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Updated by Health & Sciences Book Store on Sep 04, 2020
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Dentistry Books

Online shopping for Books from a great selection of Dental Hygiene, Orthodontics, Preventive, Dental Assisting, Oral Surgery, Caries & more at everyday low prices. For more details visit online @

Shop Now! Misch's Contemporary Implant Dentistry, 4th Edition

Dental implant surgery is an artform. To help you advance your skills and become a master of implant prosthetics, Misch's Contemporary Implant Dentistry, 4th Edition uses a multidisciplinary approach to cover the industry’s most current processes and surgical procedures. The new edition of this text continues to provide comprehensive, state-of-the-art information on the science and discipline of contemporary implant dentistry. Covering the breadth of dental implant surgery, it includes full-color, in-depth coverage of both simple and complicated clinical cases, with practical guidance on how to apply the latest research, diagnostic tools, treatment planning, implant designs, and materials. New author Randolph R. Resnik, is an internationally known educator, clinician, and researcher in the field of Oral Implantology and Prosthodontics who will continue Dr. Misch’s legacy and teachings.


Shop Now! Orthodontics, 6th Edition: Current Principles and Techniques

Shop Now! Orthodontics, 6th Edition: Current Principles and Techniques

Comprehensive, cutting-edge content prepares you for today’s orthodontics! Orthodontics: Current Principles and Techniques, 6th Edition provides evidence-based coverage of orthodontic diagnosis, planning strategies, and treatment protocols, including esthetics, genetics, temporary anchorage devices, aligners, technology-assisted biomechanics, and much more. New to this edition is an Expert Consult website using videos and additional visuals to show concepts difficult to explain with words alone. Expert Consult also adds three online-only chapters, research updates, and a fully searchable version of the text. From respected editors Lee Graber, Robert Vanarsdall, Katherine Vig, and Greg Huang, along with a veritable Who’s Who of expert contributors, this classic reference has a concise, no-nonsense approach to treatment that makes it the go-to book for orthodontic residents and practitioners!

Shop Now! Illustrated Anatomy of the Head and Neck, 5th Edition

Known for its top-notch artwork and readable writing style, Illustrated Anatomy of the Head and Neck, 5th Edition, provides dental assisting and dental hygiene students with complete coverage of head and neck anatomy, plus detailed discussions of the temporomandibular joint and its role in dental health, the anatomy of local anesthesia, and the spread of dental infection. Chapters are organized by anatomical systems of study and include expanded review questions that help prepare you for classroom and board examinations. Combine this new edition with its companion title, Illustrated Dental Embryology, Histology, and Anatomy, and you will have a solid foundation of basic scientific knowledge that ties to everyday clinical dental practice.


Shop Now! Dental Material Books | Dental Surgeries Books | Dental Instruments 6th Edition

Shop Now! Dental Material Books | Dental Surgeries Books | Dental Instruments 6th Edition

Study extensively with the best dental surgery books. Phillips dental materials latest edition, dental instruments 6th edition and many more are available in stock.

Dental Hygiene Books | Dental Hygiene Theory and Practice | HS Book Store

Study from the best dental hygiene books available at the HS Book Store. The Dental Hygiene Theory and Practice as well as Saunders Review of Dental Hygiene is available.

Shop Now! Clinical Problem Solving in Dentistry Text and Evolve eBooks Package, 3rd Edition

This package provides you with the book plus the eBook - giving you the printed book, plus access to the complete book content electronically. Evolve eBooks" allows you to quickly search the entire book, make notes, add highlights, and study more efficiently. Buying other "Evolve eBooks" titles makes your learning experience even better: all of the eBooks will work together on your electronic 'bookshelf', so that you can search across your entire library of Dentistry eBooks. This book is designed to explain to dental students the processes of diagnosis and treatment planning, through consideration of clinical cases and problems which involve aspects of all the dental specialties.

Shop Now! Soames' & Southam's Oral Pathology, 5th edition With Discounted Rates

A sound understanding of clinical oral pathology is essential if a dental clinician is to navigate successfully through clinical guidelines, make timely referrals to specialists, and provide good care for patients. This new edition of Soames' & Southam's Oral Pathology provides a clear and friendly guide for students, practitioners, and the whole dental team.

