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Updated by sahana system on Jun 29, 2021
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The Benefits Of Hiring Software Development Professionals

The Benefits Of Hiring Software Development Professionals

In today’s time running a business without digital marketing and online networking has become next to impossible. A business needs to have a website with domain and a mobile application to accelerate business amongst the masses, increasing scope and sales of the enterprise. Software development is like a ladder for a successful entrepreneur.

Digital transformation has become a way of life and software development is the mother of it. These days digitalization has tapped every walk of life and every sector of the economy be it retail, finance, housing, hospitality, or even entertainment. It enhances and refines every concern.

This was the importance of software development, now let’s look at the benefits of getting it done!

Want to go in for software development to make a name on the digital front? You can go further by outsourcing professional IT services or create an in-house software development team or even hire a developer expert in software. The idle way to go about it if you are a start-up or a small business enterprise is to hire a developer.

**Here are a few advantages of working with a software developer!


When you hire an individual for software development there is no agreement binding him to work hours and this will encourage quick delivery of your application or software extension and even when the time is not fixed you can get changes done to the application when you put in a word rather than that 9-6 availability.


Without a doubt, it is more affordable to hire an expert software developer than setting up an in-house team as it will increase the number of employees and in-turn increase company expenditure behind each individual and also the resources the team requires for daily operations. A freelancer gets all his resources with him too!


You can focus on your business and other operations more effectively, as there is no requirement for training the hired professional, he has already been selected according to your requirements and the abilities and requirements of the project. An individual software developer is already well-equipped so there are no technical delays of providing him with tools, etc.


Adding a new member to the workforce increases the value of the work with extensive, yet specific skill-sets and proficiencies, in simpler words when you hire a developer his talent and skillset adds more quality and insight to the team. After all, diversity makes the workplace progressive and innovative.


Sometimes permanent employees might be unaware of the different new-age and trending technologies, but when you work with a dedicated software developer he is already updated with the latest technological know-how and on-going development techniques in the market, this increases the efficiency and quality of the solution and the procedure that goes behind creating it.

Reduced risk

An employee belongs to a business and his capabilities are the ones that the business thrives on. It is exhaustive to terminate an employed developer or train him according to each project, on the other hand, you can immediately terminate a hired developer if unsatisfied and hire a new one for a new marketing management project.

Want to hire a PHP developer to get the best for your software solution?

Hire one from our team. Oceans Technologies is the best IT company in Ahmedabad, having a highly skilled team of software professionals with unbeatable proficiency and in-depth experience in working with an array of clientele across industry verticals ranging from e-commerce to entertainment to finance and even retail. Customer satisfaction has been our constant and we also offer the best in class technical support and consultation services.


How Do Online Tenders Benefit Startups?

How Do Online Tenders Benefit Startups?

Digitalization has become a way of life in today’s world and no work can’t be done online! Going online has become essential for running a business, irrespective of nature and service or product it seals in or the industry the enterprise falls under. All processes can be done online, now even tender management!

*What is online tender management?

Online tendering is the process of procuring or supplying tasks, goods, and services online instead of the traditional means and methods of buying and purchasing tenders. This is the same but just on the online front at your fingertips!

Let’s take a closer look at the different benefits tenders have for your business!

Online tendering offers cross-organization, a streamlined, and strategic methodology for procurement, helping startups of all scales and sizes, helping them get effective and make tendering more affordable. Here are the amazing advantages that the online tendering has for the best of your organization-


E-tendering is automated, which makes it less reliable on humans and removes delays of the complex process due to the inbuilt models like the reverse auction, which enables the business to achieve great pricing and decent services both!


When you have a process or any data in the virtual space, it can be accessed from anywhere at any time and if it is online, it can be reached from across multiple devices, so there is no requirement for maintaining books and directories or be at work to get things done.


Online tender management shortens lead time, which decreases overheads. E-tendering refines responses and evaluates extras accurately and successfully. This results in the reduction of the in time procurement for your enterprise.

*Quality insights

This kind of tendering offers high transparency and clarity to each activity performed in the entire cycle, giving you insights about the client nature and how your startup is performing and other vital operations details.


Carrying out the process of tendering through traditional means is not only time consuming but also involves irrelevant inevitable costs of intensive labor and participation of vendors and purchasers. Online tendering in -turn reduces the advertisement, reworks, and fulfillment costs.


Online tender management adheres to the different rules and regulations of the entire process of tendering at every level, so it prevents displaying incorrect and incomplete tenders. So that each one can go through all the different steps in a detailed manner and that too orderly!


