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Updated by Joanna James on May 02, 2024
Headline for Reasons Why You'll Fall in Love with Vietnam's People – Driven by ambitious and love
Joanna James Joanna James
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Reasons Why You'll Fall in Love with Vietnam's People – Driven by ambitious and love

Among many in the world, the thought of Vietnam brings to mind the once war-torn land that it used to be. Still, that was in the past, and now the country has bloomed into a fantastic holiday destination with amazing people who welcome you with a wide smile.



Since Vietnam is a tropical country, the heat can sometimes be unbearable. At this point in time, what the locals really love to do is have a small nap. No matter where they might be, they'll find that shady spot under a tree and have a small nap. This is so on rainy days as well.


They're forgiving

If you are a tourist, then you are still learning the culture and are bound to make a lot of unintentional mistakes. For example, if you ignore the shoes by the doorstep and walk into a house with your shoes on, they will not get into a rage. Rather they are quite understanding.


Respect for elders

Vietnam was once an ageing population, yet now it is a young population. Nonetheless, the youth is taught from a very young age to talk and behave in a respectful manner when among elders. Talking back to elders is unheard of in this country.



When it comes to work and making a better life for themselves, the Vietnamese are very hardworking and determined to make the future better. In the year 2016, Vietnam had 110,000 start-ups. Some of the locals even have 2-3 jobs in order to make ends meet.



In Vietnam, the locals often take a few extra measures to give foreigners a good first impression of the country. It is a normal act to invite tourists to house or businesses and give them a meal. Celebrations go about on a grand scale here in Vietnam. There is a lot of food and drink and it goes on till late in the night.


They love to love

Love is something truly exciting for the people of Vietnam. This is evident in their songs that often have a melancholy tune to it. Even if you mention your partner to them, expressions will change from nods to giggles and squeals.



Even at your apartment in Tay Ho the likes of PentStudio West Lake Hanoi, the employees are always fighting hard to survive and reach the top. Businesses here open and close just like that, so, the people try their hardest to keep their jobs.


Delicious food

The Vietnamese people are wonderful cooks and have come up with some of the most amazing delicacies that will make your mouth water. Don't forget to taste a few dishes you've never tried before if you ever visit.



Education to the locals means a lot. With their hard-working nature, even the Vietnamese children devote most of their time to studying more than other social activities. They really do work hard to get into a good college and from there onward work harder to become top in their class.

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    A travel writer who has a passion for fashion and a deep interest in admiring new and exotic attractions around the world.

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