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Updated by Ammar Megueni on Sep 17, 2020
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Generate Traffic and Make Money Online

Welcome to This List is About Sharing and discussing Successful Methods:

Blogging Strategies, Tips and Trics.
Youtube SEO , Video Ranking, Video Content and More…
Traffic generation Methods - FREE and PAID -
Email Marketing and List Building Tactics and Strategies.
And Other Related Topics.

How to Create and Grow a Quora Space | How to Get more Following on Quora Space

How to Create and Grow a Quora Space and How to Get more Following on Quora Space Follow My Space here "Work & make Money Online"
How to Create and Grow a Quora Space and How to Get more Following on Quora Space
Follow My Space here "Work & make Money Online"
Here are some tips to increase your followers not only at Quora, but also anywhere you post your writings -

Consistency is the key, you have to consistent in writing answers at Quora.
If you can't afford to give much time then at least write one answer a day, but write daily.
Keep improving your answers by reading a lot and thus getting in depth knowledge of the spaces you are active in.
Use small paragraphs and short sentences instead of lengthy ones.
Make optimum use of images.
As answers with images get more views.
And if you get more views, chances are that some of the viewers will become your followers.
In the last the most important tip-
An ordinary but consistent writer will almost always get more followers compared to a very talented but inconsistent writer.

Share content daily to space - this is very important step to grow your space.
You need to share everyday 1–2 shares in your space.
Invite people as contributor and moderator.
Accept submission of people regularly in your space. Because it create positive image of your space in eyes of people.
Connect with your space moderator and contributor regularly.
Try to reply to each and every comment you get in your space post.
Don't change your space name and space dp frequently, because this may create confusion among your space followers.
Share your space content in other big spaces.
Provide quality content to your space followers.
Regularly check your space activities.
Write a lot of answers! Most of the people I follow on Quora have upwards of 2000k and up answers.
The more answers you write, the more likely you will be seen by someone and followed.
Oh and if your concern is just gaining followers, it helps to write answers on really popular topics.
And of course, the key here is you would need to be very consistent.
Have a unique writing style, and show case your personality.
Answers that have their own tone and voice are way more memorable.
This doesn’t necessarily mean you have to be particularly funny, but the more that ‘you’ comes through in your answers,
readers tend to resonate with that. (Admittedly, being funny or having a dry sense of humor etc probably does help)
Leave great comments! What can I say? People like these! And they are more likely to follow you if you leave great,
constructive comments that either expands on the point of their post, or adds something else of value.

This Video is About:

  • Learning how to create and grow a quora space and get more followers on quora space
  • how to create a quora space the proper way and also how to grow a quora space By Posting and publishing consistently
  • All the steps to learn how to setup a quora space, grow a quora space and get more following on quora space
  • What are the tools and technics to grow your quora spaces, also learn how to promote a quora space to get views using quora spaces
  • And of course How to Get more Following on Quora Space

Youtube SEO Full Course in One Video

High Converting Lead Lagnets

Free Ebooks with Resell Rights

Free List Building Training Video

How to Edit and sell PLR ebook





Useful Tools

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Make Professionnal Ebooks here


How To Get Backlinks from Quora and Medium | How to Get Traffic from Medium or Quora

In this video, we talk about How To Get Backlinks from Quora and Medium and How to Get Traffic from Medium.
Medium and Quora are Great hubs of data

Backlinks from Quora is very esay. Quora and medium are great hubs of data for individuals searching for answers in every niche.
With medium or quora, you can post your qustions and get answers, You can also get traffic from medium and quora,
Also, did you know that Medium and Quora can be used for building backlinks?
I have checked different profiles and seen Quora urls and links appear in a website.
In this article we will discuss How To Get Backlinks from Quora and Medium.



Built Your DoFollow Links With Quora or Medium and Get Backlinks from Quora:

What if you have 100s of links to awesome and great articles for visitors to get to your website and consume your content.

If the visitor likes the information that you are referencing in your Quora answers,
they may share that link or information in a blog post or may paste it online in some other website.

SPACIAL INVITATION FOR Contributors to "Work & Make Money Online" Quora Space



🚀 How do you do toGet backlinks from quora and medium?
🚀 how to get backlinks from quora and medium when you have no content to share?
🚀 how to get backlinks from quora using answers and quora spaces?
🚀 how to get traffic from medium and quora?
🚀 What are the better quora or medium backlinks?
🚀 How do you get traffic from medium and quora?
🚀 Can you Make money writing on Medium and Quora?
🚀 Can you generate lots of traffic by posting in quora and medium?
🚀 What will be the score : quora vs medium?
🚀 What is the better medium vs quora?
🚀 What do you prefer medium or quora?
🚀 is it easy to drive traffic from medium and quora?
🚀 How do you exactly generate traffic from quora and medium?

