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Updated by Joanna James on May 02, 2024
Headline for Places to see in Kandy – Enjoy everything of a royal city
Joanna James Joanna James
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Places to see in Kandy – Enjoy everything of a royal city

Kandy- a main cultural area in Sri Lanka is also known for its scenic beauty. To wake up to misty hills that border this ancient city is a blessing, and indeed an experience that you shouldn't miss when you are in Sri Lanka. It's also filled with many attractions and here are some of them.


Sri Dalada Maligawa

Also known as the Temple of Sacred Tooth Relic, Sri Dalada Maligawa is one of the holiest places in Sri Lanka, especially for Buddhists. One of the sacred Tooth Relics of Lord Buddha has been placed here, and the Buddhists from all over the world believe in the blessings of this relic more than anything. Maligawa when translated to English means 'the palace' and this palace complex consists of museums, Bo trees, and temples.


Kandy Lake

What's your plan for the evenings during your holiday spent at a resort in Kandy the likes of Hunas Falls Hotel Kandy? Take your kids for an evening walk around the beautiful Kandy Lake, and it's much more interesting than you think. This lake has been built by the last Sri Lankan King- Sri Wikrama Rajasinghe, but he has not been able to finish his project due to the British invasion in 1815. Buy a bag of a pickle (achcharu) from the friendly and innocent-looking vendors all around the lake and enjoy your walk while enjoying them.


Peradeniya Royal Botanical Garden

Although this huge botanical garden is located a few kilometres away from the Kandy city, get some time allocated to visit it. Its home to more than 4000 different species of plants and among them there are beautiful collections of orchids, herbal plants, and palm trees. Take photos standing in front of the plant structures and gigantic trees because they'll be the memories you'll be taking with you when you are done with the garden exploration.


The Udawattakele Forest Reserve

Located not so far from the Temple of Sacred Tooth Relic and the Kandy Lake is the Udawattakele Forest Reserve, which has been once used by the royal family as their pleasure garden. As soon as you enter the forest, you'll be happily welcomed by the monkeys and make sure you don't tease them back at any instance. The forest reserve is calm and quiet and you may observe some reptiles and mammals on your way to the end. This is also home to many Buddhist meditation hermitages and this is why visitors are always told not to make unnecessary loud noises during their visits.


Giragama Tea Plantation

Everyone loves Ceylon Tea without any doubt! So, why not visit one of the main tea factories in Sri Lanka, the Giragama Tea Plantation? Explore how tea is made by understanding the whole process and explore how the past of the tea production in the country has been by visiting the tea museum at this tea factory premises. It is a great way to really get behind the story of your favourite brew and how it came to be such an integral part of Sri Lankan history and culture.

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    A travel writer who has a passion for fashion and a deep interest in admiring new and exotic attractions around the world.

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