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Updated by Joanna James on Mar 21, 2025
Headline for Must Have's for Golfing
Joanna James Joanna James
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Must Have's for Golfing

A sport popular among those who are just stepping into retirement, golf is also more of a leisure activity and a good way to kill time. It is also now being enjoyed by the younger generation and families alike. If you are hoping to head on a golf tour in a country like Thailand, staying at properties such as Chatrium Golf & Resort Soi Dao Chanthaburi would be ideal. If you are new to the sport – here is a quick list of what you will be needing before youplay your first game!


Golf Ball

Golf Ball

Golf Clubs

Golf Clubs

Golf Bag

Golf Bag

Golf Gloves

Golf Gloves

Golf Umbrella (incase it rains)

Golf Umbrella (incase it rains)
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