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Updated by stevejonson55 on Aug 20, 2020
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A VPN for business purposes promotes flexibility!

Every mobile device used for business purposes, such as sending emails or sending and sharing files, is an easy target for online criminals. When you use a VPN service as a company, you can use this VPN connection to prevent sensitive files and information such as emails and browser sessions from being intercepted and resold. With a VPN connection you can also ensure that employees work safely and with confidence.



What is a VPN?

What is a VPN?

VPN stands for Virtual Private Network; a VPN connection ensures that a device that is located outside the network can still connect to the company's network, as if it was inside the office building. This allows a user to gain access to the necessary data and everything else he / she needs to work properly from another location.

A VPN has many advantages.

A VPN is a very intelligent way of keeping a connection with many advantages, safe.

  • If there is a VPN it encrypts the internet connection and, in this way, redirects the internet traffic via another server that does not store or maintain information about the actions that are performed via the VPN. This makes it possible to work safely everywhere, in the train, in the coffee bar and at any other place where there is a public WiFi connection. You don't have to worry about anyone watching what you are doing, when for example, you are just working on an important business project.

  • VPN is often used in business environments to provide employees located all over the world with secure access to the company's network from every place. A VPN can therefore be a huge asset for a company to be independent of location and time, and this is a great advantage for any company. This has a major positive impact on flexibility. You no longer have to come to the office on days when you are actually only present to be able to work via the company network. With a VPN you can be active and productive at anytime, anywhere.

How do I choose the right one?

VPN has become increasingly popular among companies in recent years, but how do you choose the best VPN now? The reason VPN is getting more and more popular is because of the extra layer of security that you add to a network, and also the possibility that a VPN gives to bypass geographical blocks of all kinds of services. The way how you choose the best VPN is different for everyone, and what could absolutely be the best VPN for one company, could actually not be a good option for others.
There are various VPN services and in recent years more and more new services have been added, so plenty of choice. This gives you more and more chance to find the best VPN for your company over the time.
The majority of all VPN services support the PPTP L2TP / IPsec and OpenVPN protocols, of which PPTP is the least secure option. This is because it is the easiest to crack. OpenVPN is the fastest option, but it is not supported by every device. For a company, the L2TP / IPsec protocol is so far the best option.
As for the choice of a VPN service, there is plenty of choice, and each service has different rates that are built differently based on the services provided. Here you should consider the best ratio in price and what you get in return.
It is always difficult to find the best service since it is also very difficult to verify whether a VPN service actually does not keep user data. The best-known services such as NordVPN, PIA and Express VPN promise not to do this, and these are the most appreciated services worldwide.

Trying it out

If you really want to find out which VPN service is most suitable for your company, you will have to try out various VPN services. Not satisfied? Then you switch to a VPN service that does not come short on issues that made you leave the previous VPN service. You will probably find a good VPN service with one try, otherwise you will probably find the right one after 2 or 3 VPN services.