Is using the same condom on both girls dirty?
answers 0:I recently had a 3 some with 2 girls ... drunk nights. I put on a condom and never changed it until i was done ... they didnt seem to care. Is it dirty on their part? or on my part too?
answers 1:Drunken nights are always dirty bro the question is what that stupid and kinda gross but whatever if they didn't care and u didn't then ain't bad at all
answers 2:No way man. Well done brother you have earn't my respect It's not dirty if they enjoy it 😉
answers 3:That whole situation is disgusting, imho.
answers 4:if you where thinking if its dirty while you where having sex where doing it wrong
answers 5:That's nasty as hell on the two girls part . Idc if they are drunk smh .
answers 6:Hell no bro, I salute you.
answers 7:Using the same condom with both of them keeps their bodily fluids off of you, and your bodily fluids off of them. However it does not keep their bodily fluids separated from each other and therefore does not prevent the spread of disease between the two of them. Preventing the spread of diseases is part of the reason for wearing the condom in the first place.
answers 8:nah its not dirty, well it is a little bit but im sure they were doin things that make this look like nothing compared. did these girl engage in oral sex with eachother? if yes then it aint dirty
answers 9:By definition they were having sex with yu and with each other, The sex with each other was unprotected form an STD point of view although most women in such settings are not concerned about sex with the other woman and few if any every use protection such as a dental dam in oral sex on another woman
answers 10:that is disgusting. If they were ok with that then that makes them disgusting too.