Listly by Laurie Fino
Saturday, May 18, 2013 So cheap you just have to buy one! According to the the listing it's VHF not UHF. Thanks to Steve G1KQH for the tip-off. Labels: Chinese radios, VHF This Saturday morning there was a big Sporadic-E opening on 6m.
One more of these, very rare and very special life-turning days! Couldn't be happier to say: Today, Dec 29 at 1:10am Eastern Time, my second harmonic - Alexandra (Sasha) Stoev was born - 9 lb 1 oz and 20.5 inches. Mother and baby are doing just great!
Further to my comment on VLF WSPR, I am still thinking about doing some earth-mode (through the ground) transmission tests at a couple of frequencies between the 8kHz dreamer's band and 136kHz. I'd like to test in the old 73kHz band (legal with earth mode and minimal radiation) and possibly around 37kHz too.
It's been a good Es day. From the time that I came into the shack this morning, 50MHz has been open pretty much all the time - sometimes a little less and a little more. There have been some nice contacts to be made, nothing very distant or rare, but very enjoyable none-the-less.
As of Februar 2013, my Ham Radio Blog which was available on this domain is offline. I simply did not have the time to maintain it. I might reactive it one
This is part 2 of this series. You might want to read Part 1 first if you haven't already done so. When I woke up for the second day of my operation, for some reason I had a feeling that I hadn't remembered to pack up all my equipment the day before.
I expect to be in the gates and on the main floor first thing Friday and sticking around until the doors close. Same goes for Saturday. If you can't attend and there's a particular vendor you would like me to visit to ask questions or get photos, etc.
Call: VE8EV/P Operator(s): VE8EV Station: VE8EV/P Class: SO24CW LP QTH: Sachs Harbour, NT Operating Time (hrs): 12 Summary: Band CW Qs CW Mults Ph Qs Ph Mults ---------------------------------------- 80: 40: 20: 167 6 15: 31 1 10: ---------------------------------------- Total: 198 7 Total Score = 7,490 Club: Comments: Island Expedition, NA-129 Banks Island As predicted, the active geomagnetic conditions and solar flares made for dismal conditions from the polar region.
The weekend was busy, with lots of stuff to do in order to get ready for Mother's Day, as well as actually celebrate it. Even though I did not have much radio time, I did manage to get some time in behind the K3 and some good things happened.
The weekend was busy, with lots of stuff to do in order to get ready for Mother's Day, as well as actually celebrate it. Even though I did not have much radio time, I did manage to get some time in behind the K3 and some good things happened.
Eldon Brown My Amateur Radio Station and Project Blog. Home: - Grid: CN88xc Located Near Seattle in Puget Sound and I Love to Build HomeBrew Ham Radio Projects
Last night I was watching a movie from the couch, meanwhile WSPR-ing on 6 meter (without any success) but suddenly I saw a another signal on the display, and yes, it was a JT9 signal sharing the same frequency on 6 meter. I did work YO5CFI from Romania with 5 watts into a vertical antenna.
Well the very first impression is that the new top of line Kenwood product is defintly a very large radio, but not larger than what I expected. Command access looks easy to access and the main display is really attractive and informative.
When I purchased my 2003 Ford Escape, I decided to install multiple ham radios and a bunch of antennas. Mostly I use a Yaesu FT-8900 FM transceiver for operating on the 2-Meter and 70-cm ham bands. A while back, I started getting reports that I had alternator whine on my transmit audio.
Well, I made it through the first day at Dayton. I say first day, but it really was my second. Opn Thursday, I attended the Four Days in May seminar put on by the QRP-ARCI. This is a great event, which I'll write more about later. My day started very early.
I've upgraded Propfire to version 1.73.18 making it compatible with Firefox version 4. What's Propfire? Why it's the solar / radio propagation add-on plug-in thing for Firefox of course. Over 50,000 downloads to-date! Thanks to those who requested an upgrade. I'm looking forward to seeing Icom's remote control software in action.
In my quest to work as many DXCC countries as possible in 2013, I figured ZS8 Prince Edward and Marion Island would rank up on the top of the list as one of the hardest to work. Even when Pierre (ZS1HF) was there as ZS8M in late 2010/early 2011, I never heard Marion on the shortpath, only the longpath over Japan.
Planet Ham is a website designed to aggregate blogs produced by Amateur Radio enthusiasts.
Back to the home QTH, I am missing a speaker, I grabbed a center speaker from an old entertainment system that went bad about 2 years ago and I tell you what, it sounds AWESOME... But I don't like the way it looks, its in the way, and the wrong impedance.