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Updated by Hanleigh Bradley on Jun 09, 2020
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Have You Read The Spell Library Series?

Here are 12 books you absolutely must read this summer!


Violet by Mia Harlan

Violet by Mia Harlan

Can I tell you a secret?
I'm a chameleon shifter...
...and I've spent the past year posing as my 80-year-old best friend.
No one can ever know what I really look like! Not even my three hot, fated mates:

  • The sweetest bear shifter
  • A seductive vampire mage
  • And a hot troll cop who vows to protect me If I can't keep my feelings for them hidden, my true identity will be discovered and I'll end up dead--or worse! Violet is a paranormal reverse harem romance. It's part of the Silver Springs shared universe. Read this Bestselling Reverse Harem Now On Kindle Unlimited or hit One Click

Juniper by Eva Delaney

Juniper by Eva Delaney

When my dark magic meets a spelled book, my favorite adult toys turn into…three hotties?!
I made an enemy of my allies when I stole a few items that weren't necessarily mine. Now that I'm being hunted, romance isn't in the cards. But after a spell meets my dirty mind, a night of solo fun turns into an evening on the run with:

  • A shy, bookish vampire
  • An 18th century pirate with serious swagger
  • Shakespeare All with the ability to shift back into the er- magical playthings. With only one day until the spell wears off and my men vanish, I promise to show them a good time. There’s only one catch: My enemy is closing in on us. If I want a future with these naughty toy shifters, I need to confront my painful past. Juniper is a paranormal reverse harem romance. It's part of the Silver Springs shared universe. Note: This book contains MM. Read this quirky RH on Kindle Unlimited or hit One Click

Lupine by Hanleigh Bradley

Lupine by Hanleigh Bradley

They say I'm their princess! Who are they kidding? I'm just Silver Springs Resident Orphan.
Even in Silver Springs, a town full of paranormal abnormalities, Lupine, the town's resident orphan has never felt like she belonged.
Overworked, stressed, hair flying everywhere, Lupine is constantly on the move working with the unique children in the Silver Spring's Orphanage. The Silver Springs human population regularly grumble to her about their parenting challenges.
They have no idea! They should try being responsible for twenty or so paranormal children. The orphanage is pure mayhem. The witches are hiding Lupine's keys, the half-angels keep levitating up to the roof and the shifters are running rogue.
When the mafia come to town, will she finally find her home among the wolves?
Lupine is a paranormal reverse harem romance. It's part of the Silver Springs shared universe.
Read this mafia royalty bestselling RH on Kindle Unlimited or by hitting One Click


Calluna by Jewels Arthur

Calluna by Jewels Arthur

Calluna is sassy, snarky, and doesn't give a crap about, well, anything.
Calluna doesn't believe in all this love garbage that she keeps seeing all over the town. Nope, she is just fine keeping to herself and her pet store, Beastie Besties, spank you very much.
When a goofy romance book draws her in and she is given a meerkat shifter, a fennec fox shifter, a fallen angel, and a griffin shifter -- well, Calluna's views on love might be in for a whirlwind of change.
Will this whirlwind romance get in the way of the mystery she has yet to solve? There is someone in town cursing animals with dark magic, causing her shop to become a land of misfit pets. Calluna is determined to break the curses and find the culprit but she'll have to travel down a dark road herself.
Calluna is a paranormal romance that is a part of the Silver Springs shared universe. Calluna will not be choosing at the end.
Read this bestselling Why Choose Romance on Kindle Unlimited or by hitting One Click


Dahlia by Tabitha Barret

Dahlia by Tabitha Barret

Little girls are supposed to draw pictures of rainbows and unicorns, so when I started drawing monsters in the shadows, people acted as if something was wrong with me. They didn't know I could predict the future. As I got older, I adapted and became a tattoo artist who gave helpful advice to skeptics.
Unfortunately, my abilities have caused other kinds of problems, especially when it came to romance. Can you imagine meeting a fun, handsome guy who seems interested in you but instead of envisioning yourself having a good time with him, you can only see how things will end? Breakups are worst, especially when you never got to the good parts. That's why I refuse to date anymore.
Now, I feel like everything is about to change. I keep drawing the same symbol over and over again. Is it a warning or it is a sign of something good headed my way? I'm not sure, but I'm positive that it involves the intriguing men I've just met.
Dahlia is a Adult RH Paranormal Romance / Fantasy Romance in the Silver Springs shared universe.
Now Available For Pre-Order on Amazon


Willow by Elena Gray

Willow by Elena Gray

*I'm Willow and this is my life story... *
Be warned, there will be plenty of awkward moments. The most humiliating happen to be with my mother.
She's a Goddess who is determined to get me laid. What extent will my mother go to to achieve her goal? The Gods only know...
Oh and let's not forget...zombies, a chupacabra and my ex-boyfriend are also part of the fun.
Goddess help me, what more can go wrong? Wait no! Mom, I meant Goddess in general, not you specifically.
Willow is a standalone paranormal reverse harem romance. It's part of the Silver Springs shared universe and can be read in any order.
Now Available to Pre-Order on Amazon


Tiger Lily by May Dawson

Tiger Lily by May Dawson

In one colossally bad day, my boss fires me so he can give my job to his nephew, I find my boyfriend cheating on me, and—when being human is just too painful—I accidentally shift and trash my own apartment. My inner cat is apparently offended by table lamps.
Then my grandfather falls and breaks his arm, and I head back to Silver Springs to help him.
Or maybe I run back to Silver Springs…
But I won’t be there long.
My boss and my ex-boyfriend might be total jerks, but maybe there’s something really unlovable about me. I definitely don’t fit into sweet Silver Springs.