E-tendering is completely digital, so it does not involve paperwork or any documentation in physical form. This fulfills the social responsibility of utilizing alternative resources toward sustainability.


It is easier to operate tenders online than the traditional tender management tools, as all the feeds, activities and functioning happens on a single domain, efficiently and accurately. It consists of detailed spreadsheets, clear reports, and well-maintained records to make tendering very convenient. Partakers can go through all details smoothly and with clicks and that too with high clarity.

**E-tendering also provides instructions and guidelines to make tendering successful, worthwhile and of high quality

Looking for professional tender management services for your startup?**

Oceans Technologies has become a preferred name in the tendering fraternity of the economy. We offer the finest e-auction, e-procurement, online tenders, and also reverse auctions for all private and government type tender businesses. Our tender management services cover everything from designing and structuring a tender to documenting and recording the particulars or tenders. Our expert tender handlers, with their proficient risk management and organizing capabilities, have always managed to excel at giving you the best results within the deadline without any hassles.


Evolution In Business With Artificial Intelligence

Evolution In Business With Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence isn’t just a science fiction term anymore. It is extensively used with the innovation and introduction of newer technologies, making living smarter and more advanced, with negligible human dependency for the fulfillment of different activities, be it the daily routine or a stressful cumbersome deed of once in a long time. Today artificial intelligence has managed to enter multiple sectors of the economy, not just the household!

Let’s take a look at how it has been a friend to the entrepreneur in running the business?

Businesses are already harnessing artificial intelligence for technologically powered business web and mobile applications, automation, data analytics, and natural language processing. These have so far been highly successful in streamlining business operations and boosting productivity to uplift the enterprise.

The dominance of AI has already done wonders in the field of marketing, manufacturing, and different businesses involving supply chain management, by providing accurate insights into the industry trends, personalizing the customer experience, tracking different business dynamics, checking inventory, managing orders and bills, etc.

Artificial intelligence has tapped the security and the healthcare sector too! In the security sector, it has been beneficial for making the users aware of the different data companies are collecting and also to the businesses with the development of different authentication, vault, and recognition apps. In the healthcare sector, artificial intelligence enables you to detect and diagnose early stages of severe ailments and it also helps the doctor maintain patient records and organize appointments and get better insights of the patient’s sickness on a virtual domain.

And now a sneak peek into the future of AI in business!

Artificial intelligence is still in the stage of infancy and there is more to explore in each domain it touches. It is said to tackle a wider set of general problems, through its concept of deep learning, which is inbuilt and enhances with experience of application of AI. In general, AI will take the businesses closer to their customers and competitors and make them smarter with time. AI will also start analyzing sentiments of different consumers as an extension of voice recognition interfaces and deep learning combined.

Artificial intelligence, in short, has a great scope in intensifying and adding value with efficiency in every walk of life. Artificial intelligence is the most revolutionary tool that has been developed, with its pros and cons, just like any other technology, but defining it is still inappropriate due to its constant progressing nature hitting newer possibilities by the day.

Some of the sectors that will benefit extensively from the development and maturity of artificial intelligence are namely- legal fronts, food, and beverage industry, agricultural industry, robotics domain, hospitality sector, finance, wearable, automotive industry, bio science industry, IoT, businesses involving creative services, gaming, education, health care, enterprises thriving on big data, retail and many more.

Want to win over the market with a power-packed artificial intelligence business solution?

Oceans Technologies has become an established name in the IT sector of our economy for providing the best in class and futuristic machine learning and artificial intelligence development apps, working with Python, Data Analytics, wearable apps, automation, integration. The primary goal of our enterprise is customer satisfaction and we are known for creating tailor-made, unique, high performance, and robust AI and ML solutions with a wide array of technologies and software concepts.

Our team of highly skilled and dedicated software professionals has the in-depth industry experience and will ensure that all your requirements and specifications are met following the nature of your business and its operation to give you a user-friendly and immersive application.


Advance Your Blogging Proficiency With Shopify

Advance Your Blogging Proficiency With Shopify

Initially, there used to be a controversial view on blogging, whether or not it is useful & should be adopted regardless of the size of the business. This suspicion has been clearly blown away as a result of the popularity gained by innumerable bloggers In every domain. Blogging is now the need of the hour to drive traffic to your website, increase your online presence in terms of SEO ranking & to develop better customer relationships that are at par with the industry competitors. With a bunch of platforms available at your disposal, it is hard to make a choice which one to use for your blogging competence. Shopify undoubtedly is the ideal & smart choice.

