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Updated by Rely Services on Jul 19, 2021
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Top Outsourcing Blogs

Here's a list of blogs related to business process outsourcing covering healthcare, insurance, mortgage, finance industries.


Key Benefits of Outsourcing Medical Billing Services

Key Benefits of Outsourcing Medical Billing Services

Imagine you’re a small group of physicians with complimentary specialities. You’re just starting out, so you’ve recently invested heavily in your offices, business hardware and software, furniture, medical equipment, marketing, hiring office and medical staff, buying insurance for the people and the practice, and you’re eager to start seeing more patients and building your practice.

But you’re noticing an income shortfall that keeps building.

Surprise! Some of your beloved patients are not paying their bills in a timely manner. And because of mistakes in coding or filling out forms, payments from Medicare, Medicaid and various Health Insurances are slow in coming.

Nothing new in this, across the Healthcare Industry, reimbursements have been declining and HIPPA-compliant paperwork is increasing. The opportunity to be a profitable enterprise is constantly shrinking.

On average, 70-80% of patients owe a minimum of $500 to their healthcare providers. More than 45% of patients owe $1000. If a bill is not eventually paid or settled, the expense of that treatment will NEVER be recovered.

How can a small or medium sized medical practice hope to get, and stay profitable when it’s so expensive to operate and most of the fees are essentially capped by what the various insurance providers will reimburse?

The answer? Outsourcing Medical Billing Services!

A Healthcare BPO can give your billing process top priority because coding and billing is what they do. BPOs have a proven track record- increasing income and cutting costs for healthcare providers world-wide. It’s both the easiest and quickest way for your medical practice to see new levels of profitability.

And just to reiterate, the whole billing process is a money and time consuming task.

Healthcare providers concentrate on their patients- staying current with the latest treatments and medications. The majority of their staff does as well. So it’s probably no surprise that Medical Billing is near the bottom of the list of priorities.

Today, Medical Billing Outsourcing is providing world class service to their clients. Using the latest technical innovation and expertise, some healthcare providers can see up to a 30% saving in billing and receiving costs!

Rely Services is here to give you and your staff the opportunity of concentrate on delivering quality healthcare! For a no cost evaluation of your business and tips on how we can make you more profitable, contact us and see what a difference we can make for you!

Avoid Errors: It’s a fact that BPOs are less prone to errors in insurance coding and patient contact. Without a dedicated in-house staff for billing, your practice can be more efficient and cost effective. The money saved can be used to improve patient care and upgrade equipment and services.
Stay Current With Industry Standards And Practices: Insurance, both private and government, constantly change their methods and requirements. To stay on top of the latest regulations is a full time job. With a BPO, your practice can leave that task to someone else, with a guarantee to stay on top of changes and not lose any time or money because of mistakes.
Improve Cash Flow: Medical Billing Outsourcing keeps billing flowing in an effective way, getting bills out quicker, getting payments back sooner and with less expense.
Increase Revenue: A BPO can introduce new billing methods, including trans-promotional marketing- where an invitation to a testing service, vaccines, medical events or other special offers are attached to the patient’s bill. This encourages better patient involvement in their own care and adds a revenue stream to the practice.
Security: Well established outsourcing companies have a very stable and secure billing process. Data is confidentially stored and they can meet current HIPPA standards.

Control: A BPO maintaining your medical billing services, will reduce your workload. Transparency and accountability will be maintained.
Patient Satisfaction: A BPO will be the voice and face of your billing service, and the best of them take that responsibility seriously. They can mirror the same consideration and care that your patients find in your office.


7 Tips to Improve Data Entry Process Significantly

7 Tips to Improve Data Entry Process Significantly

Every operational organization deals with data on daily basis. This data needs to be managed effectively so that it can be utilized as needed. The process of entering values into computer software in a systematically processed way is known as data entry. The process can be manual or automated meaning it can be handled by a person or a machine. The process of data entry by an operator is known as manual data entry. If it is entered by a machine, it is known as automated electronic data entry. To make this process efficient and accurate, certain guidelines must be followed.

Improve the Data Entry Process

  1. Focus on Useful Data: As we all know, data entry is a time-consuming process, so the focus has to be placed on the data that is most useful to the organization. The documents that aren’t useful or don’t contain any useful information have to be removed. An operator should only focus on important documents. Not focusing on unnecessary data saves time during the operator’s day.

