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Updated by Hartley Lamas Et Al Attorneys At Law on Sep 15, 2020
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Hartley Lamas Et Al - Attorneys At Law

Hartley, Lamas Et Al is a family law attorney in Ventura, CA. Our attorneys focus areas are divorce, child custody, adoption, domestic violence and elder law.


Tips For Hiring Best Domestic Violence Lawyer

Domestic violence lawyers work from both sides. Most lawyers have worked with a client who has been involved with some sort of domestic violence. Often these cases involve assisting a client in obtaining a civil order of protection or non-contact from the abusive partner. In other cases, the lawyer may represent the abused client in seeking the civil damage against the abuser for harm caused by the physical violence and the psychological abuse or intentional damage to the property.

Is It Spousal Support, Or Isn’t It?

Marital settlement agreements are enforceable as contracts. That’s where we start. That contract needs to be written in such a way that YOUR CLIENT’S EXPECTATIONS are effectuated by the agreement. That means, 10 years later, after the original attorneys are no longer in the case, and the original judge isn’t sitting on the bench, and we’ve had new laws passed and old laws revised, the words of the agreement – the contract – need to be clear.

Advantages Of Hiring A Family Law Lawyer

A Ventura family law lawyer will use their expertise to find a resolution which is best for you. This sense of ‘best’ comes in many forms and one of those is financial cost. If you choose to rely on your own intuition and not consult a third party, it could leave you taking measures which could incur further costs down the line because they did not resolve the initial conflict.

Advantages Of Hiring A Child Custody Lawyer

Divorce is a pretty tough process, lot of emotions are involved. It is an overwhelming process for the people involved as at one point of the time they parting couple had taken vows to stay together forever. Sure, many a times due to many factors like compatibility, infidelity, differences and misunderstandings. In all this mess, if there is a child involved then the situation of divorce becomes more complicated for the parting couple.

Guidelines For Hiring The Best Divorce Lawyer

Divorce is an overwhelming and stressful process for the couple involved. Going through one can have long-lasting impacts on the rest of your life. Regardless of which side you’re on, it’s smart to look for experienced legal representation. It’s likely you’ve never experienced divorce before, so the procedure is new and awkward. Before hiring a divorce lawyer, you should take some steps to ensure you’re getting the best representation for your situation.

Here are the tips to hire the best divorce lawyer in business.

Do We Need Truncated Discovery Rules For Family Law Cases?

I was speaking with a colleague, who raised an issue that I think could warrant further exploration. His thought is that many Family Law clients cannot afford to go through the whole discovery process and that often the financially advantaged spouse will use an extensive barrage of discovery to drive the disadvantaged spouse out of representation.

Reasons Why You Should Hire A Domestic Violence Lawyer

One of the scariest parts of domestic violence is feeling like you have no one to turn to. Taking any sort of action toward escaping your abuser can be too daunting unless you have someone by your side to provide much needed support. Regarding legal issues, it is extremely important for any victim of domestic violence to consider hiring a domestic violence lawyer. Here are a few reasons why:

  • Getting divorce and child custody
  • You may have to testify against the abuser in the court
  • Filing law suit for damages
  • Your abuser has the right to free attorney, you don’t Read full article for more information...

The elder law lawyers in Ventura country are familiar with the crucial issues that seniors need to deal with, like long-term care, finances, and even housing problems. Issues such as these can have a substantial impact on legal matters, which is why they must be factored in while making critical legal decisions. Having an elder attorney for estate planning can help navigate these matters and protect you and your loved ones’ futures.

You Think That’s Love, But That Ain’t Love To Me

We’ve seen a rash of cases recently involving parties who signed post-nuptial agreements which were very much to their detriment. Almost invariably the story is that they were “so in love,” it was just “so s/he would know I wasn’t there for the money,” so “S/he could feel safe.” Sometimes it was “the only way to save the marriage.”

Let me debunk all of these...

Here Is How To Pick The Best Divorce Lawyer

It is not a good thing when a marriage begins to fall apart. In most cases, couples try to seek help from a therapist to patch up the issues facing the marriage. Even after putting in the efforts to save the marriage, they still end up going separate ways.

An experienced lawyer will help you claim justice and represent you in legal issues that engulf the case. Finding a good divorce lawyer is a bit challenging, but with our guide, you will surely select the best in town. Keep reading the tips below in to make an informed decision.

A Hard Lesson For A Young Attorney

In this post, i have shared a case that made me really doubt my desire to be a Family Law attorney. Read on the story that is worth telling.

Emergency Rule 13: Modifying Support Orders

For those who have support orders, a new rule, called Rule 13, is going to play a role in the outcome of many situations. The rule, which is likely to come down from the Superior Court of California and will be promulgated through all of the lower courts, will be a substantial change in the way things are currently operational.

