Listly by Adams Ibrahim
The world is fast evolving, so is the educational sector. The list contains a list of professional development resources that can help teachers assist their students to succeed.
We collect data on students all the time: assessment item analyses, student observation, running records, summative assessments, etc. You get the point. We analyze the data, and we group students, we use the data targeted to target instruction and close achievement gaps.
The 5E Model, developed in 1987 by the Biological Sciences Curriculum Study, promotes collaborative, active learning in which students work together to solve problems and investigate new concepts by asking questions, observing, analyzing, and drawing conclusions.
There are many ways that instructors can help students to perform at their personal best on any standardized test. One of those strategies is to help students understand the test construct and to develop personal strategies concerning the test item requirements.
Every school has a vision and mission. To get there, much like we differentiate for students, we need to provide individualized support for our teachers. Great coaching differentiates for teachers.
Providing this language of emotions can start at any age, so don’t dismiss this idea if you’re a secondary teacher. We know kids are coming to us unprepared in many areas and so we need to tackle it head-on, just in a developmentally appropriate way.
A strong mentor program cannot survive on chocolate alone. Once you have set the foundation by having teacher partners learn about one another as people, you should continue the building of trust by providing them with two important ingredients for a successful program: time and training
Student engagement is a hot topic these days. Between students’ shortening attention spans and ever-increasing distractions, it is more imperative than ever to keep students engaged in the classroom.