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Updated by Geri HippieGenes Soulliere on May 14, 2013
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Tip for living healthier while you're living longer BoomrGen style

Statistics tell us Boomers are going to live longer AND work longer than the generations before them. Living longer isn't necessarily better if we're extending our live's solely through medical intervention and long-term nursing care. As they say, its never to late to get started making the right choices...for better health and a long happy life. Here are some great articles full of helpful tips and resources. Created by HippieGenes. Follow us @HippieGs

Stressed at work? Add a daily dose of green

Is sitting the new smoking for our generation? Unfortunately, a growing body of scientific evidence says yes. The modern workday pose - fingers on keyboard, slight slouch, glassy eyes fixed on glowing screen, bathed in unnatural light - can drain vitality, happiness and creativity.

Easy Ways to Cut Back on Processed Food Ingredients

Whether you prefer to go cold turkey or take baby steps, these eight tips will help you trim the junk from your diet in the new year.

Fish Oil Does Not Improve Heart Health

Supplementing with omega-3 fatty acids does not improve heart heart, according to a new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine.