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Updated by tatahealth2 on Aug 26, 2022
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Consult With Trusted Mental Wellness Experts Online | Tata Health

Consult with our Psychiatrist Experts online today at Tata Health. You can chat with our Psychiatrist or Psychologist online for various symptoms like: Depression, Anxiety, Stress, Bipolar Disorder, PTSD, OCD, Sleep disorder, Schizophrenia and psychotic behaviour or personality disorder. All the doctors on our platform are highly qualified and experienced to deliver the best possible counselling session.


Tata Health Instant Doctor Services

Tata Health Instant Doctor Services

Tata health provides instant doctor services online. Our doctor patiently listen to you and only prescribed medicines which is necessary for you. Book your appointment now.


Tata Health Thyroid Test In Bangalore

Tata Health Thyroid Test In Bangalore

The thyroid is responsible for helping regulate body processes such as metabolism, energy generation, and mood. The test is concerned about your thyroid hormone levels such as T4, commonly known as a thyroid-stimulating hormone. Book Your appointment now.


Tata Health 24X7 Health Package

Tata Health 24X7 Health Package

Tata Health providing 24X7 health packages for the customer at affordable rates. Tata health doctors and team cares for their customer. Book your appointment now.


Healthy And Effective Tips To Gain Weight

Healthy And Effective Tips To Gain Weight

Weight loss is such a trending topic these days so much so that we often forget about the ones who struggle with weight gain. Some have been on the slimmer end perpetually, while others may have lost weight due to a recent illness or surgery.


Eating In Evening Could Be Bad For Your Health

Eating In Evening Could Be Bad For Your Health

Consuming most of your daily calories in the evening is associated with a less nutritious diet and higher calorie intake, a new study shows. Unfortunately, hunger pangs are often strongest later in the day.


AHA News: Hispanics Are Paying the Price for Being ‘Essential’ During the Pandemic

AHA News: Hispanics Are Paying the Price for Being ‘Essential’ During the Pandemic

Since the coronavirus pandemic began, Maria de Lourdes Alvarado has had to pick up extra or overtime shifts whenever she can, like millions of other essential workers outside of the health care field who are helping to maintain a sense of normalcy in their communities.


Blood Pressure Meds Can Affect COVID-19 Care

Blood Pressure Meds Can Affect COVID-19 Care

People with high blood pressure tend to fare worse when infected with COVID-19, and the chronic condition can complicate their treatment in unexpected ways, new research shows.


Irregular Heartbeat – The Threat from Cardiac Arrhythmias

Irregular Heartbeat – The Threat from Cardiac Arrhythmias

Heartbeat irregularities can be completely normal. But if there is a heart disease behind it, cardiac arrhythmias can be life-threatening.


Looking for Rapid Weight Loss Before a Wedding

Looking for Rapid Weight Loss Before a Wedding

A crash diet is a method of weight loss that is designed to work swiftly to help one lose a great deal of weight very fast. The calorie intake is kept very low for this purpose, and the overall diet is very one-sided (e.g., zero diet).


AHA News: Heart Health Report Aims to Bolster Research, Boost Care for LGBTQ Patients

AHA News: Heart Health Report Aims to Bolster Research, Boost Care for LGBTQ Patients

LGBTQ adults face distinct threats to their heart health – and health care providers can do more to identify and thwart those risks, says a new report that aims to point the way toward better research and care.


Trusted Tata Health Online Doctors

Trusted Tata Health Online Doctors

Tata health provides instant doctor services online. Our doctor patiently listens to you and only prescribes medicines which are necessary for you. Book your appointment now.


Book a Lab Test | Tata Health

Book a Lab Test | Tata Health

Tata Health books lab test services, our team has expertise in their work and provide free home pickup for selected test. Book your appointment now.


Diabetologist In Bangalore | Tata Health

Diabetologist In Bangalore | Tata Health

Did you search for a diabetologist in bangalore, visit the tata health today. Our doctor patiently listens to you and only prescribes medicines which are necessary for you. Book your appointment now.


Do Ordinary Eyeglasses Offer Protection Against COVID-19?

Do Ordinary Eyeglasses Offer Protection Against COVID-19?

Eyeglasses keep you from tripping over footstools and walking into walls, but they also might have a side benefit to spark envy among those with 20/20 vision. People who wear glasses every day might be less susceptible to COVID-19 infection, a Chinese study reports.


Blood Pressure Meds Can Affect Covid 19 Care

Blood Pressure Meds Can Affect Covid 19 Care

People with high blood pressure tend to fare worse when infected with COVID-19, and the chronic condition can complicate their treatment in unexpected ways, new research shows.


6 Reasons Periods May Delayed | Tata Health

6 Reasons Periods May Delayed | Tata Health

During a normal menstrual cycle, an egg is released from one of the ovaries which are called ovulation. If the egg is not fertilized, the lining of the uterus sheds. This is called a period. The average cycle is 28 days long, but it can range from 21 days to 35 days and lasts about 3 to 7 days.


Need Start Treating PCOS Soon Possible

Need Start Treating PCOS Soon Possible

Women who suffer from PCOS are affected by very different complaints; no two patients are the same. However, there are 3 essential characteristics, of which at least 2 must be present:
1) Menstrual cycle disorders (irregular menstrual bleeding, lack of ovulation)
2) Androgenization symptoms = skin changes due to the increase in male hormones (oily skin, acne, increased body hair, hair loss).


Health Benefits Of Running

Health Benefits Of Running

Whether you love running or you push yourself through it, the benefits are undeniable. So, the next time you think about skipping the run, think of the benefits of running daily, which are mentioned below to get yourself moving.


How to Stop Feeling Tired

How to Stop Feeling Tired

Fatigue is a common health problem, especially among middle-aged people. The constant feeling of tiredness can be demoralizing and frustrating to deal with. Fortunately, there are many ways to boost your energy when you feel tired and refill your tank.


Body Will Stuff Whatever Want

Body Will Stuff Whatever Want

Kashvi (name changed) is 23. She has been working in an advertising firm for just over a year. She is a romantic at heart and has not yet grown out of Mills & Boon notion of romance. She is waiting for her knight in shining armour to sweep her off her feet. To know more visit the website.