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Updated by Amanda Lee on Jun 11, 2020
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5 Ways to Better Freelancing while Enjoying Translation

5 Ways to Better Freelancing while Enjoying Translation

Being your own boss is one of the biggest strengths of a free-career lifestyle. You can work flexibly at the time you like, working only with the customers you choose to set the price you want. Of course, one of the worst parts of freelancing is being your own boss. No one else is going to handle the invoice, no one is motivating you when you're in trouble, and no one is paying you when you're sick. All of this can sometimes feel a bit of a drag and can dampen your passion for freelancing. Here, we summarize five ways to help you improve your freelance approach so you can focus on and enjoy translation.


There are a number of technologies that automate some of the work in a free career, which can save a lot of time. Automation is the best assistant for your job, from social media for you looking for followers to apps that can enter entire sentences or paragraphs with just a few letters.

Similarly, it's worth exploring which applications can help you improve management. Communication tools such as Slack allow you to get in touch with your customers quickly, while the billboard-style Trello app lets you constantly find more uses, and the longer you use it, the more you keep looking. Find the right balance to improve workflow efficiency, and then all of a sudden, you spend less time on freelance management and have more time to translate.

Hire an accountant

Life is too short, and tax returns take up too much time. If you really like to report taxes, then working in accounting can be attractive. But for those who prefer to translate rather than deal with numbers, hiring an accountant may be a good option. Basic accounting services aren't too expensive, and accountants can even save you money with some shrewd advice.

Never stop learning

Staying productive on your day is a great way to stay motivated and make sure you enjoy your freelancing, and the benefit of this is that you can use the translation itself to make your day even more exciting. For example, if your primary job is financial translation, why not try to provide legal translation services and spend part of the day familiarizing yourself with legal concepts and phrases in the language you use? Or might marketing translation be more attractive? Or a video translation of chinese Language? No matter which theme you choose, taking a little time each day to learn new skills can be a powerful motivation. It can also be a way to diversify your skills and increase your income.

*To yourself

If you worked in the office before you went freelance, you may remember the days when your colleagues brought good things to everyone because it was their birthday, or charity baking day, or just a Tuesday that needed something new. From time to time, delicious sweets can keep you happy on weekdays, so be sure to reward yourself from time to time and maintain the spirit of friendship with your colleagues!

*A little bit of activity

Exercise has a profound effect on the brain. As you move around, your body generates more energy. This energy allows you to think more clearly and work faster. Studies have shown that exercise can increase your attention for up to three hours after exercise. Exercise has also been shown to improve memory, help control impulses and improve mental health, just like some antidepressants. Similarly, exercise helps to burn the calories of these desserts!

As a result, you'll be more energetic and even better able to translate when you get up from time to time during the workday and do a star jump.

*Write at the end

Do you have any good advice to do a better job of freelancing? How do you ensure that you have more time, energy, and enthusiasm to translate? Please leave a comment and let us know.