Listly by Evgeniya Cunningham
There are laws against race discrimination. Race, as defined in the Equality Act 2010, includes skin colour, nationality and ethnic/national origins. Discrimination can come from a colleague, department supervisor, your manager or your employer. If you feel that an employer is treating you unfairly or are being treated less favourably than others because of your colour, race, nationality, ethnic or national origin, there are a number of steps to take and you should take action as quickly as possible.
An amount of money transferred between separated parents used to help raise their children. Child Support Agency (CSA) is responsible for child maintenance payments and they identify parents who are not paying support.
Non-Profit Soapbox - changing the way organizations build online communities.
The millennial generation favours a work-life balance over pay, read more here.
A British Airways employee suffered discrimination at work over her Christian beliefs, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has ruled. Nadia Eweida took her case to the ECHR after BA made her stop wearing her white gold cross visibly.
Employment Tribunals An employment tribunal serves as a last resort dispute resolution service to settle any disputes between employee and employer (or ex-employee and ex-employer). However, while being perhaps the best way to settle otherwise unresolvable disputes, such disputes may only be taken to an employment tribunal once all internal resolution procedures have been exhausted.