  2. Analysis of Errors: There are two methods used to analyze errors. These are the cluster & event analyses.

  3. Data Profiling: Analyzing a set of data for its correctness, completion, and accuracy is known as data profiling. In short, you make sure the data being used is reasonably valid. Data profiling reduces needless corrections & saves money and time throughout the process.

  4. Introduce Smart Forms: Forms typically require different input values for different categories or sections. For example, a mobile number is a numeric value and a name is an alphabetic value. In this case, we’d need to design a smart form that prevents users from entering numbers into the “name” category and letters into the “mobile number” category by analyzing the characters entered.

  5. Standardization of Processes: Once we are done with the process definition (data segregation & analysis), we can proceed to the process standardization. Process standardization involves preparing checklists for an operator so that they understand what points need to be cross-checked before submission.

  6. Introduce Automated Process: Data entry involves manual work, but if we could find a way to automate the manual process, this will save time & money. Removal of manual processes increases the accuracy of the overall system. The automation of processes can be done with the help of software that extracts data from images, eliminating the need to manually extract it.

  7. Observation & Feedback: Manual data entry requires the team to be closely monitored and critiqued in a timely manner. Feedback should be a two-way conversation where we take corrective measures to avoid errors. Observations are to be recorded and used for further referencing of process optimization.

You can use these methods to reduce your manual efforts and increase your profits. Being a leading data entry company, we can optimize various processes to save time so that you can focus on core business activities.

About Rely Services

Rely Services is a Business Process Outsourcing - BPO company with 20+ years of experience in the field of Data Entry Services. We have helped our reputed clients to increase their revenue and smoothly manage their data process. You can reach us at or you can call us at 847-310-8750.


The Significance of Outsourcing Back Office Support Services

The Significance of Outsourcing Back Office Support Services

A growing business is a good thing, right? No, a growing business is a GREAT thing! But with that growth comes a challenge.

Now you have to reach into the labor pool and add to your core staff for office support. That can be a daunting prospect. The whole process of hiring will consume valuable time.

But wait. You may not be ready to commit. You may not be sure that this growth is going to continue, increase, or level off. And what about the expense and time of increasing the number of your employees? And finding the space and equipment for them? And the whole hiring process will suck valuable time from your money-making activities.

Wouldn't it be great to have someone else handle all your Back Office Activities?

Maybe it"s time to consider outsourcing Back Office Support Services like customer care, sales, data entry services, billing and the rest. And you don"t have to have a big enterprise to use an offshore firm. The Small Business Back Office can benefit too. Here are just some of the advantages of working with Back Office Outsourcing Services.

Cut Labor Costs The first advantage in Outsourcing Back Office are the savings from not hiring internal employees. Because an outsourcing firm has trained staff members to handle specific tasks, your employees can focus on the things their best at, like making you money. With offshore Back Office Support Services, you"ll have an increased ability to use your precious capital in other ways- like advertising and marketing- things that drive sales instead of increasing costs.

Back Office Outsourcing Companies

Cut the Overhead By not bringing more staff on board, you"ll save money on everything from payroll, employee benefits, and training, to office space, equipment, and furnishings. You might be able to lower your prices. Without the time and expense needed to bring on the extra staff for Back Office Functions, you will have more resources to drive profitability.

A Back Office With Top Talent and Technology Another benefit? Office Outsourcing gives you access to the latest technology without investing capital to purchase new software and hardware. Outsourcing allows you to take advantage of the benefits without the huge initial investment and continuing maintenance, and the trained operators to run the tech.

Freedom to focus on your core business. By taking these repetitive, time-consuming functions offshore you can focus on the functions that drive revenue and growth. And the expense of using today"s technology is a huge part of any enterprises" budget, and if you are using someone else"s tech and only paying for what you use, that"s money saved.