Youtube SEO Full Course in One Video

High Converting Lead Lagnets

Free Ebooks with Resell Rights

Free List Building Training Video

How to Edit and sell PLR ebook





Useful Tools

Sell Your Digital Products Here
Make Professionnal Ebooks here


How to Leverage your List Building Efforts | Leverage List Building | List Building Leverage

in this video I talk about How to Leverage your List Building Efforts, Very important topic because
when you Leverage List Building work you will get more results for the same amout of work and that is why
List Building Leverage is so powerful.



It’s very important to understand and learn how to select the best product or service to promote because simply,
with the same effort and time you will make much more money if you select the correct product.

here are the steps to put into action to determine what that is.

#1: What does your audience search for and want?
Think about the final result they want. If you find their biggest pain point, this won’t be difficult to come up with.

#2: What is your Great solution to help Your Audience get what they want?
Think about the Fastest practical steps they have to take.

#3: Try to come up with small steps required to deliver that final solution

For example if I want to be successful with my online marketing

I have to build an email list of subscribers
T have to come up and execute a content marketing plan
I have to launch my own product
set up powerful sales funnels

It will help you create an offer your audience wants. It will also ensure you give away something that will give them an immediate win.

This is super important when it comes to lead magnets.
You want your future subscribers to use the content, implement the methods, and achieve positive results.

SPACIAL INVITATION FOR Contributors to "Work & Make Money Online" Quora Space






Useful Tools

Sell Your Digital Products Here

Make Professionnal Ebooks here


How to sell plr products 📢 [How to Edit and sell PLR ebook] | How to Rebrand and Sell PLR products

This is How to sell plr products tutorial,
a step-by-step how to sell a PLR products using WordPress
and Free plugin for Stripe Payments ✔ ,
if you want to learn how to make money with PLR products and ebooks, then
You need to learn How to Rebrand Them and use them On WordPress.
Then Just Find The Best Places To Sell PLR Content.

Plr mega-Package

👍To be Precise here is What you Need
• A PLR Product - Ebook + SP
• A Sales Letter - Usually within the PLR -
• Your WordPress Site
• Stripe account to take payments
• Simple Pay Lite – Free WP Plugin
Here is the example from this video
You Can Find How to Edit and sell PLR ebooks here:

👉 👉 👉 Handreds of products are available out there with UNRESTRICTED PLR RIGHTS
meaning that you also have the right to sell the PLR rights , Giveaway for Free, and sell of caurse With Or Without the source files.
Where the importance of rebranding the PLR products to make them unique and more valuable.
Here is an Example
here is another example
👉👉👉 and If you go to these sites you can Find more:
Thank you very Much again and if you need anything just contact me
Take care and Stay Safe

👉👉👉 Using PLR saves you time. It allow you Edit A PLR E-Book and Rebrand it Fast,
You could spend 3-6 hours writing and editing just one report or blog post series.

It is very important to Rebrand the PLR Product Before you Sell it Or Offer it.

👉 If you liked the video hit like 👉 and subscribe To get future videos
👉 Please Leave a comment below and let me know if this Tutorial works with you

This video is about:
how to edit and sell plr ebook and also modify and sell plr ebooks
The main things to learn are :
👉 edit and sell ebooks,how to modify and sell plr ebooks,how to sell plr ebooks,how to rebrand and sell plr ebooks
👉 sell plr ebooks,how to edit and sell ebooks,sell rebranded plr ebooks,
👉 how to rebrand and sell plr products,





Affiliate Bots

Video Marketing Blaster

Sell Your Digital Products Here

Make Professionnal Ebooks here


More info about PLR here


Download My Viral Funnel | Download My Free Funnel | Download My Viral Free Funnel

Download My FREE Funnel Here :
It is one of the things that you Always need with marketing Arsenal,
if you never used funnels, you are leaving Lots of Commissions on the table.
If you run any type of online buisiness or consulting business,
and your rely on getting regular new leads and prospects into your business,
then Download My viral free funnel and it will take away a lot of painful extra-work.

by channelling all your prospects through a funnel that filters out the not-interested,
and leaves you with the good, high quality leads. And most importantly, the automation,
it works over and over again on it’s own with almost no human input, and that is the most time saving aspect.

