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Updated by bestpoa-tn on Aug 17, 2020
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Top 5 tuition in Singapore

Find the best tuition in Singapore without any hassle. Here's a list of 5 top tuitions that your child can go to.


Best POA

As one of the best POA tutor in Singapore, Best POA specialises in teaching Principles of Accounts tuition for secondary 3 students and students taking GCE N Level and GCE O Level POA examinations.


The Learning Board

Unlike conventional tuition centres, The Learning Board motivates students through a change in their mindset and guides them to the A-star level with effective strategies. Every 9 of our 10 students scored A in their exams. But we believe the improvements they've made, not their grades, are those that last. Our 9 years of teaching experience and familiarity with the Singapore education system condense into the following core formula.


Miss SY Wang

An experienced Chinese Tutor, specializing in Secondary School Higher Chinese and Chinese Tuition.
16 years of full-time teaching experience.


Chemistry Guru

Chemistry Guru provides the best IP & JC Chemistry tuition in Singapore. They are featured in Raffles Press as the most recognised A-Level H2 Chemistry tuition centre among RI and HCI students.

Established in 2010, we are ranked Top 3 Best Tuition Centres in Bishan by ThreeBestRated.SG.

We are also the first to offer effective online tuition for Chemistry since 2018.


The Math Lab

The Math Lab is committed to teaching to the best of our ability, to bring out the maths prodigy in every student. Importantly, they commit to helping every single student in the class, regardless of their current standard.