Every single day more than 2.8 million blog posts are written & published. To leave your mark in the densely populated marketing crowd integrate your blogging with your e-commerce store on Shopify. Shopify e-commerce is a fairly easy, quick & free tool for your blogging needs with all the basic features like inserting images & videos, visual editor, automatic SEO for the title & description, ability to schedule future posts, comments, tags & much more. Blog posts can be in the form of announcements, products & services, upcoming events, articles, etc. that reinforces your brand identity.

It is an intelligent choice to use Shopify for blogging as it gives a cohesive feel between your shop & your blog and also makes the management & maintenance of content seamless with one admin tool. Shopify app development enables you to have multiple blogs in your store that actually facilitates categorizing them as per the topics. The Manage blogs button offers the functionality to edit the blogs, set a name & description as well as manage comments which is integral to brand survival & image.

“The customer’s perception is your reality.” – Kate Zabriskie

In the digital era, comments play a significant role in influencing a brand identity. Ask yourself what do you search for when you plan on working with a new brand or in the simplest instance of online shopping? All of us look for customer reviews and comments. Similarly, when a blog has published the comments on it can offer a positive outlook & at the same time tarnish your identity to the prospective readers. In a world where direct interaction with customers is rare due to the busy life, comments can offer valuable data to learn what your customers like, what they are searching for & their feedback. Turn your customers into your advocates by establishing brand loyalty.

The comments section offers the customers to interact too, but it doesn’t necessarily mean they are a positive experience always. Some disputed subjects can get negative responses, also some comments might have irrelevant content & outbound links that could be harmful if clicked. To avoid this abuse, you can choose ‘allow comments after moderation’ under the Manage comments button to filter the visible comments on your page accordingly. Pace up your Shopify store to exhibit your blogging expertise.


Top Qualities To Check Out When You Hire A Developer

Top Qualities To Check Out When You Hire A Developer

With the continuous progress of the economy and various technological advancements and introduction of new products and services in the economy. There is an upward trend of going digital and having an existence in the virtual domain, there is an increased scope, role, and requirement for digital developers across different business concerns and in different departments in a company.

Having a personal virtual space and online existence has become an essential part of all enterprises of an economy, like a parallel world! Awareness of your business runs on the reach it can grasp and the potential it can unwind and with the power of going online not even the sky is the limit! So, if you are a startup or even a traditional enterprise that going tech is your way to survive, start hunting for a developer.

Finding a talented and valuable developer in a good sense of your business is a cumbersome task in this tech-savvy world! Here’s what you can do!

The digital domain is like a world with endless possibilities and not all developers have the same skills proficiency, and front of experience, but here are some characteristics that you must look for when you hire a dedicated software developer

Hire A Developer

Curiosity- Promising developers are inquisitive about all sorts of work and the developer you are going to work with should have a keen interest in learning about the latest technologies and the new technological know-how as and when it launches.

Adaptability- All markets and businesses in today’s world are uncertain. Being an expert in one technology or working with specific people isn’t enough. The developer must be comfortable to run a wide array of programs and applications with different people too!

Communication- Your developer like every other workman or professional must be a good and reliable communicator, as communication accelerates development. Communicating about bugs and solutions, in fact, speeds up the work and gets you insights.

Optimism- No one likes to have a laid back developer as a part of their staff. The developer should have a proactive outlook towards work and see the positives in challenging situations because that’s how work gets done in a competitive world.

Intuition- This is the quality that will help you figure how passionate the developer is about his work and what is the importance of software development in the developer’s life. Great intuition is the drive, the motivation that produces a committed developer.

In today’s time, every business wants the best and for that, they need to be technically sound on a 360° level. So not only these qualities are important in the developer you hire, but you must check his job leaps, qualifications, industry experience, and the expertise he holds in operating different technologies, tools, and architecture.

Searching for the best software developers for your business to boom?

Sahana System Pvt. Ltd is a popular name in the IT industry of the economy, offering the finest, high quality, unique, innovative, scalable software solutions for both the web and the mobile phone, for both iOS and Android, for a varied clientele across different industries of the economy. We also provide the best in class complimentary consultation and technical support services for high customer satisfaction.

We have a highly experienced team of development professionals that have in-depth experience and proficiency in working with the latest technologies and systems to build highly robust and interactive software applications and solutions. We are thorough experts at whatever we do and have proficiency in different software such as- WordPress, python, Shopify, Laravel, Unity, CakePHP, Magento, Joomla, and much more. We go by the thought of taking enterprises a step ahead and refining each business operation.