Free list building funnels :
They are simple yet powerful when they are High converting Funnels
it’s so nice just to see that you know how to setup a list building funnel
So, download free list building funnel and get leads.

In This Video I will Show you:

  • how to download a list building funnel
  • how to setup a list building funne
  • after you Download my viral free funnel you will see how it works.
  • I will also cover make money with free list building funnels
  • And most important : use free list building funnels to build your email list and make affiliate commissions in the process. So just download list building funnel free and watch the how to setup a list building funnel video.

The one thing that many people overlook is that your funnel doesn’t have to begin with a sale.
In fact, you should look at the top of your funnel as the exploratory stage,
where customers are first introduced to your brand and are looking for reasons to buy from you.

This means that your funnel may not begin on a sales page at all.
It could start by funneling traffic into a mailing list in order to build your subscriber base and connect with your audience.

Your funnel may start with a blog that features high-quality content and later encourages readers to become part of a Facebook group,
a masterclass, a newsletter or a free course.

It doesn’t matter where or how your free list building funnel begins.
The important thing to keep in mind is that the top of your funnel has one main goal:
to raise awareness of your brand and to connect with potential customers.

Your funnel’s entry point (or top of the funnel) can be created in many ways, depending on your overall objective.

So, to start, think about what you hope to accomplish.



Youtube SEO Full Course in One Video

High Converting Lead Lagnets

Free Ebooks with Resell Rights

Free List Building Training Video

How to Edit and sell PLR ebook

👉 Useful Tools

Sell Your Digital Products Here

Make Professionnal Ebooks here

👉 Traffic Sources

Find Cheap and effective gigs on Fiverr:

👉 THIS VIDEO IS ABOUT: your list building funnel and how to setup your first list building funnel,

a simple list building funnel is not very hard to setup, just follow the steps in this video

The best list building funnel is the simple list building funnel that converts,


How to Drive Free Traffic from Medium | How to Drive Website Traffic from Medium | Medium Traffic

One of the best things you can do is learn How to Drive Free Traffic from Medium.
Create Amazing, Share-Worthy Content is exacltly How to Drive Website Traffic from Medium.
Getting Free traffic from medium is easy, But you have to be a consistant publisher
if you need Contect to Publish here are More Than 300 Unrestricted PLR Rights Ebooks with Source WORD .Doc document
that you can Spin, Rewrite, Repurpose and Publish.

Let's WorkTogather here

This is, hands down, the best way to get traffic to your website. If you want people to come to your website, you must give them a reason to come.

You’ll want to create awesome content that attracts people and that they feel compelled to share with others. this is how to get website traffic from medium.

If you simply post short, uninspired articles on your blog, you’re not giving people much reason to come to your site or share your content.

Please note that there are millions of pieces of content published each month.
Most of these pieces of content are boring and tepid.
There’s nothing unique, attractive, inherently valuable, or share-worthy about them.

They’re nothing but puff pieces with no real substance to them.
That is Why you have to come up with good quality and engaging content to drive free website traffic from medium.
If you want to get people to visit your site, consider how you can stand out from the crowd.
How can you create content in a way that differentiates you from everyone else?
You need a strategy for being unique and different: tactics for getting people’s attention in a crowded arena like Medium.

how to generate free traffic using medium:

When creating content, ask yourself these questions:

● Would I want to read this content?
● Does this add value to my readers?
● Is this share-worthy?
● Is this different from all the other content that’s being produced?
● Does this content answer the reader’s questions?
● Does it speak to the reader’s pain points?

Here’s the good news about how to generate free traffic using medium.
If you create great content, the rest of your promotional tactics become that much easier.

Your content will practically promote itself on Medium when others see how valuable it is.
People want to share content that is valuable and if you create valuable content, people will promote it for you.

So, focus first and foremost on creating amazing content for your audience on Medium.
If you ignore this tactic, none of the other tactics will produce much by way of results.
If, on the other hand, you double down on making outstanding content, you’ll find the rest of the tactics to be that much more effective.

if You Really want to master how to use medium to drive traffic
Collaborate With Other Content Creators and Medium Publishers.

This is similar to guest posting but with its own unique spin.

You should always be on the lookout for ways to collaborate with other website owners and content creators.
By working with them, you get to benefit from their audience, and you can share your audience with them.

Collaboration is very common in the Medium world and is one way that Medium creators build up their followers base.
Instead of trying to build an audience all by yourself, you can team up with others and mutually benefit each other.

