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Updated by nyashamero on Sep 18, 2020
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5 easy steps on How to Dress younger

Are you struggling to hit the nail on the head and wondering how to look younger? You are not alone! Often we find ourselves drawn to trends but wary of looking like we just went rummaging inside a teenagers wardrobe. If want to dress more youthful with a suitable style, then this blog is perfect for nailing your new style!



Stay away from trendy Patterns.

Following trends can always be fun, but following every trend may not be in favour of creating a younger look. Whilst bright neon shades and colourful tones may be in style, they may not always make you look stylish.

The perfect example of this is the paisley print. It goes in and out of style so often, investing in an item or becoming reliant on prints may not always be sustainable. Instead, when shopping trends always be on the lookout for the silhouette of the item. This can be tricky but we can usually tell the difference between jeans from the ’90s and the jeans people are wearing today.


Avoid clothes intended for Kids.

It may be tempting to head over to the kids’ department initially, but this is a huge blunder. If you find yourself sometimes accidentally shopping at the kids’ section, this could be your biggest mistake. This section is the most tempting because of the vibrant colours and tones, but you should avoid this at all costs.

How to look Younger & What to avoid - Nyah Rose

Do you want to know how to look younger? Get the best tips for looking younger in only a few steps on this brand new blog post1


Beautiful Midi Skirt- Not too short

Beautiful Midi Skirt- Not too short

How to dress younger without looking like a teenager.


Know your department.

If you find yourself constantly getting it wrong with looking younger, maybe changing up the department you shop in can help. Stores will usually have the trendiest items on their window displays for you before you enter so you can use this as a guide.

However, if you find yourself always seeing the same items you might be drawn to where you feel safe. Often stores have allocated spaces for different styles and needs for their customers by categorising them in collections.


Nail your length.

Perhaps over time, you have learned to dress more modestly and lengthen the height of your clothes. However, sometimes the wrong length can make you look older and more frumpy instead of sophisticated. Opting for the right length will not only add more confidence to your style but it will help you look more youthful as you won’t be hiding away. If you are trying to hide away your legs or waist, you are actually making yourself look heavier.


Don't play it too safe, go BOLD

Don't play it too safe, go BOLD