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Updated by Artak T. on Jul 23, 2024
Artak T. Artak T.
14 items   13 followers   5174 votes   1.81k views

Investment & Earnings Opportunities. New Concepts.

Info related to some unique and/or great concepts in monetary area, economics, social media, etc.


For Investors with vision and marketers!

For Investors with vision and marketers!

Для ознакомления на русском языке:

LIKQUID is the home for all six major asset classes in the world - Shares, Bonds, Property, Commodities, Cash *and *Cryptocurrency. The Likquid platform is live with the first functions, Likquid Asset Management (LAM), creating liquidity in all assets backed by *LIQY * (token 100% backed by assets).

Deposits are available for USDY, EURY, BTCY, ETHY, which you should have to deposit into your *PerNum Multi Wallet *first and *YEM *

45000 USD downside guarantee on BTC deposits for 12 months.

*25% Margin loan available for free for first 3 months on BTC and ETH deposits to your *PerNum Multi Wallet

Other Commissions and Bonuses applies according to *We Share Success Invitation Marketing * rules and the Campaign is being updated in there.

LIKQUID link page for Rainmaker Empower:

Updates and webinar announcements can be followed on *WAZZUB * under the thread of Likquid.

An official Facebook page:

Invitation reference:

If you are asked for an INVITATION CODE (can also happen while pages are in an auto-translating mod), then here it is: 1000013874


World Equity Expo (WEE)

World Equity Expo (WEE) is the home to single and dual listed assets such as shares, bonds, tokens and other forms of equity with built-in unique market making algo and dematerialization model, providing liquidity, market making and a twist to the traditional world of securities trading.

World Equity Expo (WEE) introduces a new paradigm for publicly traded equities and stakeholder interaction. It provides the perfect bridge between traditional equities trading and the blockchain industry.

For the better understanding of the structure:

1. Likquid = connection between YemChain and the public world.

2. World Equity Expo (WEE) = connection of the public world to Likquid

3. Connections between Likquid and World Equity Expo (WEE) (in the process of establishing).

An official Facebook page:

Click here for the invitation reference.


Rainbow Currency (Trading Symbol: YEM)

Rainbow Currency (Trading Symbol: YEM)

Для ознакомления на русском языке::

Confidence in YEM 3.1 - read it here:

Unicorn Network Webinar Recaps:

We are in an information-technology revolution where blockchain technology and crypto currencies are revamping the entire monetary system as we know it. This change is inevitable and it is already happening. The Rainbow Currency Foundation (dba YEM FOUNDATION) is the regulatory authority for the YEM and takes measures for protection and stability. It also represents the YEM to the International Monetary Fund, the United Nations, as well as governmental institutions (e.g. central banks) and nongovernmental organisations. In accordance with the statutes of the United Nations, the Rainbow Currency Foundation (dba YEM FOUNDATION) has the status of an International Non-Governmental Organization (INGO) and is therefore a member of the Union of International Associations (UIA) with its headquarters in Brussels and the identification number "XM7617" . The UIA keeps records of all active non-governmental organizations on behalf of the United Nations. The YEM, designed as an authority friendly form of payment with the highest levels of KYC/ AML processes, security and a guaranteed minimum price, intends to evolve the current landscape of cryptocurrencies and demonstrate how digital currencies- when used appropriately- can truly enhance and transform the current monetary system as we know it. Read full introduction in the Paper from YEM Foundation, here:

Personal invitation reference for the registration at the ** SafeZone** and getting your *Pernum * wallet, where you will have your first bonus of YEM:

If you are asked for an INVITATION CODE (can also happen while pages are in an auto-translating mode), then here it is: 1000013874

         ___________________ **Attention to investors** ___________________

I am having a very special YEM sale offer for an amount equal to about USD ($) 25,000+. You can contact me privately on *LinkedIn * or email to for a special YEM purchase discount through the YEMEXCHANGE/OTC/Private Offer/Escrow service.




Для ознакомления на русском языке:

YEMCHAIN is more than a blockchain: it is the best of blockchain technology, combined with all the benefits of the SafeZone. Imagine fast, secure, transparent, low-fee transactions with maximum privacy. Additionally, YEMCHAIN is set up for a wide variety of smart contracts. From utility bills to real estate, YEMCHAIN is the best choice for all blockchain needs.

Some additional benefits:

Proof of Work

Be rewarded by setting up your own node that validates transactions on the YEMCHAIN, creating new blocks as they appear in the network. Minimum requirements need to be met.