What do you Gain With Outsourcing? A lot! Check out some of the benefits

Lower Operating Costs : The cost of doing business will dramatically decrease. Say goodbye to paying for :

Payroll expenses
Advertising for open positions
Interviewing candidates
Buying new equipment
Increasing office space
Employee benefits
Health insurance

Access to Talented Resources :
Trained, experienced operators from day 1
Highly educated, fluent English-speaking staff
Acclimatized to Western Cultural norms
Friendly demeanor and professional presence

Focus on Core Activities :
Do what you do best- make your business grow
Boost morale - eliminate the tedious work
Increase profits by being more productive

Get Rid of Overhead :
Less office space required
Less equipment needed
Fewer desks, chairs and computers
Smaller payroll
Fewer benefits

Access to Advanced Technology :
Always the latest hardware
The latest in software
State of the art security systems
Latest servers and networks

Flexible Business Model :
Scale manpower as needed
Use computer time when needed
Never pay for too many team members

Potential for Expansion :
Outsourcing can provide the resources you need when you need them
Peak Season- expansion, slow season- reduction.

In the last two decades, the ability to Outsource Back Office Services has emerged as a powerful business tool. These services require qualified, experienced professionals to process and maintain those huge amounts of data. For such time-consuming work, outsourcing these services makes total sense.

Rely Services is a leading Back Office Outsourcing Services provider in the USA. Our professional staff is simply brilliant. Let us show you how partnering with us can improve your customer base and profitability.


Top 8 Benefits Of Using OCR Technology In Business

Top 8 Benefits Of Using OCR Technology In Business

Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is a fantastic computer process that can take the Image of a word- say PIER- and turn that Image into four distinct parts, the letters- P, I, E, R, just as if you typed them on a computer keyboard. Now you can rearrange the letters to make a different word, say- RIPE- or delete the word entirely without changing anything else in the document, just as you would an electronic record such as an email. This allows you to edit a document that didn't originate in electronic form.

Easy Data Entry (and retrieval) of available scanned files is a crucial part of today's digital workplace. OCR Services is a term used to describe the entire process of converting the analog files to digital (Document Digitization), organizing them (Data Processing), and making them available to the workplace.

What Types of Documents Can be Digitized With OCR?

Any businesses in any sector- banking, mortgage, financial, legal, payroll, healthcare, and more- can leverage OCR. Any, ANY paper document can be scanned and stored digitally:

Any paper InvoiceAny Tax documentAll Payroll information- even if it's filled out by handAny long and complicated Legal documentAny Handwritten Contact informationAny Business card
Think about the conversion of documents into formats that are readable and editable, and thus can be arranged in any order or configuration needed to make them more readable or usable, can mean both access and storage!

8 Benefits of Using OCR in Business!

Improves Productivity - All your documents living in the digital world improves productivity because any authorized user easily accesses them. No more searching through massive file cabinets in backroom storage spaces.

Minimize Errors - Every business wants to minimize errors. OCR makes that happen! No more transcription mistakes, no more errors in copying from one document to another. The original information is at your fingertips.

Storage Space - Are you running out of storage space? Drowning in paper? Junk all those file cabinets. Cancel the lease on that rented storage facility and shred those paper files! OCR makes sense in dollars as well.

Data Security - These days we all think data security is essential. But security is crucial not only for keeping files safe from hackers is only part of the story. Keeping files safe from natural disasters is also vital, and paper can be easily damaged or destroyed.

Ease Of Access - Talk about easy access! No more trips offsite to retrieve bulky paper files stored in a massive, expensive facility. OCR makes all your files instantly accessible and usable for all your authorized users!

Time Saving - Time is money, so time saving saves you a lot of money, a whole lot of money. Reduce the overhead, and you have more capital to use for other things like expanding into new markets or cutting costs in existing ones.

Cost Reduction - OCR Reduces Cost. For all the reasons listed above and more, OCR will allow you to divert those savings to any use you need. In these challenging financial times, any saving is an advantage.

Environmentally Friendly - Not only is operating in an environmentally friendly manner right for a businesses' public Image, according to science, but it's also increasingly necessary for our planets' survival.

Why Successful Enterprises Outsource OCR Services

By now, you might be convinced that using OCR services is a smart move. But that doesn't mean you have to invest in expensive hardware and software and train operators to use them.

Make the choice that thousands of others have made and used successfully to outsource OCR services with a Business Process Outsource firm. Let an experienced team handle this task.

Experienced Professionals - BPOs are specialists in providing the quickest, most accurate results in your sector, and can easily interface with your firms’ standard operating procedures. Being professionals, they take great pride in their work and are only satisfied when you are happy.

Scalable Services - All the services are scalable, so they always have the resources to fit your needs. If there are slow seasons for you, they can match the activity level. If your busy seasons are crushing you now, they can ease that burden. One of the basic tenets of a BPO is that you only pay for what you use.

Cost-Effective Services - BPOs can do the best work at the best price available. They can scale your dedicated team to ensure that you’re getting exactly what you need, not more, not less, freeing up your core staff to do the more creative part of the process.

Well Organized Data Entry - To input gigabytes of data can result in a confusing presentation if not properly organized. An experienced BPO can handle this easily. And most have their own inspectors to double and triple check our work.

24 / 7 Support - Your team will be available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Get in touch with them, and they’ll have answers for you, not excuses. Call, Text, or Email. They’re ready for you.

For any business, paper documents and handling them can be a nightmare. Smart firms hire an OCR Services Company that uses advanced software and hardware to avoid this horror, providing fast, accurate and reliable results. This improves performance and productivity since now, employees can concentrate on their core business operation and leave the "back office" functions to their OCR Services Outsourcing partner.

Using Rely Services as your OCR partner will save you more than time and money. They are constantly refining business methods, their constant pursuit of perfection will benefit your own operational practices. Contact them today for a detailed evaluation of the many ways we can make you more successful.


How To Choose The Best Healthcare Outsourcing Services Company

How To Choose The Best Healthcare Outsourcing Services Company

With an aging population living longer. With ever-diminishing margins for profits. With ever increasing pressure to digitize existing records. With ballooning regulations. With skyrocketing costs and an uncertain insurance environment. With threats to decrease funding of government legacy healthcare programs.

In other words, with across the board rising costs and decreasing profits, how can a healthcare provider- whether a large hospital group, or a group practice, or an urgent care walk in, or a non-profit clinic- get and stay active, and even thrive in this cut-throat environment?

Consider the options available from a Healthcare BPO Services firm.

Many in the Healthcare Sector concentrate on their patients- staying on top of the latest treatments and medications. The majority of their staff does as well. So, it"s probably no surprise that Medical Billing is near the bottom of the list of priorities.

On average, 70-80% of patients owe a minimum of $500 to their healthcare providers. More than 45% of patients owe $1000. If a bill is not eventually paid or settled, the expense of treatment will NEVER be recovered. Is it inevitable that you incur this loss? While not supplanting patient care as the #1 priority, billing and payment IS IMPORTANT and should be treated as such. So WHY do medical practices continue to lose money on the process when there is an alternative. Healthcare Outsourcing Companies. Many practices and hospitals chose to Outsource Healthcare Solutions and save both time and money.

Think about this: if you could hire a team of professionals with an outstanding track record in Billing, Customer Service and Collections, and do this at a fraction of the cost as your in-house process, wouldn"t you?!?!
How to Choose the Right Outsource Healthcare Company?

Outsourcing the business side of your practice will make a huge change in the efficiency your operating costs.

A Healthcare Outsource Firm can give your billing process TOP PRIORITY from day one. BPOs have a proven track record increasing income and cutting costs for healthcare providers world-wide. It"s both the easiest and quickest way for your medical practice to see new levels of profitability.

The majority of medical practitioners agree that their billing and collection processes have errors. These errors mainly occur due to not taking pre-authorizations correctly or not submitting all the information to insurance companies along with the billing.

A consistent, persistent approach is key to collecting from patients whose accounts are payable or past due.

Why not put this vital function in the hands of professional?

Today, Rely Healthcare Outsourcing is providing world class service to their clients. Some advantages of Outsourcing Healthcare Services from Rely Services that can be utilized by Physicians and the Healthcare Industry. Using the latest technical innovation and expertise, Rely Services can offer:

