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Rondje web 20 april

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5 Badass New Sci-Fi Movies You Can Watch on Your Lunch Break

It's rare these days to come out of a theater gushing about a new science fiction movie. There have been a couple of bright spots in recent memory -- Inception and Looper were both fantastic, and Avatar certainly happened -- but good sci-fi flicks are few and far between in Hollywood, which is why you should stop looking for them there.

10 Beautiful Interactive Infographics

Interactivity is a natural addition to information; it lets viewers take in the topic at their own pace, and sometimes even contribute their own input. So it makes sense that dynamic infographics have become so popular so quickly; innovative and beautiful new work is emerging that puts an engaging twist on both the visual and interactive elements of infographic design.

How To Raise The Next Zuckerberg: 6 Coding Apps For Kids

If you want to give your kid every opportunity to succeed, it's hard to argue with teaching them to code. Some of the wealthiest and most influential people of our time began programming young, and who wouldn't want that kind of future for our kids?

Hopscotch App Aims To Get Both Girls And Boys Interested In Programming

Learning to program can sound like a daunting task even for well-educated adults, much less a kid. But the makers of Hopscotch think it's easy enough for an eight-year-old, given the right interface. Hopscotch is the first iPad app designed to teach kids how to code.

Social Media Marketing: Get Out Now... You're Doomed to Fail | Social Media Today

You're a small business owner and have spent some of your hard earned money on social media marketing, hired people to setup your Facebook Page, Twitter account, YouTube Channel and LinkedIn Business Page. The only problem is that although everyone seems to be doing it, you just don't get it!

Big data analytics is great but it's no silver bullet

A A A lot of the talk around big data analytics focuses on the sheer amount of data, the speed of inputs and the glitzy visualizations that can result from analysis. But if you focus on all those bells and whistles before really thinking through the problems you need to solve, you're putting the cart before the horse, according to two business users of the technology.

Yahoo kills off a bunch of features you didn't know existed

Yahoo kills off a bunch of features you didn't know existed As of April 30th, several of Yahoo's products will be shuttered as part of their initiative to consolidate focus and resources around their core services. That's the bad news. The good news is that you're probably not using any of them.

Power felt will let you charge your devices by walking around

Power felt will let you charge your devices by walking around As technology grows more and more advanced, so too does its need for power. Unfortunately for us, batteries haven't advanced all that much. Not as much as other technology has, at least. Phones used to be able to last for days between charges.

Chrome experiment turns your smartphone into Web-based game controller

Web-based games tend to have a bad reputation, often for good reasons. For years they've been primarily characterized by bulky, inefficient plugins, dated 2D graphics, and basic gameplay. But Google's latest Chrome-based experiment shows that HTML5 gaming has advanced quite a bit past that stereotype.

10 Tips for Using Twitter Like a Pro

Today is Twitter's birthday. It's been seven years since the popular social network was first launched. In honor of the milestone, we've compiled this list of tips for how entrepreneurs can get the most out of Twitter for their businesses: 1. Ensure your Twitter account reflects your brand.

Meet the First Digital Generation. Now Get Ready to Play by Their Rules | Wired Magazine |

For Wired's 20th anniversary, we investigate the first generation born into a world that has never not known digital life. If you want to understand the past two decades, they are perhaps the perfect subjects. The drumbeat of disruption and technological advance is their natural rhythm.