But it doesn’t have to stop there:

● You could appear on someone else’s Story and then you could promote that story on your website.

● You could join a Medium Publisher/creator in one of their articles and then work to promote that story on your own website
and across your social media channels.

Youtube SEO Full Course in One Video

High Converting Lead Lagnets

Free Ebooks with Resell Rights

Free List Building Training Video

How to Edit and sell PLR ebook

👉 Useful Tools

Sell Your Digital Products Here

Make Professionnal Ebooks here

👉 Traffic Sources

Find Cheap and effective gigs on Fiverr:

👉 THIS VIDEO IS ABOUT: how to get website traffic from medium

👉 how to drive traffic from medium,
👉 how to drive traffic using medium,
👉 how to use medium to drive website,


Start Sending Traffic to a Sales page ? | Send traffic to a capture page Or Squeeze Page 🚀

How to Start sending traffic to a sales page :
this is about How to send Free Traffic to Your capture Pages, not directly to the sales page
The best thing is to be discovered by your audience and keep connecting with your subscribers.

The fact to be known and trusted by many is something that every marketer dreams of.
That is why we need to send traffic to a capture page and not send traffic to a product sales page,
Website traffic is as important as walk-in customers of a local mall.
Start Sending Traffic to a Tales page ? | Send traffic to a capture page Instead
Though not every person makes a purchase, it still matters to you that people show up to your website.
(sending traffic to a squeeze page)
This gives you time to know more about them, build a relationship,
and along the way convince them to become your customers! and send traffic to a sales page.

Traffic is important, especially if you’ve built a special capture page to collect new leads and get your existing subscribers to follow a specific action.

When you Send traffic to a landing page, you need to have a great headline, a unique value proposition, and a lead magnet to give in exchange for your visitor’s email address.

But you have one issue, No one knows that your landing page exists!
You know that any landing page is useless if it doesn’t get traffic.
That is Why you need to start sending traffic to a capture page
Driving Traffic to your landing page or sending Traffic to your landing page can be a difficult but it’s never impossible.
👉 Start Sending Traffic to a Tales page ? | Send traffic to a capture page Or Squeeze Page
So You’ve got an freebie that you’re giving away and you’ve got a system to capture emails like Getresponse…
Now it’s time to start sending traffic to a capture page to capture the emails.

There are two ways to generate traffic…
Pay for traffic and get it practically overnight or put in some work and get it over time.

Paid Traffic
You Can use two methods to quickly send traffic to a squeeze page.
You Can use Facebook ads and I use solo ads.
This is How You setup your list building funnel
Get a GetResponse account here
Get High Converting Traffic to your list building funnels :


Youtube SEO Full Course in One Video

High Converting Lead Lagnets

Free Ebooks with Resell Rights

Free List Building Training Video

How to Edit and sell PLR ebook

👉 Useful Tools
Attention-Grabbing Thumbnails In 3 Clicks

Sell Your Digital Products Here

Make Professionnal Ebooks here

👉 Traffic Sources

Find Cheap and effective gigs on Fiverr:


Download My Viral Funnel | Download My Free Funnel | Download My Viral Free Funnel

Download My FREE Funnel Here :
It is one of the things that you Always need with marketing Arsenal,
if you never used funnels, you are leaving Lots of Commissions on the table.
If you run any type of online buisiness or consulting business,
and your rely on getting regular new leads and prospects into your business,
then Download My viral free funnel and it will take away a lot of painful extra-work.

by channelling all your prospects through a funnel that filters out the not-interested,
and leaves you with the good, high quality leads. And most importantly, the automation,
it works over and over again on it’s own with almost no human input, and that is the most time saving aspect.

Free list building funnels :
They are simple yet powerful when they are High converting Funnels
it’s so nice just to see that you know how to setup a list building funnel
So, download free list building funnel and get leads.

In This Video I will Show you:

  • how to download a list building funnel
  • how to setup a list building funne
  • after you Download my viral free funnel you will see how it works.
  • I will also cover make money with free list building funnels
  • And most important : use free list building funnels to build your email list and make affiliate commissions in the process. So just download list building funnel free and watch the how to setup a list building funnel video.

The one thing that many people overlook is that your funnel doesn’t have to begin with a sale.
In fact, you should look at the top of your funnel as the exploratory stage,
where customers are first introduced to your brand and are looking for reasons to buy from you.

This means that your funnel may not begin on a sales page at all.
It could start by funneling traffic into a mailing list in order to build your subscriber base and connect with your audience.