Cost Efficiency: Outsourcing Medical Billing keeps billing flowing in an effective way, getting bills out quicker, getting payments back sooner and with less expense
Infrastructure and Technologies : *Rely Services uses only the latest in hardware and software. Our professional staff constantly updates their training, keeping your business at the forefront of both technology and best industry practices. Our infrastructure is well maintained and self-sufficient, with both back-up power and storage. We"ve never had a data loss or at-fault service interruption.
Workforce : *It"s a fact that Rely Services" professionals are less prone to errors in insurance coding and patient contact. We hire only the most competent, English proficient staff. We have a rigorous training regime, and are periodically upgrading their training and certification. With our dedicated team handling your billing and other back office tasks, your practice can be more efficient and cost effective. The money saved can be used to improve patient care and upgrade equipment and services.
Service Quality : *We will evaluate your current services and where necessary, refine or bring on new methods to improve the quality and quantity of patient related services
Industry Expertise : *Insurance, both private and government, seems to constantly change their methods and requirements. To stay on top of the latest regulations that WILL impact the payment schedule was a full-time job in itself. With Rely Services, your practice can leave that task to someone else. We guarantee our ability to stay on top of changes and not lose any time or money because of our mistakes.
Safety And Reliability :
Well established outsourcing companies have a very stable and secure billing process. At Rely Services pride ourselves on the security of our systems, protecting the client"s sensitive information from any hacking or unauthorized access to their database. Their data is confidentially stored and has the safety and infrastructure for a client"s confidence. And we are also HIPPA Compliant, protecting patient privacy.
Have Control : Giving us the responsibility for maintaining your medical billing services will reduce your workload. Transparency and accountability between Rely Services and your medical firm will be maintained.
*Customer Support : *We will be the voice and face of your billing, receivables service, and we take that responsibility seriously. We"ll mirror the same consideration and care that your patients find in your office.
Rely Services is here to give you and your staff the opportunity of concentrate on delivering quality healthcare! Contact us and see what a difference we can make for you!


How To Improve Medical Billing Process In Your Practice?

How To Improve Medical Billing Process In Your Practice?

Statistics in the medical billing industry are very alarming in regard to monitoring and settling the claims of patients. Let's have a look at the following statistics:

On average, 70% to 80% of patients owe a minimum of $500 to their healthcare companies.
More than 45% of the patients owe $1000 to their healthcare service provider.
These statistics show why medical billing is the necessity of the hour and how healthcare companies are losing revenue.

Why does this happen?

Errors occurring during the claim settlement.
Employees tasked with performing this activity being potentially unaware of the latest rules and regulations.
We at Rely Services Inc. help our clients to minimize these errors and help them to increase their revenue in due time.

Here are four effective ways to enhance medical billing process

  1. Implement a transparent billing & collection procedure:

Implementation of a transparent billing & collection procedure decreases the time spent for the claim settlement. This leads to efficient revenue cycle management. To achieve robust revenue cycle management, you need to ensure the following things:

Make sure to be on the same page as each patient for all sorts of terms and conditions. Offer all options available in regards to settling their claim by providing them with billing updates and timely reminders for ensuring that they know about the co-pays, deductibles and giving them all types of payment options to speed up the process.
Ensure that you have all the essential data regarding the patient. This will be useful to pass on to a collection agency if needed. This information has to be thoroughly verified by cross-checking it with valid identification so that it's easier to reach out to them afterward.
Sequential reminders about the payment due help in increasing the claim settlement. This will help patients be more informed about their due dates, etc
2. Focus on minute details & improvement in claim settlement:

The majority of healthcare firms agree that their claim settlements have errors. These errors occur mainly due to longer revenue cycles where information flows freely. This flow includes various steps in the claim settlement, such as frequently updated information and continuous submission into the system. The claim settlement goes smoothly if we verify the information appropriately for the following parameters:

Data and records submitted by the patients.
Latest information about standard medical codes.
Duplicate copies of bills submitted.
Service provider details.
Information provided by insurance companies.
Cross-checking of documents that are submitted.
3. Track Accounts Payable which are pending:

A persistent approach is key to settling the claims with patients whose accounts are payable. Keep a system to log reminder calls and messages regularly. Since this is a tedious and time-consuming task, it's better to outsource this to a claim collection agency. This will not only save your time and effort but will also increase your revenue.

  1. Track unpaid problem accounts:

Identifying the problem is a key aspect of resolving the issues in claim settlements. If you know the problem, then you are one step closer to finding the solution. Identifying and resolving the issues of the patient helps you through the process while increasing revenue.

