Listly by zhmenjaj-76487037
Would liberals HC dream also include dental work and nail trims for their pets?
answers 0:Dogs, cats, sheep or what ever they may have.What say you?.
answers 1:That they may kill sex offenders in no way mitigates their senseless taking of someone's life who has done nothing wrong. Suppose I walk into a college classroom and spray it with gunfire. Is it okay, so long as I hit someone who has committed a crime? Without specific targeting of people who have actually done something worth a violent response they are no better than flipping a coin to determine if a person lives or dies. Collateral damage cannot be allowed when discussing liberty....
answers 2:NoJust curious, how does one become "Top Contributor."
answers 3:I'd say your joke is a fail.
answers 4:Yeah but in your case they might get you and your dog mixed up.
answers 5:If some of the Hollywood stars of other species were available, I'm sure tons of gold-diggers at least would stand in line.But, jokes aside, it's utter cruelty to think of inflicting a human onto a member of another species. After all, they have no choice in all this.They'd obviously choose someone of their own species.Who brought all this up?Is it another one of the degrading things someone like that old, fat, weird demented Republican Carl Rove or that hideously monstrous Rush Limbaugh made up?...
answers 6:It does my freon loving commander...It's right there on page 2225 and also cover grooming!
answers 7:I'd get rid of them because I'm not for killing ANYBODY!! Rapists and pedophiles can be handled by POLICE.
answers 8:maybe a goldfish
answers 9:in case you haven't noticed, the Cons on here are extremists....they will make up any lie, no matter how unbelievable, simply to bash Liberals or anyone that doesn't agree 100% wwith every single issue they do.
answers 10:I thought Bill was the pet?
answers 11:Hate groups and vigilantism have no place in a civilized society! Our democratic system only works because there is organized law enforcement and a court system. The alternative is chaos and anarchy!
answers 12:If it were up to me, there would not be a confirmed member of the Aryan Brotherhood alive on this planet.
answers 13:Only religious Republicans in need of a logical fallacy to support their arguments.
answers 14:No, I haven't tried th PediPaws, but, it scares me! I use a Dremel tool to grind my dogs nails and although it is rather loud, she really doesn't mind it. What scares me about the PediPaws is the fact that it only has a little hole to stick the nail in, and has that guard that surrounds the grinding wheel. What happens if the toe nail gets caught between the cover and the grinding wheel when it's running? It would probably pull the nail clear off till you could get it shut off. That would be so traumatic for both dog and owner, not to mention the bleeding that would occur! I shudder to think of what that poor dog would go through. This is just my humble opinion, as I have never used the PediPaw trimmer....