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Updated by Anima Sur on Oct 04, 2020
Anima Sur Anima Sur
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Yoga And Its Benefits

Yoga is a mind-body practice that combines physical poses, controlled breathing, and meditation or relaxation.
To rejuvenate our life try Yoga and relish the benefits.

YOGA Asana or Yogic Postures- The Wellness Mantra and Awareness

Teachings of Lord Shiva on YOGA asana were scattered in tantras, which were kept secretive .These were complied and presented to society by Rishi Patanjali

Why is it important to do yoga during the Corona epidemic? Immunity Booster

Yoga can be a helpful way to boost your immune system and decrease inflammation in the body.Yoga performed regularly boosts immunity.

YOGIC BREATHING-The Correct Breathing Technique

Breathing is the main form of pranic energy in the body.The key to wellbeing is to keep our pranas in harmony with Yogic Breathing.

Pranayama-What Is “Pranayama” and Prana and Pranayama Types?

Pranayama practises is increasingly advised by doctors globally to the patients. It is beleived to be a powerful tool for improving your health & wellness


Relaxations: Nine Practical Exercises to Check

Relaxations: Nine Practical Exercises to Check

Daily life, work obligations, insecurity on the streets, economic problems ... many are the factors that can make us lose our peace of mind and put our nerves on edge.
And, as we already know, a stressed body is an easy victim of suffering from diseases of all kinds, and its quality of life is considerably impaired.
Here we give you nine tips so that you can take time for yourself, you can relax, and leave your worries behind for a while:
1. Visualize something that is pleasant to you, such as sunrise or a flowering tree. Let this image invade your mind and relax it.
2. Relax every part of your body. Start from the feet. Feel how your breath goes through each part of him.
3. Try mini-meditations throughout the day. Place your hand on your belly and breathe in by lowering the diaphragm. Repeat the operation about ten times, sure you will feel better.
4. When the climate in a conversation is taking temperature, try to put a cloth of cold water to the negative situation. Get away from the dispute and take a block walk, walking slowly. Accompany your walk with a deep breath.
5. Try to cultivate a “beginner's mind”, with a patient, trusting, tolerant, permissive attitude and without prejudice.
6. Find a time in the day to be able to fly with your mind. Even if you are not worried, this session will help you eliminate toxins from your mind.
7. If you are taking any medication, do not stop on your own even if you discover that the medication you take is good for you. The advice of the doctor can be a way to calm down.
8. Do a five-minute exercise: take a deep breath and on the exhale, say the number "four." On the next breath, say "three." Continue to "one" and repeat. In about two weeks, you will find that it is easier to stay focused. This simple exercise helps students improve their ability to concentrate, and also their memory.
9. In some cases, meditation can increase stress, although this is not very common. However, some people become anxious when they relax because they do not allow themselves to feel good. In this case, to relax, choose to practice a sport that you like, learn a dance, or attend arts and crafts workshops. This will clear your mind for a few hours a week. And, if you choose a physical activity, you will have the extra benefit of doing your body good: relaxing it and training it at the same time.
Keep these tips in mind, take the ones that seem most appropriate to you, and start enjoying the benefits of a more relaxed life.

Our Mood and Emotions -Insight to Nadis(subtle energy) in the Body

Nadi is an important concept in Hindu philosophy, as much as 3,000 years old. The nadis of the body is up to thousands.3 nadis among them are vital.

Details of the KAYA MUDRA-MANDUKI Mudra and PASHINEE Mudra

Kaya (body) mudras (Manduki mudra & Pashinee Mudra)are well-known for relaxing the nervous system. Kaya Mudras emphases more on the vitality, chakras.