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Updated by zhmenjaj-64593508 on May 03, 2020
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I am terrified of needles but I have a huge cavity so I need to go to the dentist?  


I am terrified of needles but I have a huge cavity so I need to go to the dentist?  

I am terrified of needles but I have a huge cavity so I need to go to the dentist?  
answers 0:I have been scared of needles for many years now and the last time I went to the dentist was 2 years ago. However now I have a huge visible cavity on one of my front tooth and I really do want to do to the dentist. However, again I am scared of needles. Will the doctor be able to make the anesthetic shot painless with the numbing shot or can I just use the laughing gas?
answers 1:1
answers 2:Nothing arises or comes about in life without a struggle, without facing the difficulties and discomfort of the same and dealing with them in a manner that leads to the resolution of the same.Life favors the strong, the determined, those who can reason and act intelligently.People who are controlled by their fears, the whiner and cowards are trampled under the feet of the brave as the brave use them as canon fodder and herd them towards the slaughterhouse.Any pain or discomfort you will feel from the injections, drilling, etc will be momentary and, they will relieve the pain of the cavity and tooth decay.For the mere moment of the injection, you can withstand that slight discomfort....
answers 3:Anaesthetic injections are not totally painless but any discomfort is perfectly bearable and short-lived. The anaesthetic starts working in seconds so you will never feel much discomfort. Injections are much lower risk than gas and do not have the unpleasant recovery time of gas. Sometimes, the best way to overcome a fear is to face it. Your dentist is a highly trained professional and will do everything possible to maximise your comfort.
answers 4:Find a dentist who is specialised in terrified people. There are lots of them nowadays. Mine starts with lidocaine ointment on a swab. Then he starts telling a joke while vibrating the injection site with his gloved fingers and I really couldnt tell when the needle went in He is really alert to see any signs of discomfort and he fixes it right away. I also have very superficial nerve endings cause I clench my jaws at night, but he knows all the sensitive areas and he is very very carefull. I love my dentist. He always does every extra work right away. I never have to come back. And I still go every 6 months because he sais thats the best interval to prevent cavities and have coffee staining cleaned. And hes right I havent had new cavities since I am there. And I still have 2 milkteeth (im 38)Go online and find one near you with good reviews...