps them predict upcoming challenges or BIG opportunities?

While others seem to struggle their entire lives...Emperors and Kings have been studying the constellations since the 5th Century B.C and have been using it as a guide to power and wealth - which is known as Astrology today.

This is why the rich keeps getting richer while the poor gets poorer. All you need to do is find out your "secret code" revealed in this free astrology reading.

Check it out and let fate surprise you :-)

Shocking Chinese Astrology Prediction | Get Your Personal Reading Here

I bet you know what your Horoscope sign is. You may have read something online about your sign.

But that’s not it… I want to warn you, this is not just your “regular” astrology.

The truth is, THERE’S MORE! There’s more to it that Astrologists won’t reveal.

Hidden prophecies from the East that goes deeper than just your regular star sign.

Predictions so accurate that would even make your hair stand.

Try it yourself and be amazed.

Motivation Elevator Main Gift

They used to say that the elevator to success is out of order. And you'll have to use the stairs.. one step at a time.
(Based on Joe Girard’s quote)

But what if there’s a technology that can effortlessly and automatically elevate your chances of success?
Well.. hang on to your hats!
My friend Eddie Sergey has just created a brand new audio program to give you a daily boost of motivation for success.

It takes only 7 minutes. And he’s not charging a dime for this exciting little program.

So, hurry on to download it now.

Wisdom Of Solomon

The other day, I read a Wall Street Journal article entitled, "Billionaires Share Their Secrets to Success."
One of the comments under the article implied that the billionaires featured in the article were part of the Illuminati.
The Illuminati, if you don't already know, is the secret society that allegedly controls world affairs...
And it got me thinking. There may be some truth to the idea that a few select people in the world hold secrets to wealth that no one else may know about.

Download this FREE report to learn 3 of those secrets.

Certain civilizations in the world have historically been known to possess an affinity for wealth that no other civilization can match.
Archaeologists recently discovered surprisingly detailed records of wealth in the seaside city of Caesarea, Israel.
Along with evidence of sizeable homes that the historian Josephus described as "like a large castle." Which seems to suggest that the ancient Israelites knew the secret to wealth.

There was one such man who was blessed with wealth and wisdom from God himself. His name was Solomon. Someone recently deciphered Solomon's ancient wisdoms. And made them relevant for modern times.
All shown in this FREE report "Wisdom of Solomon"

Discover Solomon's Wisdoms For Abundant Wealth, Power, And Success Now.