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Updated by Certif-ID Digital Certificate on Dec 29, 2020
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Blockchain Certificate | Skills Community | Issue Digital Certificate

Be part of an elite global network of technical training institutes.
Make it easy for experts to showcase and prove their skill proficiency.

Educational institutes turn towards technology and automation

Educational institutes are turning towards technology to streamline administrative processes. And, Certif-ID is facilitating institutes to adopt automation.

Mission Certif-ID for Educational Institutions, Skills and Employment

Certif-ID’s mission is to be ‘the’ dedicated skills community. We are improving trust and transparency in the education and employment sectors.

Non-linear Career Paths to Redefine Professional Success | Certif-ID

Are there ideal career paths? New technologies are redefining the prescribed career plan. Are training institutions ready to tackle the shift?

Modular Courses to Bridge the Skills Gap and Drive Learning

Modular courses are short, targeted, and focused on a certain topic. It can bridge the rising digital skills gap and also drive lifelong learning.

Transforming Education Certification with Blockchain

Blockchain could be key in redefining the education certification and validation process. Here's how Certif-ID is redefining the education landscape.

Why the world needs a review system for educational institutions

A reviewal system could benefit and create a sense of harmony between educational institutions, technical experts, and recruiters.

DIDAC India 2019 - Highlights from Certif-ID | Digital Certificates

At DIDAC India 2019 - Certif-ID showcased how easy it is to issue digital certificates and promote lifelong learning. To know more read the blog.

Digital Signature Certificates Anchored in Blockchain

Issuing digital signature certificates powered by blockchain will empower students to prove their skills and advance their careers.

Blockchain Platform: To Build Trust in the Education Sector

A blockchain platform could be the way we can strengthen the interface among educational institutions, job seekers, and the job market.

Digital Certificate based in blockchain technology is the way forward

Digital Certificate based in blockchain will make a great first impression and catch a recruiter's attention as compared to a traditional paper CVs.

Technical Courses: An Opportunity for The Indian Youth

Why choose technical courses? Employability is likely to change in the future and preparing for it will be a smart choice.

Upskill and Reskill the Workforce - A Critical Success Factor

Will organizations retain, upskill, and reskill their existing workforce, or hire new talent equipped with skills in emerging technologies?


WorldSkills 2019 highlighted the need to prepare our youth to develop skills and aptitude required to succeed in their future careers and life.

WORLDSKILLS kazan – A Confluence of Skill, Dedication and Purpose

At WorldSkills Kazan, Certif-ID introduces a blockchain-powered platform, driving collaboration between educational institutes, experts, and employers.

Industry 4.0: How Far It Has Come: How You Can Go Far In It

Adopting tech-driven solutions will allow educational institutions to stay on top of the shift brought on by Industry 4.0.

5-Step Guide to Enhance Technical Training Institution Experience

Technical training institutions to adopt five steps to become a smart institute while also playing a significant role in building the future workforce.

Careers of the Future and How to Survive Industry 4.0

Do careers of the future demand employers to hire candidates with skill sets that span across a range of technologies and industries.

Benefit of Blockchain: Promote Transparency and Raise Standards

The blockchain benefits educational institutions and employers to perform a one-click verification of an individual’s credentials and more.