Thoroughly updated for today's clinical practice, this textbook covers 'must-know' oral pathology and integrates key aspects of oral medicine. It begins by explaining the principles of clinical assessment, the synthesis of a differential diagnosis, and the selection of further investigations including laboratory tests. Ten chapters bring this theory to life by looking at the clinical and pathological features of a wide range of common oral diseases including oral cancer, salivary gland disorders, and diseases of the jaws. Two new chapters address skin diseases affecting the oro-facial region and neck lumps. A final chapter highlights the importance of clinical oral pathology in the context of systemic human disease.

New radiology content includes examples of cross-sectional imaging. Photomicrographs have been replaced with carefully selected images to illustrate key pathological features. Each chapter includes key points boxes and tables to aid learning.

Written by experts in both oral pathology and oral medicine, this new edition is a must-have for dentistry students, and those working in the field, providing current and trustworthy information.

Shop Now! Tooth Whitening in Esthetic Dentistry: Principles and Techniques, 1st Edtion with Discounted Rates

This two-volume guide describes the full range of professional teeth whitening procedures, including home whitening, “walking bleach,” power whitening, non-vital tooth bleaching, microabrasion, and gingival bleaching. In addition, the authors address the topics of sensitivity, the maintenance required to keep teeth as light as possible, and over-the-counter bleaching products. The section on clinical diagnosis and treatment planning provides tools useful for routine clinical practice such as a tooth whitening flow chart, a sample patient questionnaire, and a tooth-shade evaluation protocol. The supplementary book, Tooth Whitening Communication Tool, is a valuable collection of before and after treatment photographs designed to help the clinician better communicate the expected outcome of the proposed teeth whitening procedures to the patient. Tooth Whitening in Esthetic Dentistry is a must-read text for every dentist, dental hygienist, dental assistant, and anyone with an interest in tooth whitening in esthetic dentistry. = Contents 1. Diagnosis and Treatment Planning 2. Non-vital Tooth Whitening 3. Home Whitening 4. Power Whitening 5. Microabrasion 6. Gingival Bleaching 7. Tooth Whitening in Esthetic Dentistry 8. Safety and Sensitivity 9. Maintenance 10. History of Tooth Whitening

Shop Now! Leadership and Communication in Dentistry, 1st Edition with Discounted Rates

This book provides practical strategies for dentists to effectively and confidently communicate with many dental insurance issues, as well as with their patients and members of their staff. Providing real-world examples and sample letters, the book includes specific guidance on how to handle common communication scenarios to avoid being caught off-guard or unprepared.

Leadership and Communication in Dentistry begins with a unique section discussing communications with insurance companies, including negotiations, PPO contract issues,
appeals letters, and more. It then includes chapters on communicating with patients, addressing how to listen to their concerns and motivate them, and staff, emphasizing how to be a better leader and institute office policies. The final section explores how dentists can use leadership and communication skills to improve their practice of dentistry.

  • Provides concrete guidance on how dentists can confidently take the lead on conversations with dental insurance companies, their staff, and their patients
  • Includes real-world examples of how to lead through communications
  • Divided into sections covering communications with insurance companies, dental patients, and staff members
  • Teaches that being mindful of proper communication and leadership skills will create a true balance for the successful dentist leader to become successful at living

Leadership and Communication in Dentistry is a must-have resource for any dentist or dental student wishing to improve their communication skills.

Shop Now! Essential Dental Therapeutics, 1st edition with Discounted Rates

Essential Dental Therapeutics is a practical guide to drugs and their effects on dental care. Covering both medical and dental prescribing, all major categories of prescription drugs, their possible side effects, and potential drug interactions are discussed. The medical section is succinct and easily understandable, providing busy dentists with the information they need about medical conditions and the drugs used to treat them. The dental section offers practical, straightforward
information that is relevant to everyday dental prescribing.

All clinical contributing authors are medically and dentally trained, and both strands are fully integrated throughout the text. Readers can test their knowledge by using the key topics and learning objectives at the start of each chapter, and by accessing the companion website featuring self-assessment questions. Essential Dental Therapeutics is a practical reference for dental students and practitioners, ensuring they are safe and informed in everyday practice.