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Updated by escalon services on Jul 02, 2023
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Escalon Services

Escalon is a one stop shop for essential business services such as accounting, taxes, insurance, benefits, HR & payroll. Back office services that are optimized, well-coordinated and under one roof.

What Private Equity Can Outsource to Create Value

PE firms have conventionally charged investors a fixed management fee of the total assets under management. However, with the traditional AUM model undergoing increasing strain, firms are looking for alternatives that can bring down costs without sacrificing efficiency.

Essential Business Services for Small Business

Escalon provides your company with an experienced, one-stop shop for all your essential business services, including accounting, bookkeeping, taxes, insurance, payroll, benefits, and recruiting. We give you back time and peace of mind by taking care of your back office so you can focus on growing your business.

Bookkeeper or accountant: Which is right for your small business

As a small business owner or CEO, you’ve got a lot on your plate. And handling the financial side of your company is just one more task on your never-ending to-do list. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by your bookkeeping and accounting activities, or realize these critical tasks have been largely ignored in your company, it’s time to consider bringing in a finance professional to streamline your operations and get your finances back on track.

Outsourcing Insurance Services for Small Businesses

Escalon Services insurance experts will analyze your business’s risks and set you up with the right policies to protect it, with coverage options ranging from general liability and cyber liability to errors & omissions and beyond.

How to Know Whether Your Google Ads Are Working

You’ve deployed a Google Ads campaign and you’re waiting for the sales to roll in. But to truly determine whether you’re getting your money’s worth with your ad placements, you should have a system in place to determine whether the campaigns are working.

Automation can give a major boost to your business by bringing products to market faster and accomplishing production goals sooner. Other benefits include improved time management, fewer errors and diminished dependence on human labor.

The 15 Rules of Work Email Etiquette

The way we communicate online can be even more important than the way we communicate face-to-face, particularly in the workplace, because we don’t have in-person cues such as facial expression, body language and tone of voice to rely on. And email and other content on the Internet are seldom destroyed; rather they tend to live on in perpetuity on a device or server somewhere, unlike a hard copy.

Benefits of Using a PEO

The Pros and Cons of Using a PEO Company - A PEO firm or Professional Employer Organization is known as a business entity that provides human resources outsourcing services to client companies through the use of a co-employment relationship.

5 Startup Hotspots Not in California

Replacing San Francisco this year in the top spot for the best-performing city on the Milken Institute’s list is Utah’s Provo-Orem metro region. San Francisco’s drop mirrors a larger trend described in the report, in which the highest performing and most economically viable cities are shifting away from previously leading regions like California and Massachusetts. strong text

The seed for “Do CEOs matter” was planted when, as a 20-year-old professional at a Chinese state-owned firm, Chen came to view his senior management as fascinating and not in a good way.

8 tips for small businesses to win press coverage

As a business owner, you need help to attract people, and media attention is one of the most effective methods to stand out. Although many journalists are not going to pitch stories out of the goodness of their hearts, there is still a whole lot that a journalist can do for your brand. They can write about a small business, review an item or even create a compelling story for you on their own.

How to make the 80/20 rule work for you and waste less time

The main point of the Pareto Principle is that each unit of input — effort, time strategy — contributes to a specific output: revenue, productivity, efficiency. This rule states that 20% of your actions will account for 80% of your results for any given event.

U.S. startups showed the strongest growth in Black communities during the pandemic

A sizable jump in the number of U.S. startups during the COVID-19 pandemic has been the strongest among Black communities, particularly those in higher-income areas of New York City, Houston and Atlanta and parts of Florida, according to a new report by the National Bureau of Economic Research, based on data from the Startup Cartography Project.strong text

How to know when it's time to pivot your business model, and how to do it

Small businesses were among the hardest hit by the COVID-19 pandemic. More than 100,000 small U.S. firms were permanently closed just two months into the crisis, while countless others struggled to stay afloat. Those who managed to stay open were often forced to pivot, meaning fundamentally change their direction.

How to strengthen the security of your small business against cybercriminals

Small and medium-size businesses are the foundation of the economy, but they are also targets for hackers. Businesses must be mindful of the threats posed by emerging tech.

A look at 10 of the most-successful Kickstarter projects of all time

Kickstarter is a great platform to garner and get support for budding entrepreneurs, or for inventors to find a launchpad for their product and services without having to go the traditional routes such as angel investors or venture capitalists. The platform gives an open opportunity to any idea that can be fleshed out and get people inspired to invest in them.

How to choose a tax preparer for your small business

The last thing you want to do in the second week of April is to undertake a mad scramble for last-minute help completing your Form 1065, Schedule C and a plethora of other tax forms. The complexity of IRS tax codes, coupled with paperwork and a dizzying array of forms, makes the process of filing tax returns a source of perpetual anxiety for most business owners.

Small business formation is booming in the U.S.

A bit of bright news despite the pandemic is that new job creation has soared to record levels, according to a new report. This upswing has lasted at least six months and is projected to continue by one leading economist.

Could Your Business Benefit From an Informal Advisory Board

Unlike a board of directors, an advisory board is an informal group of advisors with no fiduciary duty and cost. Their role is to fill knowledge gaps for the company and help further its strategy.

Pro Tips for Handling 5 of the Most-Common Communication Styles in the Workplace

We all have our own style of communicating, which often makes it challenging to explain ourselves to others and to understand a colleague or customer. Too often, these differences lead to misunderstandings and hurt feelings at the workplace. That’s why it is important to have a good understanding of some of the most common communication styles.

7 simple ways to earn a glowing reputation for your small business

Reputation is a big deal for every business today, regardless of size. The vast majority of companies work hard to cultivate a positive image to better connect with consumers.

Best practices for promoting a gender pronoun-inclusive culture in your workplace

According to a Human Rights Campaign study, having an LGBTQ+ inclusive environment improves employee performance, productivity, retention and mental health. And since a growing number of young, Gen Z (ages 6-24) talent strongly value and seek out inclusive environments, building a pronoun-inclusive company culture will be increasingly important for companies hoping to grow.

PEO versus payroll service: How to pick the best option for your business

Many entrepreneurs and small business owners decide to outsource payroll, not only to free up valuable time to focus on revenue-generating tasks but also to be sure that it is handled accurately and on time.

8 common mistakes small business owners make when filing their taxes - Escalon

hough you may be required to file your business taxes just once per year, the process entails complexities that have implications all year long. One of the best ways to always stay ahead of the tax season is to outsource tax services. With professionals tracking your numbers correctly, you will be able to file your return correctly and on time while maximizing your tax savings.

10 Tips To Expedite Collection Of All The Money Your Business is Due

Tracking down payments from late customers seems to be a month-end ritual for almost every small business owner. Collecting from these customers can be awkward, not to mention time and energy-intensive. Meanwhile, the effect of delayed payments on the business can be profound in terms of disrupted cash flow.