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Updated by Debbie Smith on Jul 08, 2018
Debbie Smith Debbie Smith
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Strip Designer Activity Ideas

Strip Designer " techchef4u

At last week's iPad site visit, a student on the panel was describing her favorite iLesson: "It was in science. It is an interactive periodic table (app). We were learning about the elements. You click on an element and it gives you the history, who made it, how you use it, what it is used for.

Lessons with Strip Designer app.

Today four of my students made a flyer for the 1st year intro afternoon that will be sent to all of the fresh 1st year students. They used the Strip Designer app for this. Other educational uses for this great app could be: Act out a book that has been read.

iPads in Primary Education: Strip Designer: 10 easy ways to get started with iPads/iPods in the primary classroom

Context: Many schools are starting their own iPad journey and often teachers ask for ideas about which apps to use and how to use them. As a good starting point, Strip Designer is easy to use, powerful and versatile.

Get Your Students Comic Stripping: Create Comics with Strip Design for iPad

Get Your Students Comic Stripping: Create Comics with Strip Design for iPad A staple of web2.0 in the classroom is using a variety of online comic creation websites for students to write fiction, re-imagine historical events or re-tell personal experiences. With the iPad, creating comics is even faster and easier, without the headache and worries of student accounts.

The Book Chook: Children's iPad App, Strip Designer

Children's iPad App Review by Susan Stephenson, I'm genuinely excited about the potential for self-expression and creativity in the iPad app, Strip Designer. While it's a comic editor, and a good one, it's also a wonderful visual way for kids to create and to demonstrate learning.

Mrs. Newey's Website

Using Strip Designer for summarizing novels in Fourth Grade.