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Updated by WNCHealthInsurance on Jun 08, 2020
Headline for How to Get Health Insurance in NC During the COVID-19 Health Crisis
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How to Get Health Insurance in NC During the COVID-19 Health Crisis

Due to the Novel Coronavirus/COVID-19, many people are out of work and have lost access to employer health insurance. Now, more than ever, it's extremely important for you and your loved ones to have quality health insurance, and WNC Health Insurance can help!




During the COVID-19 crisis, the need for health insurance is now more pressing than ever, and everyone here at WNC Health Insurance wants you to know that we genuinely care about you and all North Carolinians during this crisis. Some businesses closed because of the pandemic, and other businesses had to let employees go in order to stay afloat. Thus, many North Carolinians lost their health insurance. To lose one’s health insurance in the middle of a health crisis, is not acceptable. Now more than ever before, it is extremely important to ensure that you have quality affordable health insurance coverage.

Here are some ways to help you and your loved ones stay safe and protected from during the COVID-19 crisis:


Wash your hands well, and often.

Wash your hands well, and often.

One of the easiest ways to prevent the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19) is to make sure to wash your hands thoroughly. When washing your hands, make sure to wash with soap and water for at least 20 seconds (sing Happy Birthday or your ABCs twice) making sure to scrub under your fingernails.


Wear facial coverings in public.

Wear facial coverings in public.

When you’re about to be near people other than those you live with, make sure that you are wearing the type of face covering that will limit the spread of the coronavirus. The facial covering should fit snugly against your face, allow for breathing without restrictions, and be secured with ear loops or ties. It should also either be washable or disposable.


Practice social distancing when possible.

Practice social distancing when possible.

When you have to leave your home, it’s important to remember to stay at least six feet away from other people, when possible. If you can, avoid crowded places and don’t gather in groups. Make sure to check your local guidelines in regard to gatherings, travel, and other social distancing regulations.


Make sure you have the right health insurance coverage.

Make sure you have the right health insurance coverage.

It is extremely important to make sure that you have health insurance that covers medical expenses related to COVID-19. When you shop for health insurance with WNC Health Insurance, we’ll make sure that the plan you buy will cover coronavirus testing for zero cost and zero co-pay, and the best quality/most affordable coronavirus treatments and medicines as well. For example, BlueCross BlueShield of North Carolina® covers diagnostic testing for COVID-19 at no cost to members, and prior authorization is waived for medically necessary COVID-19 services.




We will get through this together! Stay safe out there, and please remember to adhere to the guidelines set forth by the CDC to keep yourself and your family, friends, and co-workers protected and healthy.

For more information about staying healthy & safe during this COVID-19 crisis, visit our COVID-19 webpage and/or the CDC's Coronavirus Disease 2019 webpage.