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Updated by BlueBird on Apr 23, 2016
Headline for The Best Articles Of Week 17
BlueBird BlueBird
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The Best Articles Of Week 17

Weekly list of the best articles found in my stream - published on my blog every Saturday

Why and How To Choose A Secure Password For Your (WordPress) Website

Categories: Social Media, Websites If you follow my weekly "Best Blog Post" series you have seen many scary reports about an increasing wave of brute force attacks on WordPress sites. These report are strong reminders to secure our accounts with a good, secure password.

Three ways to make your Facebook Page more engaging

When hanging out with friends and family in real life (IRL), we talk about our day, our co-workers, our families, and that TV show with Jon Hamm. We share pictures, listen to music, and celebrate our local sports teams. At a good party, the night passes and everyone wonders where the time went.

4 Community Building Tips to Turn Your Brand into a Global Cult

Can your business make huge gains by building authentic relationships with every single enthusiastic user? Even the non-paying ones? Is it worthwhile to spend time injecting your brand with intangible elements like passion, empathy and heart? Absolutely. Yes. And yes.

9 Tips (Not Wishes) To Get More Email Opens! - Ace of Sales Self Marketing Platform

By | | Comments The email subject line has often been referred to as a keyhole. Your recipients use your subject line to take a peek into your message to make a split-second decision to turn the key. By clicking to open your email, they are acknowledging two things.

Customer Experience is the Only Competitive Advantage Left

What does it take to be competitive today? I see dozens of articles and books each week that claim to have the answer. Is it becoming a social business, selling your product online, or offering the lowest price?

What is the future for blogging?

A couple of news items this week got me thinking about the future for blogging, specifically the opportunities for writers with small distribution to contribute content that informs a larger discussion going forward. First, WPP CEO Martin Sorrell, speaking about digital advertising versus print advertising said this: "The two big [anomalies] are newspapers and magazines.

Boston Police Schooled Us All on Social Media

Yael Bar-tur is a former communications liaison for the Israeli Military and graduate of the Harvard Kennedy School of Government. She has been an analyst for the New York City Police Department. Alejandro Alves also contributed to this article. They both write for and tweet at @Yaelbt and @AlvesAA.

How Twitter Saved Us From a Scam: Inside ING DIRECT's Social Media Strategy

These days social media crises seem to be popping up all over the business world. You've heard the stories: The hostile Twitter takeovers of Burger King and Jeep in March that had the two corporate giants scrambling to regain control of their accounts.

Blogging: How to Create a Mobile Experience | Heidi Cohen

Smartphones and tablets present challenges for bloggers because consumers expect a seamless experience across connected devices regardless of what's required to provide it. Understand that the characteristics of mobile usage affect how readers access and engage with your blog. Specifically, this means the screen size of the device and the bandwidth available to access your content.

How Top Sales Reps use LinkedIn to Create Buyer Personas

How Top Sales Reps use LinkedIn to Create Buyer Personas You are a B2B Sales Rep with a new product to sell. Do you know who your Buyer is? New company, new division, or new product, you must ask that question. This article discusses how Sales Reps define their Buyer as a Persona.