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Updated by zhmenjaj-1006459 on Apr 30, 2020
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What is the most physical pain that you've been through?  


What is the most physical pain that you've been through?  

What is the most physical pain that you've been through?  
answers 0:Like breaking bones, having dental work, child birth, etc. Just wanted to know because I've never really gotten injured badly or have been in terrible physical pain.
answers 1:Getting over a c-section
answers 2:Having dry sockets from having my wisdom teeth taken out. Then having the doctor drain them and stick gauze in them...
answers 3:this is probably just for women but anyways most pain = a helmet to the nuts during football
answers 4:cracking my ankle
answers 5:childbirth has definitely got to be the most physical pain i have ever been in, but it is so worth it when you get to hold your baby for the first time.
answers 6:Labor. I eventually had a c-section after 24 hours of labor, I'd take the c-section recovery over labor.
answers 7:child birth by far
answers 8:Food Poison..I couldn't walk,eat,drink,see etc...If you think that was terrible, my former best friend poison me...It hurt so much emotional and physical...but I never look at life the same way since then cuz I knew who was there for me and who weren't..