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Updated by rm20157 on Jun 22, 2020
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McTierR-Ethical Curation June 22, 2020

Please use the following resources to help you understand how to use information in an ethical way. The resources will help you understand copyright and plagiarism.

Copyright & Plagiarism for Kids

Shannon Bussel created a PowToon presentation with basic information about plagiarism and copyright. When you use someone else's work, you should give them credit. Watch her video to learn how to give credit correctly.

Copyright and Fair Use Animation

Do you like creating videos or pictures to post online? Your work is covered by Copyright! Find out what Copyright is and how your work is protected.

Mix-n-Mash | Digital Passportâ„¢ by Common Sense Education

Practice giving credit for resources you use with this game! As you create something new using pictures and music, you will learn how to give credit to the artists. Be creative and have fun, just don't forget to give the proper credit!

Let's Give Credit - The Digital Citizens Report Student Handout

Do you know how to give credit for someone else's work? Make a copy of the attached worksheet and complete the practice of giving credit. Make sure you share your document with me so I can check for understanding.

Citation for Beginners

Can you cite your source for a project? Watch the video to understand what plagiarism is and how to cite your information.

What Are In-Text Citations?

Do you want to add quotes and citations in the middle of your report? Watch the video to learn how to write quotes and cite the author correctly. This will help you become a better writer!


When you have finished writing your report or creating your presentation, it is time to cite your sources. Use ZoteroBib to help you cite your information in the correct format. Once you open the website, enter some of the information about your source. Check the citation with what you have learned about citing sources correctly. Your reference is ready in a few minutes!

Copyright - BrainPOP

Join Tim and Moby as you explore Copyright and Fair Use. Watch the video and then take the quiz. Feel free to explore the other activities about Copyright.

Log into your account to get access to these resources.

Plagiarism - BrainPOP

Tim and Moby are going to teach you about plagiarism. Learn what it is and how to avoid it. Watch the video and then take the quiz. Try some of the other activities to practice using parts of someone else's work and citing it correctly. You may become a better writer with the practice!

Log into your account to get access to these resources.

Citing Sources - BrainPOP

Now that you have finished your report, now what? Learn about making a bibliography correctly by watching the video. Test your knowledge by taking the quiz. Try some of the other activities to help you learn more about writing good bibliographies. If you can follow the steps for citing your sources, you could be the best writer in class!

Log into your account to get access to these resources.

The Ultimate Guide to Copyright, Creative Commons, and Fair Use for Teachers, Students, and Bloggers

Study the rules for Copyright and ethical use of information. Keep reading the site to learn about different uses of information like Fair Use for using images, music, and videos found online. Use the rules to help you give proper credit!