YEMCHAIN Confirmations & Fee Distribution:

In YEMCHAIN there are 4 confirmations for each transaction:

2 from Proof of Work (PoW)

2 from Proof of Stake (PoS)

Each confirmation receives 20% of YEMCHAIN fees

4 x 20% = 80% of fees gos to the members

2 x 20% = 40% of all fees go to PoS Pool

 * * *

Proof of Stake

Be rewarded by staking a minimum amount of YEM against supernodes that have already gone through the Proof-of-Work process to validate transactions on YEMCHAIN

Proof of Stake (PoS) Pool Rules:

Proof of Stake (PoS) has been opened on Saturday, November 3, 2018

Minimum deposit 100,000 YEM

No maximum deposit

All deposits before the given month's 18th, 12pm, U.S. Pacific Time are qualified for the next month's 15th PoS share.

First time on Dec 15, 2018 the PoS Pool has been shared

You can enter Proof of Stake (PoS) any time, but the cut-off is always day 18 of each month for the next month’s share.

You can withdraw anytime, but there are no partial withdrawals

You can only deposit one time and withdraw your full deposit (that means if you choose this month to deposit just the minimum 100,000 YEM and a couple days later you decide to add more to it, you would have to withdraw that full 100,000 first, then do a new deposit with a new amount).

Here is the formula so you can see more how it works:

Total fees collected / total PoS pool = fees per PoS share per YEM deposited

Then to figure your specific amount:

Amount of YEM in PoS Pool x fees per PoS share per YEM deposited = benefits for your total PoS share deposited

* * *

Proof of Activity

Be rewarded by simply being active within the network of websites, called the SafeZone. Participate in prize draws, vote at online talent contests, and do other fun stuff to receive valuable FREE YEM for shopping.

* * *

Personal Invitation Reference:

If you are asked for an INVITATION CODE (can also happen while pages are in an auto-translating mod), then here it is: 1000013874


Lots of information can be found in the webinar recaps here:




Для ознакомления на русском языке::


Providing you with a free Safe Zone Pass.

Get your personal SafeZone Pass today for maximum privacy and for maximum security. The SafeZone is a fast-growing network of websites which is setting new privacy, security, and quality standards on the Internet.
Your SafeZone Pass includes a unique PerNum, a personal number that protects your privacy.
Your personal data is safe on the military-grade encrypted and protected SafeZone servers.

Complete your registration here:

If you are asked for an INVITATION CODE (can also happen while pages are in an auto-translating mode), then here it is: 1000013874




Для ознакомления на русском языке:

PERNUM Wallet announces new partnership with Valens Pay Ltd::


PERNUM is the only privacy system on the Internet qualifying for the SafeZone Seal of Trust.

On top of that, leading cyber security experts are recommending PERNUM for maximum privacy and identity protection.

Instead of sharing your private data over and over again, simply mask them with your PERsonal NUMber.

PERNUM is the official wallet provider for the digital currencies YEM, TEC, and other coins/tokens on the YemChain. Sign up for free and receive a Free YEM welcome bonus equal to USD 10.

Click the link to get your free PERNUM:

If you are asked for an INVITATION CODE (can also happen while pages are in an auto-translating mode), then here it is: 1000013874





Invitation Marketing is the easiest, fastest, and most comfortable way to earn money on the Internet. Simply join for free, invite others to join for free, and browse partner websites for great offers and exclusive deals. There is no obligation to buy, no obligation to sell – you don’t even need to promote any product or website.

First Generation: Whenever a member you invited is closing a deal on one of the partner websites, you receive a commission of up to 20% of the product’s value.

Following Generations: Whenever a member invited by your first to fifth generation is closing a deal on one of the partner websites, you receive a Family Bonus of up to 2% of the product’s value.

Some things to know:

ACTIVE COMMISSIONS = Active Commissions are collected when a new or existing member makes a purchase after clicking your invitation link.

PASSIVE COMMISSIONS = Passive Commissions are collected when members of your First Generation make a purchase.

FAMILY BONUS = Whenever someone in your Generations 1-5 is receiving a commission, you receive 10% value of that commission as a Family Bonus.

CAMPAIGNS = A Campaign is where a certain product or service is offered through affiliate promotions in WSS.

REWARDS = Cool things you receive as a member of WSS and the SafeZone for using our network and participating partner services.

PERSONAL SUCCESS POOL = The Personal Success Pool (PSP) is a reward system based on your personal affiliate activity; commissions you receive unlock various levels automatically.

GLOBAL SUCCESS POOL = The Global Success Pool (GSP) is a once per year shared bonus with top affiliates based on Family Bonuses collected during the year.