COVID-19 Update: Administrative Order 20-09 And Transparency Between Homes

In the times we are living, there’s a great deal of change – rules and laws are changing rapidly. It’s critical to stay up to date. There are a few new rules to consider, including those related to custodial orders. Let’s take a closer look at them.

Domestic Violence: What May Keep Victims From Leaving Their Abuser

In previous pieces, we’ve discussed domestic violence and how much it has increased. We talked a bit about some of the most common reasons why victims of domestic abuse do not leave their abusers. Things like the fear of homelessness, the fear of financial loss, and the fear of losing their children are very common. There are many other reasons for this.

Benefits Of Hiring A Divorce Lawyer

Family issues are very personal and sensitive. It often leads to heated argument between people. Nobody likes to discuss their personal lives in public, but when the situation goes out of hand and you need a party to settle down the issue for you, then it is time for hire a divorce lawyer.

One of the important reasons to seek the help of a divorce lawyer is because the family law is complex and you need someone to guide you in the right direction. So, here are the top five benefits of hiring a divorce lawyer.

Top Tips For Hiring A Professional Elder Law Attorney

Experience is a very important factor of consideration as you want elder law lawyers in Ventura country that has dealt with a situation similar to yours. It will increase your chances of winning the case. So, it is a good idea to look for the lawyer with the experience of handling the matters similar to yours.

Domestic Violence: Why Victims May Be Afraid To Come Forward

One of the most important topics to talk about today is domestic violence. As noted, we are seeing an increase in the number of people falling victim to domestic abuse. Even still, many people always do not take action fast enough to get help. There are many reasons people do not take action to leave his or her abuser.

What To Look For In A Child Support Attorney?

When you are looking for an attorney that can help you with the child support laws, you can start it by inquiring about it from your near and dear ones like family, relatives and friends. These may be the people that have previously taken the child custody services or knows someone who had hired them before. Such information can be helpful as they have experience about the kind of service received.

Guidelines For Hiring The Best Elder Law Attorney

The attorney makes sure that the aging citizen can navigate through the issues of life and get over the difficulties that arise with age. They offer legal guidance and counseling for preparing long-term care, choosing retirement plans, planning and settling your estate. The elderly law attorney is knowledgeable in all the areas of government assistance available to the senior citizens.

How To Get a Divorce During Covid-19

Whether you are looking for a divorce attorney to help you with the file or you have been served with a petition for dissolution of marriage, you should schedule consultations with up to three attorneys. Before you retain an attorney, you need to find an attorney that you get along with. Sometimes personalities clash.

Domestic Violence: Changes To Statutes And Obtaining Restraining Orders

What we’ve seen in various areas of California is that domestic violence is on the rise. People from all walks of life can be victims in this manner. And, the traditional reasons why people do not leave their abusive spouses are still very much present. There is a mental ascendancy or mental dominance that the abuser has over his or her victim that often makes it impossible to leave.

Here Is Why You Need A Skilled Divorce Lawyer

Family issues are complex and may often lead to heated arguments. Some of the issues are solved inside the home, whereas the others cannot be done. If the difference between the married couple is irreconcilable, then it is better to part ways. In such a situation, you may need a divorce lawyer.

Has COVID-19 Led to Increased Divorce Cases?

COVID-19 numbers for new cases and deaths aren’t the only numbers in China that people are watching.

Other statistics include the number of divorce cases. In some cities, according to Bloomberg News and other outlets, divorce filings have increased exponentially, presumably because people are tired of being cooped up for a mere 30 days with their spouses.

Hopefully, as with other significant impacts, the divorce rate won’t be much higher than it is in normal circumstances, though family law attorneys should be ready to handle a higher caseload, even if it is minimally higher.

COVID-19 Update Ventura County Stay-Well-At-Home Order And Superior Court Partial Closure Extended

We’re seeing a lot of changes happening. Essential services now include real estate transactions, car dealerships, and other services. Things are opening up a big, and that’s a good thing. However, we also learned the Superior Court and Ventura County Superior Court are not closed to all non-emergency business through at least May 12th. Emergency services are available, though. If you need help now, we can still help you, and you should not wait to reach out to us.

Signs That You Are Headed To Divorce

Divorce rate are increasing rapidly these days. Relationship and love has become fragile and ego is the dominating factor in any relationship. Infidelity is a common factor for ending relationships.

Many couple see it coming, others don’t. Whatever, the reason may be but divorce never happens all of a sudden, there are always tell-a-tale signs.

So, here are some of the top signs that your marriage has a dead end ahead.