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Updated by joespaddy on May 07, 2020
joespaddy joespaddy
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Reasons for businesses to have location based apps

Check out some of the significant advantages and uses of geo-location apps that will help your business growth.

Location-based apps: Unlocking the true value of your business data

GIS mapping can help facilitate data-driven decisions, improve business performance and the ways in which the technology can be applied in a business setting

10 location-based app features that will enrich your life

There are several apps on the market today that have a location-based component – GasBuddy, designed to help consumers share where the best gas prices are; or the omnipresent Uber, transporting us from A to B.

Location-based services move beyond mobile and into enterprise apps | Computerworld

The ability to access location-based services (LBS) via a real-time API/SDK is critical to making future services and applications useful, especially in business.

How mobile app based on location helps in business growth

Geo-location mobile apps are proving to be the necessity for the business. So, let us see how location-based app helps business to succeed.