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Updated by Ikay Ikay on Jul 13, 2020
Ikay Ikay Ikay Ikay
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kiambeauty - Everything related to the world of beauty

Everything related to the world of beauty

All concerning beautiful nails - kiambeauty

Who doesn't want to have beautiful and shining nails? But keeping nails beautiful, clean, and trimmed is not an easy task. If you take proper care of your

Beauty tips for looking younger - kiambeauty

Healthy, beautiful skin starts from within. Here are some timeless secrets to younger-looking skin, no matter what your age. The human race has been

Beauty tips for facial therapy - kiambeauty

Without the aid of a beauty consultant navigating the beauty, shelves can be a daunting task, so here we get back to basics with a simple list of beauty

Advice to get beautiful eyes - kiambeauty

How you wear your eyes makeup can have a considerable effect on how you look. Here are some simple guidelines and makeup tips to follow when applying eye

Firming facial mask - kiambeauty

Squeeze an adequate amount of de-stress facial mask into the palm and smooth a generous, even layer over face and throat. Shave facial hair and put in

Are your yellow teeth causing a lasting impact on you? - kiambeauty

Whether it is to improve self-esteem, make you look more attractive to others, or to keep up with the Jones's, teeth whitening is certainly all the craze

Reasons to have your beauty room reservation - kiambeauty

It is understandable why things like salon reservation get pushed to the end of your priority list. But is it at the end of the to-do list where your next

Sexy beauty secrets - kiambeauty

Gentlemen, does your life's love spend more on health and beauty therapies and treatments than you dare mention? You know you would never truly want to deny

Manicure, do it yourself - kiambeauty

t's hard to get a manicure every week, and also it expensive. In this article, we're sending you the best tips to do your manicure at home and always have