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Updated by Joanna James on May 02, 2024
Headline for 5 Things to know about Whale Watching in Bazaruto – An Enchanting Experience
Joanna James Joanna James
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5 Things to know about Whale Watching in Bazaruto – An Enchanting Experience

Bordering the shimmering Indian Ocean lies the Republic of Mozambique, a country known mostly for its sheer beauty and the wonderful opportunities offered to its visitor. Whale watching is one such incredible opportunity that lets you experience the magnificence of these giants of the deep.


Bazaruto is the destination of the migrating whales

The migration of whales is the longest of its kind of the Animal Kingdom. At the beginning of each winter, pods of whales can be seen wading from Antarctica to the warmer climates of the Southeast African Coast, where Bazaruto is located. The whales embark on this lengthy journey each year to mate and give birth to their offspring. The warm waters near Africa ensure that the calves remain unharmed from their natural predators. The warmth of the waters contributes to the survival rate of the whale calves as well.


Bazaruto's warm waters invite two species of whales

The Bazaruto Archipelago is the ideal destination to observe the breath-taking habitat of whales that belong to two different species: The Humpback Whales and the Southern Right Whales. The guides will help you identify these majestic beauties of the deep waters as they propel past the pristine shorelines of Africa.


Expect to be surprised by the playful behaviour of the whales

These humongous yet innocent beasts of the nature display rather playful behaviour when they are at the optimum of their freedom. They are quite curious by nature which was deduced by the many incidents reported in the recent past. These friendly mammals have been observed approaching or lurking underneath whale watching boats at a safe distance. Moreover, some of the acrobatic skills performed by these creatures, especially the humpback whales, will make you whoop with delight.


The latter part of the year is when you should visit Bazaruto for whale watching

If you visit Mozambique for the purpose of witnessing these striking giants of the ocean, make sure to schedule your travel plans in July. It is when the whales start migrating to the seas that surround Mozambique. From July to October, one can witness this spectacular phenomenon of nature in the glistening waters of the Indian Ocean. The southern right whales swim nearer to the south portion of the Mozambique Channel much to the enthusiasm of many tourists. This takes place between June to December. The acrobatic humpback whales fascinate everyone with their skills between July and October near Bazaruto and Quirimbas Archipelagos in the country.


Bazaruto offers guided whale watching tours to its many tourists

Several resorts offer thrilling whale watching opportunities in Mozambique. Resorts of the likes of Anantara Bazaruto Island Resort are known to provide the services of fantastic guides who contribute to your knowledge bank with many an interesting fact about these amazing beasts of the unknown territories that exist within the turquoise mass of water. These tours are tailored to suit your schedules in the forms of three-hour excursions to half a day expeditions along with many other activities apart from whale watching.