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Updated by Rastislav Miklovic on Jul 24, 2020
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Top 10 Simpsons Villains

Today we're counting down our picks for the top ten villains from The Simpsons.
For this list, we're looking at some of the best one-off and recurring antagonists from The Simpsons.

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10. Frank Grimes

10. Frank Grimes

An unlucky hard-working co-worker of Homer, Frank Grimes, only appears in one episode but he makes a big and dark impression.

Grimes gets to know Homer and is continually astonished that such a lazy fat moron is able to get so far in life by accident when all his efforts have seemingly been for nothing.
Declaring himself Homer's enemy, Grimes finally snaps, becomes unhinged, and tries to imitate Homer’s idiocy by touching electric wires which kill him.


Snake Jailbird Jeremy Turley

Snake Jailbird Jeremy Turley

Springfield has many colorful criminals but one of its most prominent lawbreakers is Snake whose last name is variously stated to be Turley or jailbird.

The latter is quite fitting as he's generally in and out of prison. though given the ineptitude of Springfield's finest that's hardly surprising an interesting twist on the career criminal archetype snake brings a lot of hilarity to

otherwise tense situations given his changeable attitude and surfer dude accent.

Fond of fast cars and notoriously intolerant of singing and music that isn't rock-n’-roll Snake is one amazing villain dude.


8. Nelson Muntz

8. Nelson Muntz

As Springfield Elementary's foremost bully Nelson Muntz is the quintessential childhood tormentor frequently beating up his classmates including Bart, Milhouse, Martin, and even Lisa on occasion.

Nelson never fails to mock someone when they're down usually with his signature laughs. Though generally dim-witted and brutish Nelson is driven to lash out at others by his own insecurities and is sometimes shown to have a sensitive side.

While he is threatening to other kids adults can often knock him down to size and put him in his place.


7. Hank Scorpio

7. Hank Scorpio

Scorpio, the personable CEO of Globex corporation Hank Scorpio hires Homer to work for him in an idyllic planned community.

Fast-talking and given two tangents, Scorpio is an ideal boss who motivates Homer to actually be good at his job. It's just one problem he is a supervillain.

Bent on conquering the world with doomsday devices and facing off against Bond-style secret agents Scorpio is completely evil to the outside world even if he's nicer to his employees than most legitimate bosses.

Though he only appears prominently in one episode, every scene he's in is incredibly entertaining and he's got a catchy theme song too.


6. Kang and Kodos

6. Kang and Kodos

A staple of The Simpsons Treehouse of Horror episodes, Kang and Kodos are a duo of terrifying tentacled cycloptic aliens that may or may not be siblings.

Most of the time they're shown to have malevolent intentions for the Simpson family and other earthlings often taking over earth either by hook or by crook.

Like the anthology episodes they appear in, they're not always portrayed consistently with their first appearance actually revealing them to be benevolent.

Even so, they're drooling manic grins and booming voices make some of the lines they deliver quite frightening and funny.


5. Jessica Lovejoy

5. Jessica Lovejoy

As the reverend's daughter, Jessica Lovejoy shows a goody-two-shoes attitude to adults but

she's actually a huge troublemaker which is what attracts Bart to her and her to


However, Bart eventually realizes that she has a lust for crime and danger that outstrips even his own.

Her willingness to get him into trouble

when he tries to distance himself from her leads her to become a formidable young femme fatale for him and Lisa.

Her duplicitous nature and excellent acting skills should be no surprise either given that she's voiced by Meryl Streep.


4. Lyle Lanley

4. Lyle Lanley

When the town holds a meeting to decide what to do with the money they won from a fine they are approached by Lyle Lanley who quickly sells them on building a monorail with the aid of an incredibly catchy song.

However, Marge and Lisa suspect that Lanley may be pulling one over on Springfield and an investigation into his previous monorail endeavors reveals that he's a con artist in the vein of the musical The Music Man.

Played to exuberant perfection by the late great Phil Hartman, Lyle Lanley is a slick and slimy villain we were all glad to see get he got his comeuppance in the end.


3. Fat Tony

3. Fat Tony

Springfield's resident mob boss Fat Tony D'Amico is one of the biggest criminals in town.

Frequently performing scams, extortion, and whackings that almost always see him come out on top. Few targets are off-limits and he even once extorted an elementary school.

Given how ruthless and threatening he can be, the moments when Fat Tony does say funny things aren't just that much funnier since they clash with his tough-guy image.

Well, glimpses of a softer nature are there he still remains one of the Simpsons’ most intimidating villains.


2. Mr. Burns

2. Mr. Burns

Charles Montgomery Burns is the richest man in town and indisputably its most hated. He's also Homer's boss.

Selfish cruel and money-grubbing Mr. Burns has little sympathy for anyone and frequently endangers his employees, strangers, and often the entire town with his hateful ideas.

Whether he's releasing his hounds on visitors to his home or declining to donate money to charity, Mr. Burns oozes hateful capitalistic greed.

Even so, his antiquated views, forgetfulness, and eccentric attitude can make him somewhat endearing all in all, he's an excellent villain and nearly the best one on The Simpsons.


1. Sideshow Bob

1. Sideshow Bob

Bart might suffer through Nelson but his arch-nemesis is undoubtedly Robert Terwilliger jr. better known as Sideshow Bob.

A self-proclaimed genius with a perpetual vendetta against the Simpson boy, Bob is legitimately menacing and acts like a cross between Hannibal Lecter and wily coyote always brilliant, but never able or sometimes even wanting to achieve his goal to kill Bart.

Played spectacularly by Kelsey Grammer Bob is sometimes rivaled by his brother Cecil, but Bob comes out on top for us.

Overall Sideshow Bob is not just a great Simpsons villain he's a great villain period.

Do you agree with our picks? Did we miss some great villains? What are your top ten Simpsons villains?