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Updated by Sherrilynne Starkie on May 18, 2013
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May 18: this week in social media

What's new and cool in the world of social media

Cross-Platform Single Sign-On - Google+ Developers Blog

Now, when a user signs in with Google on one device, they grant consent once and can continue their experience seamlessly between web and Android devices.

The Official Klout Blog

The world's largest, most successful influencer program has more than one million perks claimed.

Updating LinkedIn's Privacy Policy

LinkedIn clarifies and simplifies its privacy policy.

New Google+: Stream, Hangouts, and Photos

New layout, bigger pictures.

Actress Emma Watson hates social media

The 23-year-old actress claims young girls worry about their looks younger She claims this is because of photos being uploaded to social media sites Film star was speaking at Cannes launch of her new movie The Bling Ring