Listly by zhmenjaj-9429199
Why do I get bad breath?
answers 0:I drinks lots of water, I rinse my mouth all the time. But why is my mum saying that I have bad breath, I mean, my friends in school hardly drink any water and they're all right. I'm really disturbed by knowing that something I don't have much control over is taking over me. People still talk to me though, but I don't like having to hold my breath and know that they don't feel like telling me about this. Can anyone tell me what I can do?
answers 1:Bad breath is caused by Anaerobic (oxygen hating) Sulfur Producing, helpful bacteria, which normally live at back portion of tongue. These bacteria are normal inhabitant of mouth. They help for digesting proteins.Proteins are made up of Amino Acids and two of them (Cysteine and Methionine) are full of sulfur. Hydrogen Sulfide, Methyl Mercaptan, and other odor producing and “foul-tasting” compounds, which are referred to as volatile sulfur compounds, are released due to proteins break down by these helpful bacteria.Different factors cause bad breath, you can find them at:
answers 2:Yes, we can give you a better understanding about bad breath. Most bad breath is caused by bacteria on the tongue. This can often be seen as "white stuff" on the tongue, especially on the back of the tongue. Mints, gum, mouthwash, toothpaste will cover up bad breath for a short time, however, they do not cure bad breath. To get rid of bad breath you must get rid of the cause of bad breath, the bacteria. This is done by cleaning the tongue with a tongue cleaner. I use OraBrush tongue cleaner because it is both a brush and a scraper. I have used it for five months and it really works great....
answers 3:Do you brush your tongue? Your tongue is the bad cause of holding bacteria. Brush your teeth with toothpaste that has maximum protection for cavities. Use either a tough toothbrush or tongue scraper for your tongue, and also, FLOSS! Them germs in between your teeth cannot escape with a toothbrush and needs to be removed by dental floss which also has powdered toothpaste on, and lasty, LISTERINE! You can't beat listerine mouthwash, your mouth will be feeling fresh in NO time, make sure you do this twice daily, visit your Dentist every 6 months for a check-up, and chew sugar-free chewing gum whenever you can....
answers 4:Always brush your teeth after you eat, and floss also
answers 5:Make sure that you brush and floss daily!Your brush should be against the gums at a 45 degree angle. Strokes should be gentle in tooth wide increments. Brush each side and the top. Don’t forget to brush your tongue.Use a length of floss 16 to 18 inches in length. Wrap the floss around each of your middle fingers. Slip the floss between your teeth. Form a u shape against the side of one tooth. Beginning at the gum line, use a gentle rubbing motion to remove the particles of food. Repeat with each adjacent tooth remembering to take up the slack so that you are using a clean section of floss for each tooth.Hope this helps-Michael...
answers 6:Why don't you try brushing your teeth and using mouthwash?