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Updated by janalokadotcom on May 20, 2020
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10 things to do before install solar PV for Indonesian

Here, Ten things you should prepared before installing solar for Indonesian.


Calculate your load capacity

Be sure that you calculate all your load capacity, that you use for a day.

Know your position is important to get how many solar radiation that you can produce


What kind of roof that you use?

Make sure you have detail info about roof type that you use, so the installer can be easily give the solar Mountong solution.

Make sure you know what you get from the services

Already know something related to solar Energy?

Check all information in our A - Z solar article. Indonesian language only.


Do you know anything about after-sales?

If you still did not know anything about warranty and guarantee after install the solar, it's Mean you choose a bad solar installer. Hurry, pick a new one!

Kalkulator Simulasi Listrik Surya Atap (SIAP) -

Rooftop solar electricity simulation calculator (SIAP) from Pvinasia is A tool for helping you to calculate the use of your rooftop solar electricity easily and independently.


Is A certain brand better than other brand?

Certain brand more expensive than others, is the fact. So be more sensible.


Which products that I have to use for producing solar electricity?

Please refer to our article HERE

Need ask more question about solar PV power in Indonesia?

Please ask Us anything about solar power. It's free after all.