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Updated by Howard Kornberg on Nov 02, 2021
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Howard Craig Kornberg

Should You Go To The Doctor For A Dog Bite?

Nobody ever expects that they will be bitten by a dog. However, these incidents happen more often than most people realize. Dogs are arguably the most popular pet in the United States, and it is inevitable that injuries will occur. If you or somebody you care about has been injured due to a dog bite contact a Los Angeles dog bite attorney Howard Craig Kornberg at the Law Offices of Howard Craig Kornberg.

Premises Liability: Cleaning Up A Property After A Storm

Premises liability is an important topic for any property owner. Whether you own a commercial or residential property you need to know and understand what it is you are liable for if someone gets injured on your property. If you or a loved one has suffered an injury on someone else’s property due to the homeowner’s negligence to clean the property following a storm, contact a premises liability attorney in Los Angeles premises liability lawyer at the Law Offices of Howard Craig Kornberg.


Most Common Myths About Car Accident and Injury Case

Most Common Myths About Car Accident and Injury Case

You have probably met or spoken to someone who has been in a car accident before. Even if you haven’t, you must have heard rumors and “myths” about the car accident and injury cases. Here are the most common myths related to car accidents and injury cases:

Same rules apply
The initial offer is very good
All attorneys are the same

The best way to find out information about a car accident is to speak with an experienced car accident lawyer in Los Angeles Howard Craig Kornberg, at the Law Offices of Howard Craig Kornberg.

Amusement Park Premises Liability Explained By A Los Angeles Attorney

No matter how well known a theme park is, or how careful you are, numerous people are seriously injured at amusement parks each year, for a variety of reasons. Mostly, these accidents involve guests visiting the park and making use of the various attractions, but it is not unheard of for the amusement park’s own employees to be seriously injured while on the premises. If you, or a loved one, has been injured while at an amusement park, contact an experienced Los Angeles premises liability lawyer Howard Craig Kornberg at the Law Offices of Howard Craig Kornberg. He reviews your injuries and determines what type of compensation you should seek.


How Does Premises Liability Apply to Amusement Parks?

How Does Premises Liability Apply to Amusement Parks?

No matter how well known a theme park is, or how careful you are, numerous people are seriously injured at amusement parks each year, for a variety of reasons. If you, or a loved one, has been injured while at an amusement park, feel free to contact the best Los Angeles premises liability attorney Howard Craig Kornberg at the Law Offices of Howard Craig Kornberg and schedule a free consultation today.

What Can You Do When Someone Lies on a Car Accident Report?

It is not unusual for people who are involved in serious car accidents to make false statements about how the accident happened. This is a common avoidance technique that is used to negate financial and sometimes even criminal consequences. If you’ve any doubt and need help, contact Los Angeles car accident attorney Howard Craig Kornberg at the Law Offices of Howard Craig Kornberg and schedule a consultation.

Is Drunk Driving the same as Drug Driving?

In California, the drunk driving laws apply to people who do drugs as well. Statistics show that 42% of all drivers killed in motor vehicle accidents were on some drug. That percentage is increasing every year. If you or a loved one is a victim of a drunk/drug driving accident, contact an experienced car accident attorney in Los Angeles Howard Craig Kornberg at the Law Offices of Howard Craig Kornberg, and schedule a free consultation.

Is There a Time Limit on Making a Premises Liability Claim?

A premises liability claim in California has the same statute of limitations that would affect a personal injury case. Specifically, in order to pursue a lawsuit for premises liability that resulted in the injury or death of an individual due to the negligence of another, you would need to file the claim within two years from the date of injury. A failure to file a claim within this time frame will result in the victim being unable to recover any compensation for their losses. So if you need a premises liability lawyer in Los Angeles, contact Howard Craig Kornberg at the Law Offices of Howard Craig Kornberg. He is prepared to handle these cases on a contingency fee basis.


Why Do You Need A Product Liability Lawyer In Los Angeles?

Why Do You Need A Product Liability Lawyer In Los Angeles?

A construction worker can suffer serious injury using a poorly designed tool. Any household product or consumer goods are capable of causing substantial injury if its manufacture or design is flawed. When product defects lead to significant harm, The best product liability lawyer in Los Angeles remains ready to take on big business and protect the rights of injury victims and consumers.


Is California A Strict Liability Dog Bite State?

Is California A Strict Liability Dog Bite State?

If you or somebody you care about has been injured in a dog attack, contact the Los Angeles dog attack lawyer at the Law Offices of Howard Craig Kornberg.

  • Howard Craig Kornberg is the best and Highly AV-rated personal injury attorney Los Angeles. Attorney Howard Kornberg has never had a malpractice suit against him, never been disciplined by the bar,...

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