About Rely Services:

Rely Services, a leading Healthcare Billing Services company can quickly remedy a "sickly" billing process. We have helped our reputed clients to increase their revenue and smoothly manage their claim settlement process. For a no-cost evaluation of your healthcare process and tips on how we can make you more profitable, contact us and see what a difference we can make for you!


Can I Trust Sharing My Data With A BPO?

Can I Trust Sharing My Data With A BPO?

The ability to collect and analyze data effectively is increasingly important. Done well, it can be the foundation of your business, the key to your success! Done badly, the reason for your failure.

As your business grows, more information is both collected and generated. International businesses have to deal with a variety of regulations from all the countries they do business in. US only businesses still have to wade through the local, state and federal regulations that affect them. Forms, documents, emails, letters, files, permits, test results, certificates, records, advertising, and promotional artwork… this barrage of documents is something never seen in the history of business!



Today companies gather, examine, process and build their business on large volumes of data. Essential data. Data your company needs, data your customers need, data your staff needs.

The BPO industry exists to help you supply those needs.

We usually call this “workflow”. A deceptively simple name for a sometimes very complicated process. And in some cases, “workflow” would be more aptly named “work- DELUGE” or even “work-Tsunami”!

In the digital information world, a workflow consists of an orchestrated pattern of activity that processes information. A clear definition of workflow is needed so we know exactly WHAT process we’re talking about. And defining it can help us see its flaws as well as its strengths.

A particular workflow has boundaries and processes. A beginning and end. You should be able to track the movement of any particular piece of work through the entire process. Each part of it needs to identify and delineated. Only when you know WHAT your workflow is, can you assess its efficiency.

A process could be a small, simple task, done by an individual, or it could be more complicated and be done by a team. The first part by one person, the next by another, and the final by yet another person.

Now, a process becomes a workflow. Multiple employees each with their separate duties, each duty in relation to the next

Was your company’s workflow designed or did it organically grow? You might be surprised at the number of businesses that have a workflow that no one designed, or even worse, no one really knows its cost!

Data workflow usually consists of your data input, storage, processing, analysis, and extraction. Some of that information may start on paper, but it soon gets transferred to the digital world.

Is your workflow efficient? Or is it costing you more money than it should?

Digital Data Entry means all your data can be accessed AT a single location, FROM the location of your choice. It reduces office space bulk by not using paper. It’s easily searchable. Digital storage is secure and you control the access.

But as your data storage needs increase over time, and as the amount of time necessary for entry and collation work increases, even the most efficient office workflow can find itself falling behind. There’s simply too much data for your on-site data entry specialists to input. Now the advantages of a digital database entry begin to suffer.

Your online data entry has to grow, but you don’t want to spend your precious capital on more personnel or office space. Maybe it’s time to consider BPO outsourcing.



How can you outsource your data input, storage, processing, analysis and extraction- and still stay in your comfort zone? Would it be a smart move to outsource your online data entry work?

Just as you may not have an Information Technology specialist on staff- instead contracting with an IT services provider- you might want to find a BPO provider for your Data Entry Services. That means taking all of your paper and paperless entry, processing, analysis and extraction and handing it over to one of a myriad of Business Process Outsourcing companies. Which brings us back to:



All BPO companies are not created equal!

Virtual data entry jobs include data processing, typing, straight word processing, transcriptions, coding, and extracting data. While the best excels at all of these jobs some sadly, do not.

Like baseball teams, data entry outsourcing companies have utility players that can handle a variety of positions- 2nd base, any position in the outfield, and players that specialize in particular skills- pitchers and catchers. There are subsets with different areas of expertise- starting pitchers, relievers and closers. Medical data entry differs from standard business data entry in language and function, requiring different skill sets. Technical and engineering data entry specialists speak a different language as well. A data entry specialist may be just that: a specialist.

You want a complete team: specialists AND utility players.

Contracting a BPO firm to handle your data can be a daunting prospect for most businesses.

Like your baby-sitter or car mechanic, you have to trust. You need to do your homework and check out a prospective BPO. Your company and data are valuable, you treat it that way, and if you’re going to trust someone else, they need to treat it that way too.

Who are their current clients? Do they get rave reviews from the business community? I’m a specialized business; do they provide remote data entry for my specialization? What data entry speed are they capable of? Actual physical location is not important, but do they have a representative for their data entry near me?

