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Updated by Michael Luis on May 10, 2023
Michael Luis Michael Luis
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Radiation shielding

Lead Free Radiation Shielding - Ecomass Compounds

Radiation is commonly used in the field of healthcare, as it aids both patients as well as workers in several ways. Its regular need and pressing timelines also mean that it is often one of the most abused practices in the field. One of the main caused of overexposure to radiation is that most people who work with radiation protection and radiation shielding in healthcare only receive rudimentary training.

Production and Application of Non-Toxic, High Density Thermoplastics

The high-density thermoplastic products and polymers are formulated using advanced techniques like compression molding, injection molding etc. Such products are used for better radiation shielding as they are efficient in minimizing exposure to gamma and X-rays.

Try The Best Technology For Engineered Thermoplastics

The demand for these types of plastics is more because of its high-quality. They are mostly heat-resistant products as they can withstand heat up to any extent. Some companies are engaged in the task of producing quality products and present the same before the customers.

Is Sustainability The Only Way To Avoid Future Health Crises

People might be talking about environmental safety and other measures that are taken to restore the already degraded world. But what really needs is an understanding of what is truly at stake. In fact, the true force behind all the so-called environment safety looks more as ideas on papers rather than being implemented.

Radiation Shielding Materials use at Hospitals and for Medical Treatment

Radiation shielding material seems particularly counterintuitive to introduce the use of lead, a known toxic material, in use at hospitals and for medical treatment, where one goes to receive health benefits and not to be exposed to further health risks. Given our increasing sensitivity towards the dangers of lead, there is a growing demand for lead free shielding materials and we have several options to choose from when it comes to choosing radiation shielding equipment.

How Effective Are High Density Ecomass Polymers Against Radiation Shielding

Today you have the convenience of using HD plastic polymer as its best alternative. Plastic polymer prevents these energy particles from penetrating against its protective shield. This makes the material safer to use within industrial and medical applications.

Know About Radiation Shielding of Ecomass Technologies

Radiation shielding refers to the use of materials that have the capacity to prevent the passage of excessive doses of radiation. It can also refer to a material that has the ability to prevent the movement of any radiation whatsoever. Perhaps you are wondering why it is important to have materials that can help you to prevent the movement of radiation beyond a certain boundary.

All That You Need To Know About Lead Substitutes And Radiation Protection

The lead was an essential part of a classic car which helped it to run smoothly. But the, a Lead substitute entered the market which again breathed life in the old classic cars. Lead additive became famous among the owners of classic cars, as they thought that this was perfect for their old engines.

Lead Free Radiation Shielding - Ecomass Compounds

Radiation shielding refers to the use of materials that have the capacity to prevent the passage of excessive doses of radiation. It can also refer to a material that has the ability to prevent the movement of any radiation whatsoever.

Radiation Shielding Materials is based on their Penetrating Power

In order to shield against radiation, it is always advisable to find a material whose thickness is large enough to prevent the radiation from passing through. The construction of radiation shielding materials is based on their ability to contain or limit the penetrating power of a particular form of radiation.

Understand What Is Radiation Shielding And Why It Is Used In Present Time

The advanced system of radiation shielding systematic services allows us to maintain a perfect optimum level of safety for the technician while allowing required automation or remote manipulation process to perform with actual safety guidance.

Lead Substitute required in the Hunting Industry

Lead is a widespread metal that is utilized in a wide array of applications and industries. It is used in toys, as well as in bullets. It is readily available with an abundant supply and it is cheap, so it makes for an excellent material in many ways.

The Use Of Advanced High Radiation Protection Shielding

It is a perfect tool which is quite popular among the user is often interposed between a source of ionizing and also save the radiation level from any harm.

Gamma rays Can have Different Energies

The shielding performance of this new material was then tested against different types of gamma rays as gamma rays shielding can have different energies depending on the source material. For example, barium emits low energy gamma rays while cobalt or cesium emits higher-energy rays.

Ecomass Technologies materials Uses for Medical Industry

Ecomass Technologies is totally unique in the marketplace. From its inception over 16 years ago, Ecomass Technologies has been the leading manufacturer of lead free shielding materials for medical industry.

How Heavy Plastic Can Be The Best Sustainable Option

The medical device industry uses this substance to make gamma ray shielding and radiation shielding devices, automobile industries also use heavy plastic. The fact of the matter is that it a smart thing to do and you as a company should and must know how it can help you.


X-Ray shielding is based on the principle of attenuation, which is the ability to reduce a wave’s or ray’s effect by blocking or bouncing particles through a barrier material. While lead is the most suitable element for the prevention of the movement and penetration of the radiation there is also a better solution. Tungsten polymers are the next big thing.


Radiation Shielding is Needed Procedure of Operation

Radiation Shielding is Needed Procedure of Operation

The radiation is a byproduct of a technology that we use such as x-rays. X-ray technology has offered nothing short of a revolution in medical science, however, they still produce harmful radiation and as such should be treated with care and caution.

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How Does High Density Engineered Plastic Create Toxic Free Products?

The HDPE is used in construction of a range of products for its incredible properties. The material is low cost and low maintenance making it a convenient option. It is used for construction of eco-friendly frangible and ammunition. The innovative lead free frangible bullets reduces toxicity and provides a superior quality.

Why Radiation Shielding Important

Radiation shielding is so important to have materials that can help you to prevent the movement of radiation beyond a certain boundary. It is important to our health and safety and that of the environment.

Why heavy Plastic Will Be the Best Sustainable Options For Centuries To Come

The best companies will help you get things and components in a strategic manner, they will help you to replace the old materials with the new ones and they will do it in a way that would help you to do better and be sustainable at the same time.

How Ecomass Material Is More Effective In X-Ray Shielding?

The most important property of eco mass polymer material is that it acts as a barrier. This reverses the effects of radiation and ionization energy. The material is more effective as it will deactivate the radiation rays.

Most Notable Factors Of Radiation Shielding

The nature and type of radiation normally depends on the object that is emitting the radiation. For example, the sun emits ultra violet radiation which is also referred to as UV. On the other hand, the radioactive substances such as Uranium and Strontium emit radioactive radiation.

The Impact of Gamma Rays and X-rays Shielding

In most situations, high-density components are more effective than low-density ones for avoiding or reducing the concentration of radiation.Gamma and x-ray contaminants that attempt to pass through lead, and the level of protection can be improved with thicker material walls.

Top Applications Of High Density Ecomass Polymer Material Commercially

One main benefit of using Ecomass is that it is the ideal choice when used for blow moulding applications. You find a lot of commercial industrials using HD polymer material for manufacturing beverage bottles.