Your funnel may start with a blog that features high-quality content and later encourages readers to become part of a Facebook group,
a masterclass, a newsletter or a free course.

It doesn’t matter where or how your free list building funnel begins.
The important thing to keep in mind is that the top of your funnel has one main goal:
to raise awareness of your brand and to connect with potential customers.

Your funnel’s entry point (or top of the funnel) can be created in many ways, depending on your overall objective.

So, to start, think about what you hope to accomplish.



Youtube SEO Full Course in One Video

High Converting Lead Lagnets

Free Ebooks with Resell Rights

Free List Building Training Video

How to Edit and sell PLR ebook

👉 Useful Tools

Sell Your Digital Products Here

Make Professionnal Ebooks here

👉 Traffic Sources

Find Cheap and effective gigs on Fiverr:

👉 THIS VIDEO IS ABOUT: your list building funnel and how to setup your first list building funnel,

a simple list building funnel is not very hard to setup, just follow the steps in this video

The best list building funnel is the simple list building funnel that converts,


How to Sell Short Reports | Sell Short Pdf Reports | Profit From Short Pdf Reports

If You Want to Learn more about How to Sell Short Reports, check
Here is My General thoughts about how to Sell Short Pdf Reports

  1. You can profit from short reports because People are busy. They’re on-the-go,
    and so they don’t have a lot of time to spend reading extended guides or books.
    These days, people want bite-sized, comprehensive booklets that give them the information they’re looking for without the fluff.

  2. if you really want to offer short pdf reports : When writing your reports,
    you need to narrow your scope so that you have a very specific focus for your short pdf report.

That way not only you providing a solution to a specific problem,
but you’ll be able to create your product in just a couple of hours with a clear outline.

👉 Choose the right nich for your pdf short report

• Self-Improvement (weight loss, public speaking, etc.)
• Finances (budgeting, retirement, etc.)
• Relationships (marriage, dating, repairing relationships etc.)
• Health Related (acne, insomnia)
• Entrepreneurs (home based business, startups, etc.)
• Family Oriented (family budgets, time management, etc.)

👉 3. Fast-Track Writing System

  1. Once your pdf short report is written and ready for market, it’s time to start selling it!
    There are a couple of easy ways to get started, including by signing up for a free account at both or

👉 if you want to sell pdf reports to build a list , Both markets attract thousands of affiliates who will help you promote your short pdf report while also building a list of buyers.
You can set any commission percentage you choose, but you’ll likely want to go with the traditional 50%.

When pricing your special pdf short report, you’ll want to start by analyzing what price strategy is currently working well in your market.

👉 Look through the JVzoo and Warrior+ marketplaces, paying attention to what other people have settled on as a starting price. You can always increase the price after a 7-day launch week.

You’ll want to make sure you’ve created a compelling sales page for your special report, integrated your buy buttons and tested the checkout process to ensure buyers receive their product immediately after payment.

It’s user-friendly, remotely hosted and takes less than 2 minutes to set up full protection for any digital product.

Another thing to keep in mind is presentation. Consider hiring a graphic designer to create a 3D graphic of your special report. This can easily increase the perceived value of your product and capture the attention of potential buyers.

👉 If you’re interested in gaining access to the insider secrets to creating insanely profitable short reports that go on to sell for thousands of dollars, you’ll want to grab a copy of Hot Short Reports.

To Make money with short reports, check this out
Making money with short reports is one of the easiest ways to maximize your income.

👉 Even if you want to do it as a side hustle, it’s something you can get started with quickly and profit from short reports,
easily and with very little - to no - start up cost.

👉 The key with making money with short reports is to first identify a commonly asked question in an evergreen market.

👉 Then, to earn with short reports they must be designed to answer that question and provide a solution or give your reader clear direction.

👉 There are many different ways to make money with short pdf reports.

👉 Do you know why short reports are so incredibly profitable and appealing?

👉 how to earn from short reports?
Here’s an example on how to earn from short reports or how to make money with short pdf reports:

Youtube SEO Full Course in One Video

High Converting Lead Lagnets

Free Ebooks with Resell Rights

Free List Building Training Video

How to Edit and sell PLR ebook

👉 Useful Tools

Sell Your Digital Products Here

Make Professionnal Ebooks here

👉 Traffic Sources

Find Cheap and effective gigs on Fiverr:


👉 How to Sell Short Reports
👉 how to profit from short reports,
👉 how to earn from pdf reports,
👉 Earn with short reports