*INVITATION LINK *= Your way to invite new members to join for free.

REFERRAL LINK = Referral links are to promote a Campaign offered through WSS.

FIRST GENERATION = These are the people directly invited by you who join using your invitation link.

*GENERATIONS *= Generations are 5 levels of invited members linked together by those who invite them.

*WEBINARS *= Information about new and existing business campaigns are shared in Webinars; remember to check that section often.

*SAFEZONE *= The open network focused on maximum privacy, security, and quality where WSS is the official Affiliate Central.

*YEM *= The tradable unit of Rainbow Currency, a cryptocurrency designed to be your everyday money.

*CASHOUT *= Commissions and bonuses are available after a brief 30-day hold time.

Personal Invitation Reference:

If you are asked for an INVITATION CODE (can also happen while pages are in an auto-translating mod), then here it is: 1000013874
Lots of information can be found in the webinar recaps here:


YEM BET - Free Sports Bet Game

YEM BET - Free Sports Bet Game

YEM Bet is a free sports bet game.
Win Free *YEM * (FYEM - Your Everyday Money - the symbol of the Rainbow Currency) and have fun! Visit the website to play the next games and win up to 100000 Free [YEM *](!
FYEM ** won through prize draws can be used for shopping at select sites and cannot be traded or redeemed for cash. The first games start on June 11, 2021 and **you must play at least 39 games to win any prize.
Log in with your SafeZone Pass or create one for free, to place your bets!
If you are asked for an INVITATION CODE (can also happen while pages are in an auto-translating mode), then here it is: 1000013874

/ / / / / / / / / / / / /

YEM Bet - это бесплатная игра ставок на спорт.
Выиграйте Free *YEM * (FYEM - Your Everyday Money - символ валюты Rainbow Currency) и получайте удовольствие!
Посетите веб-сайт, чтобы сыграть и выиграть до 100000 Free [YEM *]( (FYEM)!
FYEM *выигранные в ходе розыгрышей призов, могут быть использованы для покупок на избранных сайтах, но не могут быть торгуемы или обменены на наличные деньги.
Первые игры стартуют 11 июня, 2021 года, и *
вы должны сыграть не менее 39 игр, чтобы квалифицировать на выигрыш любого приза.

Войдите в систему со своим SafeZone Pass или создайте его бесплатно, чтобы начать делать ставки!
Если востребуется ввести ПРИГЛАСИТЕЛЬНЫЙ КОД (это также может произойти, когда страницы находятся в режиме автоматического перевода), то вот он: 1000013874




Для ознакомления на русском языке::


The SOLARIOProject is one of the pacemakers for the so-called Energy Revolution. Turning every house, every car, and many other devices into Micro Power Plants, connecting them to establish local Micro Power Grids, and at the same time, lowering the costs for energy dramatically.
Imagine a world, where energy is available, when you need it, where you need it without polluting our beautiful planet. This is your chance to make a difference- support the Energy Revolution!
100% clean, renewable energy all around the world. Thanks to the unique SOLARIO Technology which is up to 3x more effective than regular photovoltaic systems.


Combining the best of nano technology, solar technology, and blockchain technology. Planning to establish micro grids, serving households and businesses all around the world with cheap and clean energy.
Starting Q3 2021, SOLARIO Technology will be installed in more and more countries, and from 2022 the delivering of the SOLARIO Energy to private households will start.
The SOLARIOTechnology is based on a unique nano technology, coating a durable material with ultra-thin layers of multi-patented solar-energy blends. As a result, a high-efficient solar modules produce up to 3 times more electricity than regular photovoltaic systems, and at the same time, lowering production costs by at least 25% due to a much faster production cycle without the use of any expensive silicon.
Based on the same technology, SOLARIO Tiles can be designed with multiple functions like lighting, heating, cooking, and storing energy. Imagine a building, where outside the roof and the facade is producing and storing clean energy, while inside our technology is used for lighting, heating, and cooking.

SOLARIO Voucher's price increases +US$ 0.10 every month until sold out or Dec 31, 2021.

