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Updated by homehubme on Aug 06, 2020
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Wall Hanging Planters

The best wall planters transform your walls.


Bring Your Outdoors to Indoors With Wall Hanging Planters

Bring Your Outdoors to Indoors With Wall Hanging Planters

Planning to start indoor gardening? Well, you are on the right page! In this blog post, we have detailed how to bring your outdoors to indoors with wall hanging planters. Read on!

It is quite easy to bring the outdoors in with stylish plant holders. There are so many beautiful greenies you can grow using indoor plant hangers. Here are our handy tips for first-time planters. Let’s start off with some general rules:


Balcony serves to be the best spot to grow plants. However, you need to choose plants based on the location of your balcony. If you have a sunny balcony then you can definitely grow petunias, succulents, strawberries, tomatoes, etc and if you have a shady balcony then you should look for begonias, fuchsias, ferns, and more.


Too little water can dry up your green thumb whereas too much water can rotten it up. So make sure to water the plants daily, at the same time do not overwater it. It is better to water plants in the morning than at night.

Low maintenance plants

Plants are of different types: low maintenance and high maintenance plants. It is ideal to opt for low maintenance plants as it is easy to maintain them and in fact require less maintenance. These types of plants include succulents, cacti etc.

It's time to transform your apartment into a lively garden. So buy wall hanging planters and plant holders online to create the greenery you've been dreaming of!

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