Listly by Rayhan Ahmed
Have you ever wondered what to do if you find mouse droppings? Well, today I'm gonna go through four steps that you want to do when you find mouse droppings but no mouse.
So, the first thing that you want to understand is that you need to properly identify what pest actually is! You might think that it's the mouse droppings but it might not actually be from a mouse. So to understand the different mice droppings for example often look like black grains of rice. When you see them but they can be often confused with a lot of different other pests as well. So for example mice droppings they're gonna look similar but just a little bit bigger and a little bit longer than gross droppings. You might see those as well in your home but those are gonna look more like little pepper specks or little ground-up coffee beans.
Sometimes it can also be confused with bat droppings now those are gonna look similar kind of between like a mouse dropping and then a rat dropping but the biggest giveaway for that is gonna be where the location is in your home or around your home.
Second step; so the first step is to identify the second step is going to be determining the location of where you're actually finding these droppings in your home. So, depending on the past it could vary where those actually are being found in your home. Again the confusion can come in between is it a different path? is it a mouse? is it a rat? or is it a bat?
Depending on where you find it! So most droppings are typically gonna find in the kitchen area where there's access to food so again around your kitchen in cupboards in food pantries different areas like that.
Around appliances under appliances near your water heaters near your furnace different areas where they can have shelter and warmth and easy access to food and water is typically where you're gonna find mice and then again mice droppings. Now roaches and rats tend to be in those same areas the problem that happens is that when it comes to bats.
The third step is gonna be clean up. What a lot of people do unfortunately is they just kind of sweep up the droppings or they vacuumed up the droppings and that's kind of the end well. Unfortunately, that could be causing a lot of other problems as well so they could be leaving allergens in the air. Different diseases that they might be spreading through those droppings so anytime you find any or you clean them up. You definitely want to sanitize the area another thing to be concerned about as well as if you're vacuuming them up. That could be releasing kind of the contents into the air, so be careful when you do that again maybe recommend sweeping them up and then again fully sanitizing the area to make a little bit safer for your home. So be careful on the cleanup aspect, wear gloves, and use soap. Use sanitizer again thoroughly cleanse that area.
After you clean up those droppings and the fourth step is going to be the removal of the pests. If you've properly identified the past, that's really the beginning because again if you're treating for the wrong past it might not work. It might cause other issues or might do nothing right. So it's
very important to properly identify the past.
If you are experiencing issues with rodents and pests to make sure that you properly identify them as the right pests and then treat them in the right way but some steps that you can do. Or you can get any pest control service like mouse exterminator for getting rid of the mouse.