Listly by Gareth James
as above
What Scott has created at Live Your Legend is mind-boggling. He creates inspiration, the challenge to dream big and bold, and the tools to make all that a reality. But most unbelievable is the community he's developed of people who are passionate about doing something great, and helping each other achieve that."
As Jack London once said, "The proper function of man is to live, not to exist." Far too often we travel through life on autopilot, going through the motions, accepting what is, and having every day pass like the one before it.
The Tiny Buddha brings you wisdom! Read for wisdom quotes and tips and stories about letting go and letting happiness in.
The Tiny Buddha brings you wisdom! Read for wisdom quotes and tips and stories about letting go and letting happiness in.
Meaningless, unfulfilling work is no longer a requirement. You can create your own calling, on your own terms. Join the revolution.
A blog about how to live life to the fullest. It covers multiple aspects of personal growth such as learning, attitude, productivity, and relationships.
2020 IT Leaders Develop People: - Mentoring our teams to achieve high-performance, in particular globally dispersed and virtual teams; - My first boss was an exceptional mentor: Now I can give this opportunity to professionals and students, readying them to enter the workforce; - with Organised, focused and productive teams with meaningful feedback; - On-shore an off-shore staff, as well as service partners are on our teams.