Personal Invitation Reference:

P.S. If you are asked for an INVITATION CODE (can also happen while pages are in an auto-translating mod), then here it is: 1000013874


Twnkl Estate

Twnkl Estate

Для ознакомления на русском языке::

TwnklEstate is a real-estate services company with a formula of; REAL ESTATE + BLOCKCHAIN + VIRTUAL CURRENCY

Few things to know:
· TE = TwnklEstate
· TEC= TwnklEstate Coin - the only currency, that is accepted at TwnklEstate
· YEM= Trading symbol for Rainbow Currency – the only currency to buy TEC
· F.O.R. = Fractional Owner Rights
YEMEXCHANGE = the only platform to buy/sell TEC
YEMCHAIN = The best of the blockchain technology, combined with all the benefits of the SafeZone

With TECyou can invest into the real estate future with a variety of options!
With TECyou can buy - With TECyou can rent:
Office Space
Retail Space
Vacation Space
Residential Space

Click here for the Personal Invitation Reference.

If you are asked for an INVITATION CODE (can also happen while pages are in an auto-translating mode), then here it is: 1000013874

         ___________________ **Attention to investors** ___________________

I am having a very special *YEM * sale offer for an amount equal to about USD ($) 25,000+. You can text (hearing issue - no voice calls) me privately to Viber (+37493878406) or email to for a special *YEM * purchase discount through the YEMEXCHANGE/OTC/Private Offer/Escrow service.




Для ознакомления на русском языке::




Step 1
Member chooses their preferred new car

Step 2
Member chooses their budget

Step 3
Member chooses their Smart Contract terms

Step 4
Member calculates the TMC price

Step 5
Member confirms their Smart Contract

Step 6
Member makes a reservation

Step 7
TMC transferred to escrow

Step 8
Smart Contract is fulfilled*

Step 9
Member pays for taxes, fees, delivery

Step 10
Member receives the vehicle

Step 11
TMC released from escrow

- In case that a Smart Contract needs to be canceled for any reason, TMC from escrow are fully refunded to the members.

- Members are limited to 2 vehicles per account

Smart Contracts serve a few purposes, what is most important to understand is that they are there to help the money you spend today gain more power. Understand the differences between fiat currency (i.e. USD, EUR) and cryptocurrency (i.e. YEM), with fiat currency, that has inflation, where your money is worth less each day, and cryptocurrencies start at the lowest value and gain value as more value is added in the way of currency holders using it and more businesses accepting it and how widely it can be used.

Invitation Reference:
If you are asked for anINVITATION CODE (can also happen while pages are in an auto-translating mod), then here it is: 1000013874

         ___________________ **Attention to investors** ___________________

I am having a very special *YEM * sale offer for an amount equal to about USD ($) 25,000+. You can contact me privately on *LinkedIn * or email to for a special *YEM * purchase discount through the YEMEXCHANGE/OTC/Private Offer/Escrow service.


Twnkl Gold Coin (TGC)

Twnkl Gold Coin (TGC)

Для ознакомления на русском языке::

Twnkl Gold Coin (TGC)

Some key things about gold
• It’s heavy
• If you want to only spend a small portion of your gold it can be challenging to make change
• You need to store it somewhere safe
• If you travel, it can be hard to bring it with you
• You have to be mindful of security even more, especially when it is kept in smaller sized portions, like coins or small gold bars, etc. the smaller the bar, the easier it is to steal
• If you move, it can be a complicated process to bring it with you
• Gold can also be confiscated by governments, authorities, and others
• Gold can be faked or have lower quality; the purest gold is rated 99.99% pure
The current gold value today is about 60 USD per gram and if you were to purchase it, you would end up paying 75-80 USD in the end for the same 1 gram of gold. If you want to pay less fees, you need to buy more gold, a lot more if you want to get close to the spot price.
How do you buy gold at a good rate without having to buy a ton of it at once? How do you make owning gold more secure, convenient, and more owner friendly?

Digitized gold with the Twnkl Gold Coin!

• Trading symbol: TGC
TGC is backed by real gold
• 1 TGC *= *1 gram of gold value
• Can buy digitized gold at market rate
• Cheapest way to buy gold
• Save costs with no middleman or other added fees!
• Plus, discounts available for first 5000 TGC sold (5kg of gold value)
• Plus, can pay for up to 10% with YEM
• Plus, can get 10% *YEM *cashback if purchase made 100% with fiat currency
• Plus, all the benefits of digitized gold!
• The first 5000 TGC sold also receives a special 3% discount on top!