Blake—Mr. Bossy
When Lily’s car breaks down on the side of the road in Silver Springs, I’ve got the solution to all her problems—from towing her car with my truck to giving her a job at Hot Wheels, my brand-new garage. Easy.
When I finally convince her to come work with me and my ‘brothers’, she lights up the auto shop with her sassy personality.
Too bad she thinks I’m bossy when I’m just trying to help…

Dylan—Mr. Charming
Watching Blake and Lily is painful. Sparks fly in every way when the two of them are together. Sometimes they fight. Sometimes they lock eyes like they want to hop on top of the Honda and lick each other.
I’ve loved Lily since we were kid, but she’s always snubbed me. Once she reveals it’s her own insecurities that kept her from ever kissing me, though, I’m determined to show her just how much I adore her… If only I can convince her what I feel is real.

Archer—Mr. Nerd
I’ve always been the quiet geek in our group. Blake’s always tried to boss Lily, Dylan’s always tried to kiss her. Lily and I have always had a comfortable friendship.
But now we’re all grown-up. I’m the same nerd I always was, but my new app has gone viral. I could go anywhere—but I choose to be here in Silver Springs, with my brothers and Hot Wheels.
And with Lily.
Then her past—and all her insecurities—careens into Silver Springs and tries to wreck our new love.
Will the four of us finally fight for what we want—and win our happily-ever-after together?
Find out when you Pre-Order on Amazon


Sage by J.E. Cluney

Sage by J.E. Cluney

Do you know what I love? Being my own boss. Do you know what I hate? A lack of social life.
Silver Springs is supe friendly, so I thought it was the perfect place to call home with my pet pig, Wilma.
Too bad I can’t seem to get myself out to meet people, despite Wilma’s consistent nagging.
Oh, did I mention she talks? Turns out I was born as a slightly defective mermaid, more animalistic than I’d like to admit.
The one bonus? I’m Mrs freakin DooLittle. I consider it a curse at times.
I’d been hoping that Silver Springs might be my one place to maybe meet someone special, but I’m starting to think that was all a dream I can’t reach.
That is, until I decide to fancy up my special pool out back.
Blaine is one fine as hell landscaper, and he’s got some delicious friends to help him.
Maybe Silver Springs isn’t so bad.
Now if only Wilma can stop telling me good their butts look from her level.
Pre-Order this Fastburn RH today on Amazon


Iris by Aspen Black

Iris by Aspen Black

Iris owns Floriography Flower Shop! Want roses for your favorite gal or guy? Need fresh lavender to place next to your bed? What about more exotic plants from far away? FFS has what you're looking for!
Iris finds herself in the possession of something that brings together a strange combination of mates. It doesn't mean she knows what to do with them.
She's been asked to provide flowers and the main centerpiece for the town's seasonal dance. With only a little under two weeks to it, she's got to get everything in gear! It's not like her magic is going haywire for some reason. Nope.
A vampire who doesn't have fangs. Check.
A fairy that's a beefy hunk with hamburger buns to match the handsome delivery driver. Check.
That vampire and fairy with a history together that leaves her panting? Check.
And a mysterious stranger that makes her knees buckle at first look. Check.
A Venus flytrap with a mind of its own? Check.
A weird obsession with fuzzy slippers? Check.
Iris is in for an adventure of a lifetime. Does she have the strength to open her heart to happiness?
Pre-Order Iris on Amazon today.


Buttercup by Helen Scott

Buttercup by Helen Scott

Take one shy baker, add one mysterious biker, a sexy bartender, a moody prison guard, and an actual demon, then add two helpings of curiosity, one night of bad decisions, a steamy romance novel, and abandoned inhibitions. Mix well and wait for the fun to start.
Buttercup is a paranormal reverse harem romance. It’s part of the Silver Springs shared universe.
Pre-order this cute paranormal reverse harem on Amazon


Magnolia by Melissa Adams

Magnolia by Melissa Adams

Magnolia Kinsella is finishing her nursing degree and interning at Silver Spring Memorial but seriously she’s a little klutz and so accident prone that she keeps turning up as a patient more than she should.
Magnolia loves to jog to clear her mind and read steamy romance novels. She’s shy when she likes a guy but a certain magic paperback might change her fate.
Remember Thor ... Ehm Max, the sexy paramedic from Onyx?
He has to rescue our nurse from herself a few times but he certainly doesn’t mind.
What happens if he isn’t the only one who’s noticed our girl but also his roommates Doctor P. (You’ll have to find out how he earned the nickname lol) and officer Hunk have secret crushes on our girl?
Magnolia is a contemporary story within the Silver Springs shared universe
Pre-order on Amazon to read this steamy, contemporary RH with a sprinkle of magic.


Jasmine by Crystal North

Jasmine by Crystal North

Jasmine: an insanely talented half-witch who can’t see her own worth, even though the humans and the Supes of Silver Springs all adore her; shop owner; holistic healer; visionary; fortune teller.
The only problem she ever has with fortune telling, however, is her own. All she ever gets is visions of trees when she tries. You know the saying, can’t see the wood for the trees? Well, Jasmine just can’t figure out what it all means.
However a spelled library book, left behind in her shop by accident, may just give her the clarity - and romance - that she’s been missing. Fate has funny plans for Jasmine, no matter how disbelieving she is, or how hard she tries to fight it!
Take a firefighting shifter, fae builder twins, and the hottest bouncer you’ve ever seen, despite his unusual appetites...four guys named after trees and one witch who’s still too clueless to see the sexy answers staring her in the face.
It’s got to spell a recipe for disaster, right?
Jasmine is a paranormal reverse harem romance. It's part of the Silver Springs shared universe.
Pre-order this PNR Reverse Harem on Amazon