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Updated by thechloesmith1 on Oct 30, 2020
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9 Ways to Create a Healthier Home

We spend a lot of time during the day at our homes. It’s where we eat, sleep and bond with our family members. However, if not taken care of properly, home can endanger our health. To improve the quality of our life, we should aim to create a healthier home. How can you do that without spending a fortune on expensive gadgets and devices?


Let the fresh air in

Let the fresh air in

Good morning, sunshine! It’s time to roll up your blinds, pull the drapes back and open your windows to let some fresh air in. After the long night sleeping with your windows closed, and no air circulation available, the air in your bedroom becomes stale and might even become polluted.
So, if you want your lungs to be healthy and air in your home fresh, open your windows every morning and let the freshness inside. What happens if you don’t? Besides the uncomfortable breath of stale air, polluted particles may accumulate in your house causing you a lot of illness. Don’t risk your health and open those windows, at least for 5-10 minutes to replace the stale air with fresh.


Water filters

Water filters

Did you know that most places in the world don’t have fresh and drinkable water available? Most water that comes from the tap is either polluted or contains some sort of metals that can be dreadful for your body. You wouldn’t want your children drinking that, would you?
Instead of risking your health, change the water you drink. That doesn’t mean that you should buy bottled water. It only creates additional waste most countries can’t recycle. Instead, invest in a good water filter that will clean your water before you consume it. Keep the radium and ammonia out of your organism and your kidneys will be forever grateful.


Say no to processed food

Say no to processed food

Every house has a cabinet where the family keeps junk and unhealthy food to satisfy their cravings. However, did you know that processed sugars and junk food are one of the main causes of diabetes in the world? If you want to prevent that deadly disease from running in your family, cut the processed food.
Instead of chips, chocolate bars, snacks and other candy, consider creating a fruit basket for your family. It would be a more nutritive and healthier snack for everybody. Plus, fruits and veggies are known to strengthen your immune system so your household will be less prone to flues and common colds.


Save the electricity

Save the electricity

Health is usually linked to being eco -friendly and eco-conscious. So why don't you apply that lifestyle to your home? As you try to consume more fresh and organic products, try to create a home where you'll help your environment even more and save electricity. It will make you feel better physically and mentally.
It’s crucial to turn the lights off when you leave the room. Don’t leave your gadgets and devices on if you’re not using them. On top of that, save money and try to save the planet by getting LED lightbulbs. If you’re giving back to your environment, chances are you’ll feel better about yourself, therefore be healthier.


Limit screen time

Limit screen time

Closely related to saving electricity is the usage of devices and gadgets. Most people use mobile phones, tablets and computers daily for more than 3 hours. Did you know that our children do the same? If you want to create a healthier environment in your home, limit the screen time.
This rule shouldn’t only be applied to children, but to the adults as well. Instead of playing computer games or watching a TV series, play board games together as a family. If you're not a fan of board games, consider implementing reading time in the daily schedule. That’s how you’ll create a healthy family atmosphere, stronger bond and still have fun without using electronic devices.


Tidy your home regularly

Tidy your home regularly

This one almost everyone knows. If you want to live a healthy life, you need to take time to properly and thoroughly clean your home from time to time. That doesn't mean that you should spend a couple of hours every day cleaning your place. Instead, dust, vacuum and wash the floors every two to three days, more frequently if you have little children or pets.
Don’t forget to dust every corner and remove the spider webs if there are any. Wash and clean your windows when you notice that they are getting dirtier. Health comes from the clean home, so make sure that your house is tidied up for your own good.


Use natural cleaning products

Use natural cleaning products

One of the easiest ways to clean your house is by using store-bought chemicals and cleaning products. But have you ever asked yourself if that’s the healthiest option for you and your kids? You surely have noticed that most of these products have a hazard warning on their labels, therefore they are definitely not the healthiest option for your home.
But what can you use? Instead of wasting large amounts of money on organic cleaning products, try making your own natural cleaning products. You can use ingredients that every household owns, such as vinegar, lemon, baking soda and water and clean your home without harmful chemicals. The good thing is that your kids and pets won’t be harmed by these natural cleaning products.


Comfortable furniture

Comfortable furniture

What does the furniture have to with your health? Low-quality materials and unusual shapes can be dreadful for your back, neck, and posture. Imagine sitting in an uncomfortable armchair for hours and not being able to get up after that. This is a growing problem for everyone, especially for the elderly.
What can you do? You can’t always have someone by your side to help you get up. Instead of that, purchase a professional lift chair that keeps your posture straight and helps you hop on your feet with ease. Having a pain-free back and good posture is essential for your health. So, invest in a good lift chair to improve the health in your home.


Add some greenery

Add some greenery

Last, but not least, add some greenery as a finishing touch in your home. For many people, the first association to the word health is greenery and nature. So, make your home healthier by adding fresh, green potted plants in your rooms.
Green plants not only contribute to the aesthetic pleasure of your home, but they also purify the air and freshen up your space. So, consider adding some cute indoor plants to your living room to make it look and feel amazing. Don’t forget to water them often and provide them with enough sunlight.
As you can see, small changes in your home can make great differences to your health. Health and wellbeing are vital for a normal life. Those changes don’t have to cost a fortune. So, if you have the opportunity to improve the quality of your lifestyle, go for it and live a healthy, fulfilled life.