Listly by zhmenjaj-66439260
What is the best warm climate place in the USA to move that have good welfare benefits?
answers 0:I collect good benefits in New York State and they don't check for anything - food stamps, welfare, medical, dental, heating assistance, rent Section 8. You can get anything in New York so easy. But I am tired of this cold weather and the awful condition of the cities with dirt, litter, crime, potholes. I want to go somewhere warmer maybe in the south or far west.
answers 1:i does no longer propose the yank South West as they're already having problems with water. Rationing now a days. This section became into regularly wilderness earlier it became into irrigated to make it livable (supposedly) regrettably, it is going to in all probability be regularly wilderness lower back by making use of mid century. With the creation of climate substitute seek for some thing with a median temp of perhaps sixty 5 stages no longer too warm and not too chilly. British Columbia is like that yet truthful volume of rain....
answers 2:Being a fellow resident of the State of New York and therefore supporting a huge cyst on society like you, why don't you try to improve your situation so that I no longer (or any other tax paying resident of another state) have to support you? Get off the gravy train and here's something crazy - get a job. Let me guess, you've got 5 kids from 4 different fathers and therefore the state owes you since you obviously can't feed all those babies yourself. I feel sick having just had a nice lunch, while sitting at my desk in my office, but its time to get back to work so my tax dollars can continue to support the habits of a verified loser. Sit in the $hit pile you've created and suffer in the cold instead of trying to stuff it on someone else and another "good welfare benefits" state....
answers 3:I dont know about welfare benefits but warm climates are South Florida, Southern Arizona, Hawaii, Southern California.
answers 4:I can't do no work if nobody has no jobs. I did a job cleaning at the airport motel and they cut me back 20 hours and hired a Spanish girl 20 hours. So I can work in a new place too if they have jobs but not just 20 hours. New York welfare covers things but maybe not Miami. That is why I ask because you need to live someplace first. I know it is babies not babbies too. I typed it wrong.
answers 5:I just moved from miami to philly and that was a big mistake. U should go there. Its paradise year round and I was on all kinds of assistance including disability and I'm totally not disabled. I'm 25 and just fine. I was in rehab. That's why. Good luck.
answers 6:I don't have no kids yet but I want to have my own babbies when I move. How much Section 8 do you get in Miami?
answers 7:Get a job!
answers 8:I agree with "Chefao". Get an education and get a job. And don't have any "babbies" until you can afford to take care of them yourself - or at least until you learn how to spell it. Children deserve to have parents who will raise them in a responsible way and who are concerned about their well-being enough to set a good example.Poor you, having to put up with cold weather while you get supported by others who are willing to work for what they want. There's a reason why the warm places don't have such good benefits....But, this isn't a travel question....