What are the benefits of digitized gold through the ** TGC?
• Wherever you are, your gold is there with you because *TGC *are stored in your PerNum Wallet, you can access your *TGC *anywhere, anytime
• Remember it was previously announced that the **PerNumPay API
is being updated to allow direct payments to sellers with TGC *through the *PerNumPay app
• Future updates as announced on *Nov 11 webinar * detailed a virtual debit card (Visa or Master Card) where you can spend money directly from your PerNum Multiwallet directly at online shops and through apps like Apple Pay and Google Pay
TGC *is safe and secure in your PerNum wallet with the highest level of security through the SafeZone - be sure to keep your login info safe (especially your *Master PIN) and you are secure

How is this possible?
• The company has a contract and partnership with an Arizona, USA gold mine to get the best prices for gold direct from the gold mine
• It buys in bulk to get the best prices
• The company has a contract with the gold mine to purchase whatever amount of gold needed to back the TGC
• The physical gold backing TGC *is stored in super secret, secure locations around the world

Other info to know?

• Fiat currency payments must be made via bank wire, that is the only payment method accepted
TGC *can only be purchased in whole amounts
• Minimum order = 1 *

• Must upload proof of payment after your payment is sent
• There is a 25 USD fee for non-payment if you order and do not complete your payment within 5 days, so only order if you intend to complete your payment quickly
· If you may want to sell your TGC later, then it will be implemented through trading at YEMEXCHANGE, planned to start in January 2021
Click here to enter into the opportunity**




Для ознакомления на русском языке:

Daily draws and daily winners receive their prizes automatically booked to their PerNum Wallet. Every month, winners of the daily lottery drawings are entered for another drawing to win the big *YEMPOT * the winning numbers of which are announced live on the *SafeZone Radio Show * during the first live radio show of each month (see the COMMUNITY hexagon in Safe Zone).
Every member 14+ is allowed to participate at *LotteFree * if it is not prohibited by national laws. Daily Prizes are paid in FYEM, which cannot be converted into cash, while *YEMPOT *is paid in YEM.
Each member has 1 (one) free entry per day. Additional entries can be done with FYEM only. FYEMs are free gifts/rewards, thus, *LotteFree * is a prize draw, not gambling.

Each day a new 4-digit winning number is drawn. If at least the last 2 digits of your entered numbers are correct, you win a daily prize.

Last 2 digits correct = 20 FYEM
Last 3 digits correct = 200 FYEM
All 4 digits correct = 2000 FYEM

Click here to enroll for free.

If you are asked for an INVITATION CODE (can also happen while pages are in an auto-translating mode), then here it is: 1000013874




Для ознакомления на русском языке::

   ***   *   *   *   *   *   ***

YEMBIDS is THE place to buy and sell items for **YEM.

Utilizing the latest innovations from the Unicorn Network and the world of cryptocurrency, *Shobbit *is proud to accept **YEM for payment and to bring you the YEMBIDS auction site. YEMBIDS is an open auction site providing a P2P marketplace platform for buyers and sellers.

The unique 2-wallet system through Pernum and the SafeZone allows for unique protection for both buyers and sellers as their **YEM never leave the blockchain, yet are protected during the buying and selling process while protected payments are able to be made without extra blockchain payment fees.

YEMBIDS is a product of Shobbit, Inc., a part of the Unicorn Network, Inc. group of companies (7201 W Lake Mead Blvd #200). Las Vegas, NV 89128, USA)

Click here to enter

If you are asked for an INVITATION CODE (can also happen while pages are in an auto-translating mode), then here it is: 1000013874




If you have the minimum of $1000 for to invest with a guarantee and enough nice profit ((you will earn both, the best in my opinion, cryptocurrency called YEM (info can be found in the article titled “Rainbow Currency (Trading Symbol: YEM)”) and USD)) for up to 2 years, then I can introduce you to an entrepreneur in the field. You need to register via my invitation link here: and contact me with the mentioned subject, otherwise, you will find lots of possibilities and interests on the platform on your own.

#investment #forinvestors #earnings #onlineearnings #Webtalk #YEM #USD #blockchain #cryptocurrency #crypto #digitalcurrency

                              ___*   *   *   *   *___ 

Если у вас есть минимум $1000 для инвестирования с гарантией и достаточно хорошей прибылью ((вы заработаете оба, лучшую по моему мнению криптовалюту под названием YEM (информацию можно найти в статье озаглавленной “Rainbow Currency (Trading Symbol: YEM)”) и доллары США)) на срок до 2-х лет, то я могу представить вас предпринимателю в этой области. Вам необходимо зарегистрироваться по моей пригласительной ссылке здесь: и связаться со мной по упомянутой теме, в противном случае вы найдёте множество возможностей и интересов на платформе самостоятельно.

#инвестирование #инвестиции #дляинвесторов #онлайнзаработок #заработок #Webtalk #YEM #USD #доллар #цифроваявалюта #криптовалюта #блокчейн