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Updated by metal-casper88 on Jun 29, 2020
Headline for My very own list of great and inspiring links in 2020 that I like - feel free to comment and give me ideas
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My very own list of great and inspiring links in 2020 that I like - feel free to comment and give me ideas

Here you can see my list of websites that I like, use regurlarly and/ord find inspiring. It's mostly only me who decide what comes on my list. But some of the links is from my wife - but only accepted by me, when the links have been looking throughoughly through, by me :-)
I'm a 36 years old web-programmer from Copenhagen, in Denmark. Living with my wife and 3 dogs.

Asiatisk Rejsemagasin og -blog

Great travel blog

MountainBlanket Tyngdtäcken av högsta kvalité – Gratis frakt

Inspiring site about products that help you get better sleep (very important IMO)

Intelligent sportsutstyr som motiverer – Sportsbuddy

Great site about fitness watches, which great articles.

Oppustelig spa » De bedste udendørs spabade (Tilbud)

Great site about garden spa's, which I love using in the summer.

→ Betalte undersøgelser online - Tjen penge på spørgeskemaer i 2017 ←

Great list of ways to get some extra income, online


Great watch-inspiration