The Top BPO providers have operators that are up-to-date on all the latest software and practices. They are experienced and informed. They know the process and are able to make changes to the workflow when needed or requested. They can spot looming hardware or software issues. They constantly communicate among themselves and with their clients. They are flexible and able to make adjustments when your needs change.

You want them to be a partner, not a robot. Someone who is part of the team, not a gun for hire who forgets about you when the sun goes down. After all, this is a partnership. One built on trust and need.


Top Benefits of Outsourcing Product Data Entry

Top Benefits of Outsourcing Product Data Entry

Product Data Entry. For both wholesalers and retailers, keeping your ecommerce site up-to-date is vital to your business growth. In fact, not making sure that your offerings are accurate and available could spell disaster! So, the Importance Of Product Data Entry cannot be overstated. Yes, Product Data Entry is a time-consuming and challenging task for your staff (if they're not well-trained and skilled) to stay on top of, and mistakes can have severe consequences for customer engagement.

Blame Amazon, since they set the bar so high for retailers, but like it or not, all eCommerce vendors are held to the same standard. You may not have the resources (and who does?), but consumers expect your eCommerce Data Entry to be on par with Amazon. So how do you keep up? If you could hire a turnkey Product Data Entry Services provider and pay less for the service than you do for an in-house staff (a whole lot less!), wouldn't you? For so many enterprises of all sizes, in all sectors, the answer is "yes"! They choose to Outsource Product Data Entry Services, and it can work for you as well.

As we all know, customer satisfaction is a critical element of customer retention. It pays to always keep that idea paramount in your marketing and delivery systems. A customer frustrated by ordering something only to find that it's not available probably won't be coming back. We also know that staying on top of that data entry work is a manual task that requires training, skill, and most of all, time.

Here's How Outsourcing

Product Data Entry Services Can Help You

Down to the details. Outsourcing your product data entry services can mean significant benefits in almost any way you can measure it. Here's how.

Improve Productivity - Since product data entry is now off your list of things to do, you and your staff can devote more of your precious time to building your business! Customer engagement, marketing, staff training, all the other things where your time can be better utilized.

Save Time - As mentioned earlier, time may be one of your most important assets. How many of us have only wished "we had more time" to complete a project? Well, outsourcing product data entry can give you that time.

Cost-Effective - This is a significant point. If you can get the job done faster, more accurately, and for 60% less money, well, wouldn't you?Data Security - If you're worried about keeping your data secure, well, don't. Business Process Outsourcing is probably one of the most secure data transmission systems available. Their business depends on keeping their customer's data safe.

Quality Service - BPOs continuously train and upgrade their teams' ability to be quick and accurate. Not only are they professionals, but they can do the work faster and more accurately than one of your staff that only does data entry "part-time."

Improved Customer Experience - Back to where we first started this conversation. Improving the CE is a vital part of customer retention. "give the customer what they want" is an ancient saying that still holds.

Latest Tech - Since Outsourcing product data entry services is a very competitive game, the best outsourcing firms always upgrade their hardware and software. Specialty software designers are quick to supply them with precisely what they need.

Improved Accuracy - If your job, your only job, is product data entry, it stands to reason that you would be pretty good at it. Factor in a culture that strives for perfection demands perfection. BPOs want and need those individuals, so that's the kind of people handling your account.

24/7 Support - A professional BPO will offer you 'round the clock instant response to your questions or needs. Service and accuracy are often what will differentiate between outsourcing firms.

Improve Focus on Core Duties - The result of all of the above is an opportunity for you and your team to be more involved in the core functions that got you into your business in the first place! You can look at it as a kind of invigorating rededication to purpose.

Outsourcing Product Data Entry Services.
You Deserve The Best.

It takes a team of qualified, skilled, and experienced professionals to make your Product Data Entry project successful. This is precisely what Rely Services can offer you. And at a fee that will significantly lower your overhead and allow your key players to concentrate on making money.

Using Rely Services as your data entry services partner will save you more than time and money. Since they are continually refining their business methods, their constant pursuit of perfection will benefit your operational practices. Contact Rely Services today for a detailed evaluation of the many ways they can make you more successful.

What is Business Process Outsourcing ?

Business Process Outsourcing refer the organization that hire third party group to accomplish business tasks to increase the productivity of the company.