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Updated by Joanna James on May 02, 2024
Headline for Top 8 interesting facts about Oman – Know the facts before you travel
Joanna James Joanna James
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Top 8 interesting facts about Oman – Know the facts before you travel

If you are wondering what the best country in the Middle East could be, the answer is none other than Oman. It doesn't have a long history as a tourist destination, but it surely is a country to explore. See whether you know about the following things before you visit Oman in real.


Oman's coffee culture is interesting

Omanis just love coffee. But, that's not just coffee, because they always serve coffee with dates. They love enjoying hundreds of coffee shots served in separate tiny cups. You will have these coffee moments even if you visit one of their houses because this culture represents their hospitality.


You find no Coca-Cola in Oman

Did you know that Oman has no Coca-Cola products available in the country? Well, yes... some luxury hotels do sell Coca-Cola, but not the coffee shops and bazaars. Instead, you find Pepsi and Mountain Dew.


Their weekend is strange

When most of the countries enjoy their weekend on Saturday and Sunday, Omanis have their weekend on Thursday and Friday. In all most every Muslim country, Friday is a holiday as the locals need to attend the prayers, but Thursday is not.


In Oman, you have Liquor Licenses

Liquor purchase rules in Oman are strange. You can't buy alcohol if you don't have a liquor license in Oman and under this license, you are only allowed to spend 10% of your basic salary on liquor. That means the value of the liquor license is based on your earnings.


They have a souq reserved for females

In the city of Ibra in Oman, you find a special souq that only accepts females. So, every Wednesday, female buyers come to this souq to purchase the things they need, and men will not even be allowed to stay around. The vendors are also females and they sell everything from spices to fabrics.


Tourism is new to Oman

Although many amazing Oman hotels are now available the likes of Al Falaj Hotel, did you know that Oman didn't have any hotels until 1970? Initially, the country was only open for business and luxury travellers, but things changed when the government decided to ease the restrictions. So, this is relatively a new destination to the global tourism sector, but Oman's future in terms of tourism is indeed promising!


Oman has the most picturesque doors ever

The most unique feature of Omani homes is their doors. No matter how small they can be in their sizes, and how messy in their overall appearance, they have the best and the most beautiful doors! Some of these doors are even embroidered and they are of course photogenic.


Oman is the oldest Independent Arab State

Oman is known as the oldest independent Arab state in the world. The Al Said family ruled this country since 1744 and has done immense changes to the administrative structure of the country, especially when it comes to creating a strong Foreign Policy.

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